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Jul 25, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK supports Keir Starmer if this report is factually correct, it has tremendous advantages to working parents, child care, environment in terms of lessening travel to and from work and when properly managed by the supervisors of the civil servants attain a high standard of work. The author knows this from being married to a wife who has been a civil servant for most of her working life. It is the quality of work that matters not just attendance at a place physically. When a civil servants falls ill, he or she has a better chance of recovery that the author also found from his family circumstances. To extend the work to 3 days or more attendance at the workplace instead of the present 2 will be like a punishment on the civil servant's family. Pay can be kept down too for the expenses of commuting to work in places like the major cities will lead to greater demand for more money. So Keir Starmer, get on with pleasant policies like this.
Labour Party is reported to be going soft on civil servants working from home content media
Jul 25, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Martyn Lewis offers genuinely good advice of how to manage personal finances involving credit and debit cards content media
Jul 22, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK applauds this anti-corruption drive from the Labour Party having had first hand experience to see how rampant corruption under the Conservative and Unionist Party was:
TCLP-UK endorses the appointment of a Covid corruption tsar to claw back misappropriation of taxpayers money content media
Jul 13, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
PETITION FOR A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM (Working Draft 19.45 pm 13 July 2024)   An Unwritten Constitution should not be foisted upon the people: it is wrong morally.   The reason that there is no written Constitution in the United Kingdom is that Monarchists within the State facilitate the Monarchy to become dictatorial from time to time during the course of history which would be fine if that is what the majority of the population actually wish but it should be explicitly documented into a Written Constitution. People are then fully  informed on what to expect from the government that they live under. In ancient times people lived entirely in servitude so that rulers ruled as they pleased. The concept of the Written Constitution marked the beginning of civilisation.   The most useful benefit from a change from the unwritten to a written Constitution will be that it would prevent the Head of State from discharging his or her duties secretively from behind the scenes away from the public eye. The role of the Constitutional Head of State from the existing Royal Family remains unclear to this day and what is also unknown is whether the Monarch can be dethroned, or impeached in Parliament for failure to adhere to his or her duties in a moral and legal manner and what those norms should be.   Parliament’s Select Committee for Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs (PACAS) should be charged with formulating these constitutional clarifications and the appropriate document for voting in both the Chambers of Parliament on whether the Monarch should have absolute unlimited powers or it should be limited as a Cultural Monarchy.   The Written Constitution must clearly outline the relationship between the Ceremonial Head of State and the Parliament at both House of Commons and the House of Lords and its connectioons with the Security Servies that is not exclusively the Constabulary but includes MI5/MI6.   The Written Constitution should then be put to a Yes/No referendum of the population; and if there is a Yes decision from the electorate to have a Written Constitution it should be enacted in Parliament with provisions made that all subsequent amendments to the Written Constitution when these take place are through Parliamentary approval first and then must go to another referendum of the population.   The objective of the Written Constitution is therefore to keep people better informed on who is in charge of procedures of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords, what the functions of the Consultant Psychiatrists, Chief Constables of Police Forces are and who are the officials in secondary institutions of the State against whom a citizen can successfully prosecute in civil and criminal courts of the United Kingdom. THE RECOMMENDATION OF TCLP-UK:
Jul 13, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK has a definitive view on the question of whether the nation should rejoin the European Union or not. Under the present unwritten Constitution of the United Kingdom Keir Starmer can do anything he wishes with his massive majority in the House of Commons. But it would be foolhardy to take a half-way position on staying independent nation and have control over its borders, forming international relations rather than a relationship with a neighbour for the planet is one and we need to be truly internationalists in our outlook. The world cannot be broken down into fragments and we need a international Society which pulls together to do what is necessary for sustainability of development within the limitations of the natural environment. TCLP-UK would like to see the United Kingdom take a lead in the area of Climate-related imperatives that is of global significance, not just limited to the European Union.
TCLP-UK would urge Keir Starmer to give Brexit a chance content media
Jul 12, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK sees this election of Jeremy Corbyn as a good sign that things may be changing in the United Kingdom for greater honesty in public life. He refused to sing the National Anthem, God save the Queen' so we assume that he is a Republican but has taken the oath of allegiance to King Charles III as we argue for in our Constitution. As democrats we believe that the more political parties get representation in the House of Commons the better. We wish him and those who support him well in developing a new way of doing politics.
Jeremy Corbyn, ejected by the Labour Party, wins the Islington constituency as an Independent candidate content media
Jul 10, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Barely a week has gone by since the Labour Party swept into power the grandee of the Labour Party with the Iraq War not biting his conscience has surfaced to continue playing an important role in steering national politics: But this is a more positive and updated analysis that he is providing for the year 2024 onwards, TCLP-UK supports him in what he has argued.
Former United Kingdom Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair joins in the debate on Immigration Controls content media
Jul 07, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK has much in common with the reform agenda of the Reform (UK) Party and although during the course of the past 6 weeks with an election to contest with TCLP-UK also evolving, the author/Founder blocked me from contacting the Party by email. I am a fully paid Member of the Party non-theless because until TCLP-UK establishes itself with its own Membership through there is campaigning to be conducted. Both Nigel Farage and Richard Tice are honourable men and we wish the Reform (UK) Party to get more than a foothold in the House of Commons: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Update: 10 July 2024: As it turned out, there was no meeting of minds between the Reform (UK) Party and the TCLP-UK: The course that TCLP-UK is set on is its Policy statement here: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reform (UK) Party's plan to set up branches nationwide is most welcome news to TCLP-UK content media
Jul 03, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK has determined that the only change that Labour in power should work for is to give the people a referendum on whether the nation should or should not opt for a Written Constitution in accordance with the justification provided in the attached: PETITIONING FOR A REFERENDUM IN THE UNITED KINGDOM FOR A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION.pdf
Labour could make huge change to democracy; really? content media
Jun 28, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Having studied the Reform UK Party through active membership, TCLP-UK sees this message from Labour Party as a timely intervention
The threat of populist nationalistic fervour from Nigel Farage is spreading into the United Kingdom, Neil Kinnock warns Labour content media
Jun 26, 2024
In Global Outlook
TCLS is relieved that at long last this battle is over and everyone has learnt lessons from it:
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange finally free to live life in native Australia content media
Jun 23, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Review of Regulatory Framework Yahoo/Sent   Shantanu Panigrahi Sun, 23 Jun at 09:25   To Ofwat Press Office Team Email: Phone 07458 053 210   Dear Sirs   I am the leader of The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (TCLP-UK) which is currently in the process of reviewing the regulatory framework employed by Ofwat in the operations of United Kingdom's Water Companies, as linked here:    To formulate the detailed policy of my Party I would be grateful if you would alert me to any new developments in the regulation of the water companies in terms of whether there is a general framework that is applicable to them all or if each company is treated separately by Ofwat depending of where they are located within the United Kingdom for water resources do vary from place to place in terms of aquifers and rivers.   If there is a publication from Ofwat that the policy makers in the political arena can refer to in this regard, I should be grateful if you would send me the link to where I can find it online, or obtain a hard copy of Ofwat's annual report for the year 2023-2024.   Thanking you in advance, I remain   Yours sincerely   Dr Shantanu Panigrahi TCLS/TCLP-UK (TCLS/TCLP-UK Memberships - Membership Management Software  3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom Tel: 07967789619 TCLS/TCLP-UK Memberships - Membership Management Software   Become a member of TCLS/TCLP-UK. Learn more about membership, join, or login to manage your membership via the m...
Query to Ofwat (UK) on its Review of Regulatory Framework content media
Jun 23, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Shirley Dayane Freire (She/Her) 8:46 PM Hi Shantanu, it is great to have connected with you. I am great, I hope you are also good! I couldn't help but notice your opinions on the free market. I agree with your statement but I always seem to stutter when people bring out monopolies. Therefore, I would like to ask, how would you justify your view when it comes to a monopoly such as Thames Water in the UK? Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 11:44 PM  View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi  Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 11:44 PM  Hi  I now only take questions in Open Forum discussions here:   Shantanu Forum | The Conservative Libertarian Society     Today     View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi     Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:01 AM The issues are very complicated Shirley, that is why I did not wish to delve into them in private messaging. Essentially however, I am a Conservative Libertarian, who believes that water is a resource and part of Nature at the same time with ecological significance and should be protected and preserved. It should therefore not be treated like any other commodity for the free market to exploit for profit motives. But the private sector is more efficient in harnessing the water reserves and delivering it to the customer in the houses and businesses than a nationalised Water industry can do.  So whereas I believe that the private sector should have the responsibility for water, it should be regulated appropriately by OfWat in a balanced manner that enables a 20 percent maximum return to the private investment of shareholders, and charges the customer for the balance of the costs of keeping our water resources sustainably managed with the externalities like pollution of the rivers and discharge of sewage into the rivers and seas to be paid for in the price that the people have to pay for water in the home and in businesses. If this is not done people will just tend to waste water leading to shortages during hot summers and so on.      Obviously I have not seen the reason for why Thames Water failed to deliver and no doubt it is in continuous talks with Ofwat to see that the business succeeds.   I would not like to see any change into nationalisation. Innovative solutions come from the private sector and no doubt entrepreneurs at Thames Water have the matter in hand.   There is also the issue of economy of scale in the delivery of gods and services so that one cannot have too many companies in the United Kingdom competing with each other in the same area when considering water.      Shantanu
Jun 22, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK views these words as reassuring and must alert people not to be drawn to Reform (UK) Party in the Conservative heartlands. Conservatives are unashamedly pro-business and promote entrepreneurship and wealth creators which is the backbone of a country. Trickle-down economics is what we subscribe to. For once the wealth is created, minimum wages can rise for the lower paid workers. Socialists dressed up to be pro-business with their high spending agenda will crush the life-blood of the nation.
Dame Priti Patel makes a public intervention in the midst of election campaign content media
Jun 19, 2024
In Global Outlook
The TCLS views with dismay the developments of the past few weeks in France, which is right on our doorstep in the United Kingdom. Yet the decision to call a general election was the right one in order to focus the minds of the French people over what is at stake if the Far Right from France dominate the European Parliament as well as the National Parliament. We do not see that Emmanuel Macron has been wrong in any of his many political decisions and see him as an intellectual who should be supported by the French people. But democracy must prevail.
The resurgence of the Far Right in French politics content media
Jun 17, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK condemns this demand from Spain as illegal: Gibraltar is a territory of the United Kingdom and will remain so for the longest term imaginable unless Gibraltarians wish to have the will to become independent or become part of Spain:
United Kingdom ordered to withdraw military base from Gibraltar content media
Jun 16, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
The prospect of a Labour government is so alarming to TCLP-UK that the Starmergeddon of high taxes and high public spending with concomitantly now entrepreneurship in the economy for 5-10 years that will stifle growth, we would urge Reform (UK) Party to form an electoral pact to deal for the 4 July general election. But Reform UK Party seems to have long term plans and is quite content with being in the opposition for years in order to demolish the Conservative and Unionist Party for good. This in itself would not be good for the country in the medium to long terms. Conservatism is a genuinely good idea whereas Reform Party is currently banging on superficialities such as immigration per se. It does not reveal its true agenda of ultra-right wing nationalist policies as can be seen here: As a protest Party against the established parties Reform (UK) is fine, but it does not wish real change to the Constitution of the United Kingdom that TCLP-UK advocates, so what is the Party going to reform. Bringing in a Populist leader in Nigel Farage is unsustainable in the long term unless Reform Party develops real substance and labels itself to what it stands for in terms of a genuine conceptual notion of what people would expect from the representation of its members in the House of Commons. Having had two months of interactions with Reform UK Party as a Member I am not wanted in the Party as I was not wanted by United Kingdom Independence Party that Nigel Farage led. I only voted for Brexit as I believe that the country needs to be independent free from outside interferences. My mind is made up now. I will not vote for Reform UK Party. I will vote for the Conservative and Unionist Party which comes closest to the way TCLP-UK sees a government to be run; until of course TCLP-UK is able to acquire members and contest elections. This would take decades, I foresee.
Jun 16, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Share your payment link to accept payments Inbox Stripe                 09:05 (1 hour ago) Convert your test payment link to a live link ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏   from:    Shantanu Panigrahi <> to:          "Central London County, Enquiries" <> date:     16 Jun 2024, 10:27 subject:               Fwd: Share your payment link to accept payments mailed-by:   To The Central London County Court Enquiries   Dear Sir/Madam   TCLP-UK is now accepting members having gone live in accordance with the attached statement of the Leader: STATEMENT FROM THE LEADER OF THE CONSERVATIVE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM.docx   Thank you   Yours sincerely   Dr Shantanu Panigrahi 3 Hoath Lane Wigmore Gillingham Kent ME8 0SL United Kingdom Tel: 07967789619   ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Stripe <> Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 at 09:05 Subject: Share your payment link to accept payments To: <> Stripe     We noticed you were recently exploring Payment Links. You can now convert your test link to a live payment link in just a few clicks.          1.           Navigate to payment links in the dashboard       2.           Click the overflow menu for the link you want to convert             3.           Select “Copy to livemode”         Once your link is live, you can easily share it with your customers across email, SMS, and social media, or add a buy button to your website.       Create live payment link      This email relates to your The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited Stripe account. Account ID: acct_1PQxHSIopJw2Dc06 Need to refer to this message? Use this ID: em_y1c1vjfzlgez3amxx1uixfgndam0p0      Stripe Payments UK Limited is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 08480771. Registered office: 9th Floor, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN            You are subscribed to Payment Links emails. Manage your communication preferences here.   One attachment   • Scanned by Gmail   STATEMENT FROM THE LEADER OF THE CONSERVATIVE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM.docx STATEMENT FROM THE LEADER OF THE CONSERVATIVE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (TCLP-UK)   Release time: 22.32 pm 12 June 2024   TRANSITION OF UNITED KINGDOM TO A REPUBLIC   TCLP-UK exists as an independent party of the United Kingdom with its unique Constitution as laid out here:    TCLP-UK will work towards a ‘Written Constitution’ for the United Kingdom phased into a transitional period towards the country eventually becoming a Republic.   The quickest means to attain this is to establish a website to attract members to TCLP-UK. Then to petition the Petition Committee of Parliament for a Written Constitution as the first identified necessary step to getting 100,000 signatures within 6 months so that the proposal is heard by the Committee and so directed to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee, with the objective of setting up a vote in the House of Commons and its review in the House of Lords. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Arrangements have been made for annual membership fee of £25 with JOIN IT: Membership of TCLP-UK link:      STRIPE PAYMENT LINK For TCLP-UK   _________________________________________________________________________________________ Automatic reply: Share your payment link to accept payments Inbox   from:    Central London County, Enquiries <> to:          Shantanu Panigrahi <> date:     16 Jun 2024, 10:29 subject:               Automatic reply: Share your payment link to accept payments mailed-by: Signed by: security:             Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more :               Important according to Google magic.  AUTOMATIC RESPONSE  Thank you for your email to Central London County Court.   In future when emailing, please put the case number and the content in the subject line, for example J70CL123 Acknowledgment of Service. This will help your email get to the right team as quickly as possible. We are experiencing a high volume of emails coming into the court. Please do not send multiple requests, as we are currently unable to deal with them. Please limit your correspondence to urgent matters only or documents for hearings.   We are working through relisting hearings and urgent matters. We ask for your patience at this time. Unless your matter is regarding a hearing taking place within 2 weeks, there may be a delay in dealing with it. WHAT IF I HAVE A HEARING LISTED?  The majority of hearings are held face to face. For remote hearings, please be advised that you will receive the invite for the hearing either the evening before or on the morning of the hearing. 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However the same conditions as above must apply and in addition:  ·    the party issuing the process must either quote a Fee Account number (see below), or   ·    the party who wants to pay has a valid credit or debit card. If you wish to pay using this method please say this on the email and include a contact number for the Court to contact you to take payment.  ·    Please note Local Authorities are exempt from this provision.  ·    What is a Fee Account?   ·    This is a Direct Debit function that is quick, safe and easy to use. It is available for solicitors and large organisations. Once you have set up an account all you need is to provide your fee account number within the body of the email. 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REASONABLE ADJUSTMENTS   Disabilities affect people differently so we won’t always know what will help. If you have a disability that means you can’t access our information and services please get in touch with us. You can request help and support as a reasonable adjustment by phone, in person or in writing by:   ·    emailing, or  To help us provide the best help and support, you should try to explain how your disability affects you and give as much information as you can. This will help our staff or the judge to consider what you’ll need to do during your case and any help we can provide. Our staff will always talk with you and discuss any reasonable adjustments you might need.  7. COMPLAINTS   ·    If you are unhappy with a part of your experience using the court service, please be aware that the judiciary are constitutionally independent of Government and the administration of the courts.   ·     If you feel that decision was incorrect, the proper course of action is to consider whether to appeal the decision. We cannot help you to decide this or resolve it through the administrative complaints process, so we suggest you seek legal advice. If you have not already done so, you may wish to consider seeking independent advice on your situation. Any Citizens Advice Bureau provides free, confidential, and impartial advice on a range of matters. Their contact details can be found in the telephone directory or on their website at   ·    If your complaint is about how the judge conducted your case you can contact the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office online at, or send to Room 81-82, Queen’s Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, You need to do this within three months.   8. LEGAL ADVICE   ·    HM Court Service staff are not legally trained and must remain strictly neutral at all times. They cannot therefore examine documents and give an opinion on their contents or upon any aspect of a case. It is the responsibility of the parties to ensure they file the correct documents in the correct format. Court staff cannot analyse a case and tell the parties the legal implications of decisions or other circumstances. It is for you to find out the options available to you and, where necessary, seek independent legal advice. It is recommended you decide what options to take and to ensure you understand the implications of that option. ·    Up to date possession guidance is available at the following links:  ·    Understanding the possession action process: A guide for private landlords in England and Wales - GOV.UK (  ·    Understanding the possession action process: A guide for social landlords in England and Wales - GOV.UK (  9.  FINDING A COURT’S CONTACT DETAILS   ·    You can find court email addresses at   ·    You can contact your local County Court for more information. You can find contact details on Court and Tribunal Finder,  ·    You can also get in touch via the contact centre: 0300 123 5577  ·    Web:       This e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. 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Jun 11, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
Conservative and Unionist Party have had it; it is stale. Labour socialists under Keir Starmer do not inspire any degree of confidence at all. Liberal Democrats is bogged down in Wokeism. Here steps in the man of the hour that the nation needs: Nigel Farage. He is not only a campaigner on the most minutest injustices afflicting the nation, but also on the major issues that threaten the future of the nation. TCLP-UK has a logical framework for sustainable development, but it has to be shelved for another generation to come to consider the knowledge that the Founder accumulated. TCLP- may not be relevant to the United Kingdom as it is semi-secular in nature worshipping God in bhakti. Government will be stronger when God is acknowledged, yet we do our own thing and develop our society to meet the people's needs under Truth, Justice and Democracy. We in the United Kingdom must try something new. I joined the UK Independence Party under Nigel Farage. I will support him under Reform (UK) Party as the now Leader and the Chairman Richard Tice.
A popular leader is worth his weight in gold: Nigel Farage in the Reform (UK) Party for the general election content media
Jun 09, 2024
In TCLP-UK proceedings
TCLP-UK wishes the new couple well for a Royal Wedding always goes down a treat for the nation no matter which political persuasion the person adheres to. And we at TCLP-UK wish the Royalty flourish even if in a limited way politically.
A Royal Wedding always goes down a treat content media
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