38 Degrees (Contact Point Message)
28 December 2021
Information on CLaim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court
Dear 38 Degrees
Thank you for your automatic email: Primary - Action@ <>
Tue, 28 Dec at 10:38
this morning.
I did have a suggestion that you should take into account on how we as citizens can get the Courts to reply to our legal proceedings and when we should be told that there are no outstanding proceedings left in such Claims of mine as E35YM660 and HQ17X01773.
Thank you for attention
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Topic Help with my campaign
11.14 Help and Support Thank you for your feedback
Your email to 38 Degrees: Festive Hours: Information on Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court
38 Degrees <>
Tue, 28 Dec at 11:14
Hi there,
Thanks for getting in touch. This is an automatic confirmation that the 38 Degrees office team has received your email.
Most staff are away during the holiday season, and the office is closed between Christmas Day and New Years Day, so we'll be reading and responding to emails as normal from early January. We do try and get back to everyone but unfortunately with such a small staff, this isn't always possible.
If your email is regarding a donation issue, please email, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. We've also created a frequently asked questions page regarding donations which you can see here:
Alternatively, you can call 0207 8460 093 for help, please be aware that our phone staff are unable to perform refunds, these will be done in the new year. Our holiday phone line hours are:
Friday 24th December (Christmas Eve): 8am to 4pm
Saturday 25th December (Christmas Day): CLOSED
Sunday 26th December (Boxing Day): 9am to 4pm
Monday 27th December (Bank Holiday): 9am to 5pm
Tuesday 28th December (Bank Holiday): 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 29th December: 8am to 8pm
Thursday 30th December: 8am to 8pm
Friday 31st December (New Year’s Eve): 8am to 4pm
Saturday 1st January (New Year’s Day): 9am to 4pm
Sunday 2nd January: 9am to 4pm
Monday 3rd January (Bank Holiday): 9am to 4pm
We really appreciate you getting in touch and everything you do with 38 Degrees.
Thanks for being involved,
Faye, Kate, Becca and the 38 Degrees team
Dear 38 Degrees
Thank you for your automatic email: Primary - Action@ <>
Tue, 28 Dec at 10:38
this morning
I did have a suggestion that you should take into account on how we as citizens can get the Courts to reply to our legal proceedings and when we should be told that there are no outstanding proceedings left in such Claims of mine as E35YM660 and HQ17X01773.
Thank you for attention.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619