Comments: I updated this Book at Lulu Publishing up to this point and then at Internet Archive and in my open website Towards Knowledge for World Conservation
I have offered an olive branch or is it throwing down the gauntlet. Neither attack nor defend: just go with the times, see what happens now. It is up to the State: if it wants to attack me back by imposing further fines or worse we will see, but I have taken the precaution of forwarding the terrorising email to the Court as further persecution so it does not have a leg to stand on. So we will say it is game set and match to me, for eventually the Urologist will find that the medications have caused all my physical abnormalities and there will then be an appeal. It will go on indefinitely. It is up to them.
13.26 pm (UK-Time) 2 November 2021
Re: May I detain the dishonest arsehole Judge Barry LIGHTMAN? Advise.
13:33 (32 minutes ago)
Dear Dr Panigrahi, As we have stated in our previous emails, please refrain from sending any further emails to us. RegardsWai Leung Solicitors This e-mail (and
Shantanu Panigrahi
13:47 (18 minutes ago)
Dear Wai Leung Socilitors Thank you for letting me know that you do not need any further emails from us and that the matter is in hand.
13:56 (9 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Dr Panigraphi,
As we have clearly stated in our previous emails, we are not your solicitors and will not consider / respond to any of your emails. Please stop sending / forwarding any further email to us.
Robert Leung
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: mail <>
cc: ComplaintsTeam <>
date: 2 Nov 2021, 14:05
subject: Re: May I detain the dishonest arsehole Judge Barry LIGHTMAN? Advise.
Dear Robert Leung
It is most unfortunate that at this late stage you are pulling out of your duties to me as a client in violation of the terms of membership of the Solicitors Regulation Authority of the United Kingdom, please therefore submit your defence to Complaints at this institution. They have 4 more days to reply to me but it could take another 44 days before the full report on the 55 solicitors, lawyers and barristers will be made available to me.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 at 13:56, mail <> wrote:
Dear Dr Panigraphi,
As we have clearly stated in our previous emails, we are not your solicitors and will not consider / respond to any of your emails. Please stop sending / forwarding any further email to us.
Robert Leung
Wai Leung Solicitors
This e-mail (and any attachment(s)) is private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Wai Leung Solicitors. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail.
On Nov 2 2021, at 1:47 pm, Shantanu Panigrahi <> wrote:
Dear Wai Leung Socilitors
Thank you for letting me know that you do not need any further emails from us and that the matter is in hand.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Tue, 2 Nov 2021 at 13:33, mail <> wrote:
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
As we have stated in our previous emails, please refrain from sending any further emails to us.
Wai Leung Solicitors
This e-mail (and any attachment(s)) is private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Wai Leung Solicitors. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail.
On Nov 1, 2021, at 8:29 pm, Shantanu Panigrahi <> wrote:
In the matter of my proceedings against PM Boris Johnson, former PM Theresa May and 1,788 Other Defendants, namely Case E35YM660 linked to the High Court case HQ17X01773 and other cases ME010463, 2018/PI/11721, A20170027, 46TY0039517, ME002953, CC/2002/PTA/0408, CO/1680/2002, CRD-2103-W1728YGQ, EK-210002255911, CM-FRLGN-08-18-56559, ET2302960/2014C, ET231144629800, UKEATPA/0461/1DM, ET1101675/2008, etc.
I need some urgent advice on my plan to arrest, detain and aggressively question a very deficient Judge who I suspect took a backhander from the Government Legal Department and as a result my appeal was refused by him on dubious and spurious grounds.
On the subject of what passes for justice in Britain, perhaps we should look for one who instantly reminds of 'light'? Like as man called Light Man. We visit the Central London County Court and
meet Barry Light man, which was my misfortune.
Lightman is not only light in name and complexion, and lightweight in abilities. It goes much further than just that.
Lightman is also very light in matters to do with constitutional rights. In fact, Barry the Midget is quite dim. No, very dim.
So dim, in fact, that he goes out of his way to make the point that he is dim. And he is brazen about it.
Like standing in the way of certain parties in litigation to whom he takes a dislike. Parties like me.
The dislike may be because this behnchod judge could get his evil way with one of the attractive juniors who may unwittingly hover around.
Barry, who is by no means a tall or significant figure, places himself in the way, barring the dignified and free exit from the court building of the party concerned. And Barry goes out of the court building. And follows parties in the street to discourse with them. Way into the street. He walks
in the direction of where Oxford Street is. Or in the opposite way, heading for where Baker Street is. Barry usually swings both ways.
Barry Lightman is a very light man. And in his own, light, ways, he is effectively smashing those bits of civil law 'system', racket more like, that the government often boasts about. When it comes to due process, Judge Barry Lightman recognises........ none.
Not if those are being claimed by person or persons that Barry thinks are of a lower level of humanity than himself. Such as immigrants with a browner skin than Mr Light Man, who prides himself that he is a light-skinned man.
Most parties in litigation at the Central London County Court who end up being 'managed' by District Judge Barry Lightman would fit that bill. And most of them are routinely kept down by Barry Lightman. Rare exceptions do occur. Just so that Barry can carry on.....
Barry does carry on also in the certain knowledge that he is unlikely ever to be confronted by any of the famous barristers. No Michael Mansfield is likely to appear before Barry Lightman advocating the rights of any of Barry’s victims. Most of those victims are beyond representation. They are litigants in person, and so harassed that they have lost all relevance to high-earning barristers like Mr Mansfield. And Barry Lightweight knows this only too well, so there is no one to call him out on his ridiculous pronouncements and errors in fact and law.
And so Barry is doing what some politicians would love to do. In a corner of central London still within walking distance from Trafalgar Square where huge crowds had been gathered, decades ago, to hear Nelson Mandela deliver one of his many grateful tributes to the British people for their help in the struggle against apartheid, Barry Lightman is maintaining apartheid. Correction. Barry Lightman is recreating apartheid in a court that is frequently approached by people desperate for justice.
People like me, to whose skin colour Barry Lightskin objects. I feel I have no alternatives now but to secrete myself outside the Central London County Court for this corrupt Light Weight to appear, confront him with some facts relating to his terrible decision and flawed order of 21 June 2021 in Case E35YM660, and, depending on how unsatisfactory are his responses, take him into protective custody for questioning, at my leisure, at Shanti Niwas. I believe I can do so under current terrorist legislation for a period of up to twenty-eight days before habeas corpus means he must be delivered up before a magistrate.
I wonder if there are any drawbacks to this proposed course of action? Without more information, I cannot get the charges of misfeasance and malfeasance in judicial office to stick. I decided not to inform my wife because she is becoming increasingly nervous about my plans, ever since I told her how I ejaculated into the coffee I served to the young WPC who came to my house uninvited to terrorise me.
I put all the background material for you in a reference link here
Will you please advise me without delay, by email or phone, about the wisdom of my proposed action against this rogue judge? If I need to pay for this preliminary advice, please notify me and I will do so, I have recently won one million pounds compensation for a 24 year campaign of harassment against me by the British State.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
13.51 pm (UK-Time) 2 November 2021
Comments: The dogs wagged their tails after my olive branch/gauntlet approach but retreated in a whimper.
Last Updated: 15.46 pm (UK-Time) 2 November 2021