We’re going to Downing Street
Angus O'Brien - 38 Degrees
14:32 (40 minutes ago)
Shantanu, the rich and powerful have been caught AGAIN hiding wealth, avoiding tax and, in some cases, laundering money Shantanu, last month the Pandora Pap
14:50 (23 minutes ago)
Sent from my Galaxy
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Angus O'Brien - 38 Degrees <action@38degrees.org.uk>,
cc: centrallondondjskel@justice.gov.uk,
Civil Appeals - Registry <civilappeals.registry@justice.gov.uk>,
date: 11 Nov 2021, 15:10
subject: Re: We’re going to Downing Street
mailed-by: gmail.com
Dear 38 Degrees
People should be free to invest their money wherever then find it pays them to do so. Their liberty to take advantage of tax havens does not make them criminals or corrupt in any way. The government needs such international globalised environment in which financial flows are maintained and money invested where it is needed most when looking at the global perspective. Too much money within the country does not pay in savings accounts right now for the interest rates re very low and have been so for the past decade. There is considerable amount of money built up in the world economy (400 trillion pounds, according to an estimate that I read about). There is therefore a rightful reluctance to stop people from investing abroad, unless the United Nations steps in with powers to tax individual corporations who fund the investments. Money should be concentrated in private Accounts and not in government Treasuries, for the Private Business and Enterprises would be more careful with how it is invested. You seem to favour socialism in a command economy, and this is the reason numerous of my well-judged petitions were not hosted by 38 Degrees.
I have argued for some time that Climate Change global warming can only be averted if we reduce the size of the global economy. I have prepared a short video for you to consider this and other aspects of the work of The Conservative Libertarian Society.
A New Horizon.mkv
I am therefore unable to sign the petition.
As you must be aware, these matters are the subject of an Appeal lodged at the Central London County Court following the Judgment or Order of the Court dated 21 June 2021 that has been scrutinied since by the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court: as attached: CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21 June 2021 (District Judge Lightman.pdf).
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
2 Attachments
A New Horizon.mkv
CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21 June 2021 (District Judge Lightman.pdf
On Thu, 11 Nov 2021 at 14:32, Angus O'Brien - 38 Degrees <action@38degrees.org.uk> wrote:
38 Degrees Logo
Shantanu, last month the Pandora Papers scandal once again exposed how the rich and powerful are hiding wealth and avoiding tax. [1] Money that should be spent on our NHS, schools or funding Universal Credit and pensions is being hoarded through dodgy offshore structures and tax loopholes.
As soon as the news broke, our friends at Tax Justice UK launched a petition on the 38 Degrees website demanding the government close tax loopholes. Tens of thousands of people have added their names so far, showing just how strong public support is for the government taking action to ensure everyone pays their fair share.
In 2 weeks’ time, Tax Justice UK will be delivering their petition on the Pandora Papers to Downing Street – but we still need your name on it. If you sign today, we’ll send you pictures and a video of us handing in the petition.
Shantanu, will you sign the petition urging the government to close tax loopholes for the rich and powerful? It only takes 10 seconds to add your name.
Thank you for being involved,
Angus, Jonathan, Megan and the 38 Degrees team
[1] BBC News: Secret wealth and dealings of world leaders exposed
Here's the previous email we sent you
Shantanu, the rich and powerful have been caught AGAIN hiding wealth, avoiding tax and, in some cases, laundering money. [1] According to the Pandora Papers, much of this corruption is taking place right here, in the UK. This is money that could be spent on our NHS, schools or funding Universal Credit and pensions.
It’s a global scandal that has everyone’s attention. The Government and the mega-rich will be hoping to keep this story out of the spotlight.
So we will need a huge demonstration of public support to convince the Government to do the right thing. Tax Justice UK has started a petition demanding that loopholes are closed and we invest properly in HMRC so that everyone pays their fair share. If thousands of us sign today, they won't shy away from this any longer.
Shantanu, will you sign the petition urging the Government to close tax loopholes for the rich and powerful? It only takes 10 seconds to add your name.
This isn’t just about a few rotten eggs; the Pandora Papers have exposed tax-dodging all the way to the top. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair dodged thousands in stamp duty, a major Conservative Party donor was at the centre of a huge corporate scandal - and even the Queen’s Estate is under review over links to a corrupt Azerbaijan ruler. [2] This has to stop.
No matter how rich and powerful the culprits, when we join together, we can hold them to account. Over 110,000 of us signed the petition to close the Mayfair Tax Loophole, and thanks to our efforts, the Government toughened the law. [3]
Shantanu, will you sign the petition today calling on the Government to take action? It only takes 10 seconds to add your name.
Thank you for being involved,
Natasha, Jonathan, Robin, Kate and the 38 Degrees team
[1] BBC News: Secret wealth and dealings of world leaders exposed
[2] BBC News: A simple guide to the Pandora Papers leaks
[3] 38 Degrees: Close the Mayfair Tax Loophole
38 Degrees: The Mayfair Tax Loophole: update
38 Degrees wouldn’t exist without you, Shantanu.
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Please will you consider chipping in a fiver, a tenner or whatever you can spare now? Click here to donate securely:
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