Comments: I published this email from the Civil Appeals Registry in the Conservative Libertarian Society as follows: The ‘30th October 2021 (sent at 02.41)’ referred to email was a trap for me to contact the Court of Appeal, whereas I will save it for my defence against any proceedings lodged against me from any source.
Ten minutes later before 5.00 pm came I published the email to Wai Leung Solicitors in the same website: I published them so that the madarchods can consider it in the next 15 minutes for the Court Order that I applied for at the Central London County Court on the dismissal of the Appeal.
I did not Tweet, Facebook or Linkedin either of the blogposts
Comments: Nothing came by email and phone did not ring by 17.13 pm. I wiped clean all the emails in the Gamil Account (Inbox, Sent, and Recycle) to await the next move from the criminals. There had been a 38 Degrees email that I had deleted on some procedure that went on in Parliament today to review its disciplinary process for MPs lobbying other officials as paid work on behalf of companies.
I will have nothing to do with any of them now that the Court of Appeal has sent such a deceitful and threatening email. It was aware of the attached correspondence:
17.18 pm (UK-Time) 3 November 2021
__________________________________________________________________________________ v.
from: Jo <> via
date: 4 Nov 2021, 05:26
subject: v.
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more v.
Yes, the men in white coats are coming, Panigrahi! Do you think you know what horrendous state-organised persecution is? I think you don't. But soon you will get to know it. Your attack on the DJ, who is a man of faith, was an act of Genius, even more so after he was directed to this attack
by you on his holy book -
If he harks to David, a bench warrant for your arrest will be issued, to be executed by officers of the court, and no longer will you be able to rely upon the cowardice of your police to protect you from the consequences of the awful persecution to which you have subjected many hundreds, if
not thousands, of your Victims.
Hiding behind your faked mental illnesses won't save you. Acute paranoid schizophrenia, with homicidal tendencies as in Henderson's Case, you say? Don't worry. We shall take you at your word, and protect society accordingly.
Jo, for Professor Steve Rudd v.
Shan, I am very afraid for you now.
from: Anonymous Remailer (austria) <>
date: 3 Nov 2021, 23:08
subject: Shan, I am very afraid for you now.
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.
Dear Shan,
The word is out that they have now got the Senior Master of the Court of Appeal seeking to have you called in for questioning with a view to a charge for a contempt of court.
This will be ^very^ serious. It is best if you could get an air ticket and at least for a month or two, now the corona traffic lights are off, be safely in India. Please do this straight away, and destroy this email once you read it.
The court has powers which are very wide-ranging and they can commit you to up to six months incarceration in a secure institution for observation, which will be quite unbearable for a sensitive soul like yourself.
If it takes time to arrange your flights check in at a hotel local to Heathrow using an assumed name. Tell your dear wife to say, if court officials call, that you are temporarily incapacitated. Unlike the police, they will not have your passport added to the surveillance list and you will be able to leave unimpeded.
Good luck.
On November 3, 2021, 7:34 PM GMT Lee N <> wrote:
> John, he's losing it. Strike hard now and we may be rid of the fucker forever. I leave it to you.
Last Updated: 7.25 am (UK-Time) 4 November 2021