Visit today the 16th of September 2021(2)
Wed, 15 Sept at 13:21
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
To:Paul Nichols PC 46015002
Cc:Panigrahi Rashmi
Wed, 15 Sept at 14:48
Dear Mr Nichols
Since I am not aware of any detailed allegations made against me for Harassment by Mr or Ms Sale as I missed the second half of your visit due to having gone out for a smoke of cigarettes, kindly forward me the specifics of this allegation by email immediately so that I can prepare for my defence at the Appointment, and in order to determine if I would require more time to contribute to the investigation of the nature of the allegations and especially to see if it is related in any way to the 1500 criminal anonymous emails that me, my wife, my associates in employment and my Consultant Psychiatrist and Care Coordinator have received. Accordingly, please also forward to me the email address of the person who has made this particular allegation, so that I can apologise for any distress that has been caused to him or her as a result of the emails that he or she received, without prejudice; as I mentioned to you at this mornings meeting I do not know of any Mr or Ms Sale, and do not recall any emails that I have sent to anyone living or dead that were not legitimate truth-seeking buccaneering in the absence of the fact that nearly 50 lawyers and law firms would not cooperate with me including Wai Leung Solicitors.
Please also send me the email address of the Duty Solicitor with his or her telephone number so that I can have prior discussion with him or her this afternoon regarding this matter.
If all goes well I look forward to meeting you at Medway Police Station (near ASDA) Gillingham at 10.00 am tomorrow as my wife and Carer (appropriate adult) has handed me the summons of alleged offence document for interview and I accept that this counts as due service of proceedings. I will decide further on my statement of defence if the Duty Solicitor can contact me this afternoon, so that this matter can be cleared up without much ado.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 13:21:50 BST, Paul Nichols PC 46015002 <> wrote:
Good afternoon sir,
As per the visit this morning, I can confirm that I attended your address to invite yourself in for a Voluntary Attendance Interview in regards to a allegation of harassment made against you. There is, at this time, no necessity for your arrest, hence the request for a Voluntary Interview. I require your account for this offence and the interview is the place for this to happen.
The papers passed to you were your legal rights and I have attached a further copy for you.
In regards to the interview, as discussed at your home address, this was arranged for tomorrow Thursday the 16th of September 2021 at 10:00am with you.
You requested the presence of a solicitor for this and as per our discussion a duty solicitor has been arranged. Duty solicitors are professional solicitors who are independent of the police. If you wish to provide the details of a solicitor that you would like us to book on your behalf please contact myself and I will arrange this for the interview. As I explained, the details of the allegation including disclosure will then be provided to your solicitor, who will then provide you with their legal advice on the matter prior to interview. This is in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.
As you requested, you wife can attend as your appropriate Adult in this matter and this was agreed at the time with you.
Kind regards
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