Pending the collection of Members and Officials to Serve the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom as a regulated political party, the following intention to complete the registration process in due course has been affected this afternoon, following the rejection of Coalitions with the Liberal Democrats and the Brexit-Reform Party:
PEF Online Political Party Registration
The Electoral Commission
Registration of the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom
Registration 16.45 hours, 2 December 2020
Awaiting Party Members as USER, and Officials of the Party
Logged in as:
Shantanu Panigrahi
Log out Log out
Current entity:
The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (GB)
Change entity
Application to register a political party in Great Britain
Party details Party officers Officer roles Accounting units Declarations Submit
Please use this page to enter details of:
the party’s name and head office address;
the party’s constitution;
the party financial scheme;
the party’s emblems (if any); and
the party description(s) (if any)
Party details
Please enter your proposed party name.
You can apply to register a party name in both English and Welsh. If your party name is not in English or Welsh then please select ‘Other’ as the preferred language. You will need to provide an accurate English translation.
Language Name Primary name* ?
PEF reference 12684
Please select whether you wish the text on screens to appear in English or Welsh.
Default language*
Address of HQ, or correspondence address if no HQ
Address line 1*
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Town / city*
Phone* Extn
Web site
Party emblem
Please upload your emblems here
No emblems available
Party constitution ?
Please select ‘Browse…’ to upload your party constitution
View the document
Party financial scheme ?
Please select ‘Browse…’ to upload your financial scheme
View the document
Financial year end *
Party description(s)
Here you can apply to register up to 12 descriptions. Each description must be registered separately
Translation Joint description
Constitutional Monarchial Government by Full Democracy
Parliament acting as Advisory to Buckingham Palace
Party/Campaigner User log-in
This site is restricted and confidential. By logging in you are agreeing to the site's usage terms and conditions set out here.
Please note this application will time out after a period of inactivity of 20 minutes. You are advised to save regularly using the "Save" buttons provided.
Enter Login Name
Enter Password
Forgotten password
Forgotten user name
Register now
The PEF Online system provides a secure environment for the registration of political parties and campaigners at elections and referendums and the submission of their statutory returns.
If you are already registered as a party user and/or campaigner and you would like to start submitting your returns online, please see our guidance on getting started and complete the Nominate System Administrator form.
To register a new political party, non-party campaigner or referendum campaigner please click the Reg
Party registration applications ahead of the 2021 May Polls
If you would like to:
register a new political party;
amend a name for an existing party;
amend or add an emblem; or
add a description
to be included on ballot papers for the elections taking place on 6 May 2021, please ensure that your application is with us by Sunday 31 January 2021.
We cannot guarantee that we will make a decision in time on applications submitted after this date for use on ballots papers at the elections. Where a party has submitted an application containing all of the information required by law, we aim to reach a decision within 6 weeks of submission. However, it may take longer than this if the application is complex. We therefore advise that parties wishing to contest the May 2021 elections to submit their applications as soon as possible.
You can find more information about registering and maintaining your party on our website
The Electoral Commission - PEF Online - New party registration application
Electoral Commission - PEF Online <>
16:24 (24 minutes ago)
to Shanpanigrahi3000
Thank you for starting the registration process for The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom.
The purpose of this email is to confirm that your PEF Online user account has been used to register a new regulated entity. No further action is required by you in response to this email. If you wish to log into PEF Online again, please click
For more information or advice about PEF Online please call 0207 271 0616.
The Electoral Commission
The Electoral Commission - PEF Online - New user confirmation
Electoral Commission - PEF Online <>
16:15 (33 minutes ago)
to Shanpanigrahi3000
Welcome to PEF Online.
Your new user account for PEF Online has been set up. Your user name is: Shantanu Panigrahi
The purpose of this email is to confirm that the email address you provided during the user registration process is valid. No further action is required by you in response to this email. If you wish to log into PEF Online again, please click
For more information or advice about PEF Online please call 0207 271 0616.
The Electoral Commission