Your Complaint - IR/1874/21
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Panigrahi Rashmi
Fri, 10 Dec at 16:05
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From: complaints NOREPLY Kent <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, 10 December 2021, 16:02:08 GMT
Subject: Your Complaint - IR/1874/21
Good afternoon,
Please find the attached letter in regards to your complaint IR/1874/21.
Kind Regards,
Complaints Team
Professional Standards Department
* 16 Edinburgh Square, Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BZ
Kent Police two line colour
Working to keep Kent safe
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L 101221 Initial letter IR.1874.21 .pdf 98.9kB
Kent Police: Protecting and Serving the people of Kent
Professional Standards Department
For the attention of the addressee only
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Date: 10 December 2021
Ref: IR/01874/21
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Following receipt of your complaint correspondence, we are writing to you to confirm that we have
now logged your complaint under the above reference number.
We are sorry you were disappointed with the service we provided and we are grateful you have
brought this to our attention. Kent Police are committed to providing a first-class service and
where we fail to do so we must learn from it. This is only possible if the public let us know when
they feel let down.
Your complaint has been deemed suitable for resolution outside of Schedule 3 of the Police Reform
Act, which provides an opportunity to address promptly the concerns you have raised in a
reasonable and proportionate manner.
Your complaint has been passed to a supervising officer who will contact you directly. If you have
already been contacted by the supervisor, and matters have already been resolved to your
satisfaction then please disregard this letter.
If you have not been contacted within 14 days of the receipt of this letter, then please contact this
department. If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction by the Supervising Officer then it
will be formally recorded and we will write to you again. You have the right to request your
complaint is formally recorded at any time.
Yours sincerely,
Complaints Administration Team
Professional Standards Department