(a) My wife tells me that the Police telephoned her as 'appropriate adult' and told her that I am being charged with the offence of 'Harassment'.
Transcript of the audio/video recordings at the Interview at 10.00-11.00 am this morning: Katrina Sale (The Conservative and Unionist Party)
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
To:Paul Nichols PC 46015002
Thu, 16 Sept at 15:40
Dear Mr Nicholls
I understand from my wife that Kent Police has decided, presumably with the agreement of the Crown Prosecution Service, to prosecute me in a Magistrates Court at Medway Magistrates that I would like to make my attendance on the Offence of Harassment; following the interview this morning after which I was handed the attached document by you :KENT POLICE.docx
I need the ~25 sheets of paper that you read out to me at the interview as the basic material that would be used in evidence that any Harassment was perpetrated, whoever sent those 25 documents out of my Email Accounts on my behalf or as independent observers of the 24 years of harassment and persecution that I have been victimised with in the United Kingdom.
I will be defending vigorously that no harassment was committed and that there was sufficient provocation by the Conservative and Unionist Party on me over 6 years that justified the contents of emails that I or others acting supposedly on my behalf sent Katrina Sale and others that you referred to in the interview.
I also need a written transcript of the recording of the interview and the tape recording immediately.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
KENT POLICE.docx 13.2kB
UPDATE OF 17.31 pm hours 16 September 2021
I did not receive a reply to this email and my wife has just clarified that I am in fact not being charged: I had not listened fully to what she had told me earlier this afternoon.
So we are done now finally.