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Your enquiry3

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Your enquiry3




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Christina Bodenes

Thu, 16 Dec at 16:23

Dear Christina

For the avoidance of any doubt, would you kindly confirm that in rejecting my request for advice and representation Bhatt Murphy has taken into account all the attached further clarifications of the issues involved:

(a) CorrespondencewithBhattMurphy(CivilLibergies&HumanRights)10-14Dec2021.docx

(b) ToFrancescaThompson(

(c); and

(d) ToBhattMurphyLtd(PoliceHarassment leading up to False arrest and seizure of computer devices)

I can then approach Liberty later today to see if it will assist me,

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Show original message

On Thursday, 16 December 2021, 16:01:52 GMT, Christina Bodenes <> wrote:

Dear Mr Panigrahi

I write further to your email enquiry to our mailbox, which was received on 14 December 2021.

I am sorry to hear of your experiences however I am afraid we are unable to assist on this occasion.

Kind Regards

Christina Bodenes

Bhatt Murphy Solicitors


10 Tyssen Street

London E8 2FE

DX 46806 Dalston

Direct Dial: 0207 033 2029

Switchboard: 0207 729 1115

Fax: 0207 729 1117

cid:image001.gif@01D131A5.AA162D40Bhatt Murphy will close for the Christmas and New Year holidays at 1 pm on Friday 24 December 2021 and will re-open on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

During the current public health crisis, you are asked to correspond with Bhatt Murphy by email rather than post or DX. Please note that formal service of documents is not accepted by email unless otherwise agreed.

The contents of this email may be confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not an intended recipient please email the sender to advise and delete the message without distributing or copying the contents. Bhatt Murphy have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that any attachment to this email is virus-free. However, we accept no liability for any damage sustained as a result of software viruses and therefore recommend that virus checks are performed before opening any attachment.

Bhatt Murphy Ltd (trading as ‘Bhatt Murphy’ or ‘Bhatt Murphy Solicitors’) is a private limited company registered in England and Wales (Company No: 9033637). We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA No: 613721). Any matter of complaint about us is within the jurisdiction of the Legal Ombudsman.

Our registered office is at 10 Tyssen Street, London E8 2FE, which is also our principal place of business.

A list of the firm’s directors is published on our website. The term ‘partner’ as used by us refers to a shareowner or director of the company, or an employee or consultant who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications.

From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 14 December 2021 16:03

To: Francesca Thompson <>

Subject: Telephone conversation 30 minutes ago


Franchesca Thompson

Bhatt Murphy Limited

Dear Franchesca

Please find attached the enquiry that I am struggling with. Kent Police has still not returned our desk-top computer, my USB Memory Stick and my old mobile phone and is keeping silent planning their next act of terrorism on me and my family,

Yours sincerely

Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel 079677 89619

Download all attachments as a zip file

CorrespondencewithBhattMurphy(CivlLiberties&Humanrights)10_14Dec2021.docx 18.3kB

To&FrFrancescaThompson(BhattMurphyLtd)16Dec2021.docx 14kB

ToBhattMurphyccPSDKentPoliceIOPCFurher harassment by PC Nichols on behalf of Kent Police13Dec2021 .docx 14.3kB

ToBhattMurphyLtd(Police Harassment leading up to False Arrest and seizure of computer devices)10Dec2021.docx 16.1kB

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