FW: Our Ref: 2018/PI/11721
from: Civil Appeals - Registry <civilappeals.registry@justice.gov.uk>
to: "shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com" <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 3 Nov 2021, 15:20
subject: FW: Our Ref: 2018/PI/11721
mailed-by: justice.gov.uk
Signed by: justice.gov.uk
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Good afternoon,
Your email was referred to the Master of the Court of Appeal who has asked me to inform you of the following:
"I refer to your e-mail with attached document entitled "appellant's notice" seeking permission to appeal an order of District Judge Lightman dated 21st June 2021. An appeal from a District Judge's order lies to a Circuit Judge in the County Court. The Court of Appeal therefore has no jurisdiction in respect of your proposed application for permission to appeal and it will not be issued. Please note that form N161 must be used when re-filing your application for permission to appeal in the County Court.
I further refer to your email of 30th October 2021 (sent at 02.41). The email does not seek assistance with procedure or practice in the Court of Appeal and does not relate to any proposed application to this Court. It is abusive and threatening in nature. The Civil Appeals Office will not be responding to that email. Any further emails of this nature will receive neither reply nor acknowledgement."
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Mrs Sharon Walker - Delivery Manager - Civil Appeals
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From: Shantanu Panigrahi [mailto:shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com]
Sent: 30 October 2021 19:23
To: Civil Appeals - Registry
Subject: Our Ref: 2018/PI/11721
The Court of Appeal
Dear Your Honour Judge
1. I have had to update my skeleton argument with regard to the Appellants Notice that I submitted to the Court of Appeal and which the Civil Appeals Registry has acknowledged albeit belatedly as shown in the attached: FrCivilAppealsREgistry(CourtofAppeal)30Oct2021.docx. The contents of the Appellant's Notice is also attached in case this has not reached the Court of Appeal yet, and the Court should note in particular that Permission to Appeal the 21 June 2021 dated Order of the Central London County Court was refused by the Circuit Judge going by the documentation that I have brought to your attention here.
2. I should therefore be grateful if (after two years of litigation to bring Mr Boris Johnson the present Prime Minister to court for covering up criminally under the Prerogative Powers of the Executive's as duties to the Monarch and also preventing the State-organised persecution on me that has lasted 24 years) you would now kindly favourably Order the Trial as applied for persitently and if it continues to be undefended by Mr Boris Johnson in person, to Order the Prime Minister to award to me damages and compensation of £1 million to be deposited into my Tide Bank account so that I can use the money for my philanthropic endeavours as the President of the Conservative Libertarian Society. The Business Bank Account of the Society is Tide, Sort Code 04-06-05, Account Number 16771850.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
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