On this Friday, the 24 of September 2021, I have concluded my studies of Reality on which the following books were written by me on accumulated data over the 24 years that this journey took place:
Short description of the contents of the 7 Books with physical/eBook ISBN Numbers (Vektor Publising Imprints):
978-1-914288-19-7 /978-1-914288-32-6 : ‘A Conception of Reality’: This Book is part of the Reality that the author arrived at in terms of our existence as human beings on this Planet Earth and the certainty realised by the Author that Creation is an Entity unfolded by God Sri Krishna who is available to satya-advaita yogis to go through the process of consulting Him as Sadhguru and getting to find out what is expected of a human being if he is to live to ananda and peace of mind as his sole preoccupation.
978-1-914288-21-0/ 978-1-914288-33-3 : 'Navigating the State of the United Kingdom' This Book describes the Application of the Conception of Reality uncovered by the author in that the Vyvaharika (living Reality) consists of guna-consciousness in sattvic, rajasic and tamasic attributeTs that explains the interactions between all living beings on the planet and the way to live is to navigate oneself through this complexity to arrive and the destination of liberty and peace of mind that generates ananda. The Book elaborates this by describing the author’s personal experiences of living his life within the Constitution of the United Kingdom.
978-1-914288-23-4/978-1-914288-34-0 : ‘Searching for Mental Health Services' This Book describes the fact that the body is not important, the mind is the most important thing about our living reality and mental health is crucial to the development of the person so that he is no longer paranoid schizophrenic and in persistent delusional disorder. The author describes his relationships with the United Kingdom’s Mental Health and legal Institutions in detail.
978-1-914288-26-5/978-1-914288-35-7: 'Karma in Sanatan Dharma' This Book describes the conception of the eternal law of the vyavarika reality in that one charts one’s future nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly each moment of the day without aims, objectives, missions, anticipations, expectations, desires, and relinquishing all other attachments including ones ego to do ones work or actions as karma in sanatan dharma, the idea being that if in this manner the person finds his destiny in accordance with the perception that one is accepting the Reality that one faces, one is surrendering to Sri Krishna and thereby conducting santan dharma that is the basis of Hinduism, for that is the proof finally that Dharma Rakshati Rakshita and Satyamev Jayate.
978-1-914288-27-2/978-1-914288-36-4 : 'The Preliminaries of an Allurement of Reality' This book provides the challenges and search for the truth that was the result of an allurement of reality that the author experienced in 1997-1998 from visions and utterances while in employment that led him to abandon his scientific career in search of higher goals from the ‘noddy’ work of mundane materialistic experimentations. The preliminary data is explained in two Volumes of the Book to be read together.
978-1-914288-28-9/978-1-914288-37-1 : 'The Climate Change Phenomenon' This Book is the result of what the work of the author was summarised into in terms of the Environmental impact of human activities and how we humans must sort ourselves out to live to conserve, preserve and harmonise with all components of Nature in a wholesome and holistic approach before the catastrophe of widespread destruction of the Planet takes place. The phenomenon described incorporates all human activities including the religious basis of human conduct that is argued to be at the root cause of the problems that the inhabitants of the planet face in the present era.
978-1-914288-31-9/978-1-914288-38-8 : ‘Maryada Purushottama Bhagwan Ram’ This book describes the realisation of the author that the ideal human being is one who lives his life in accordance with the ancient values and principles of Ram who we Hindus or at least some of us regard as Bhagwan or God in incarnation; and this is the aspiration of all Vishista-advaita Vedantists who live fully in Creation immersing themselves into this vyvaharika Reality, whilst accepting that in the absolute Reality the universe is an illusion.
[Reprinted under The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited Imprints: 8 September 2021
978-1-915132-00-0 : A CONCEPTION OF REALITY - physical
978-1-915132-01-7 : A CONCEPTION OF REALITY - digital
978-1-915132-02-4 : NAVIGATING THE STATE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM - physical
978-1-915132-04-8: SEARCHING FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - physical
978-1-915132-05-5 : SEARCHING FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - digital
978-1-915132-06-2 : KARMA IN SANATAN DHARMA -physical
978-1-915132-07-9 : KARMA IN SANATAN DHARMA - digital
978-1-915132-09-3 : THE PRELIMINARIES OF AN ALLUREMENT OF REALITY Volume 1 - physical
978-1-915132-10-9 : THE PRELIMINARIES OF AN ALLUREMENT OF REALITY Volume 2 - physical
978-1-915132-11-6 : THE CLIMATE CHANGE PHENOMENON - physical
978-1-915132-12-3 : THE CLIMATE CHANGE PHENOMENON - digital
978-1-915132-13-0 : MARYADA PURUSHOTTAMA BHAGWAN RAM - digital
978-1-915132-14-7 : MARYADA PURUSHOTTAMA BHAGWAN RAM – physical
978-1-915132-15-4 -TRUTH ACCOMMODATION (SATYA-ADVAITA) – digital]
978-1-915132-15-4 This 'Truth-accommodation’ (Satya-advaita) book is the end of Veda discovered as Vishista-advaita and thereby constitutes the Vedanta as specified by the author from his studies of a personal conception of Reality that shows how to navigate Brahma-Nature by a thorough understanding of the guna-consciousness forces at play in the sattvic, rajasic and tamasic interactions. The middle path is the occupation of the Centre of the sphere of Reality that harmonises, conserves and preserves Creation each moment by a Vishista-advaitist. The person who has attained this advaita state is known as a Vedantin of this philosophy.
Additionally, materials relevant to the study and indeed part of the truth-seeking method employed my me during the latter part of the research are presented in the following websites of mine:
Spotify podcasts:
Lulu Publishing:
Internet Archive:
The final Book, Truth-Accommodation, is in fact the 8th Section under the theme ‘The Allurement of Reality' and brings this chapter of my life to its conclusion. I am grateful, above all, to my wife Mrs Rashmi Rekha Panigrahi who cared for me through my mental aberrations and other kinds of disturbances that I went through but steadfast in the belief that I had latched onto something special and that my visions and utterances of 1997-1998 while I was still employed as a scientist in the University of Greenwich had a designed purpose as sparks of awakening from a Higher Power to move on to higher things in life than remain stuck on materialism in the pursuit of self-glorification as a scientist studying Agricultural Development within Environmental Sustainability. This mission has been accomplished in more ways than one, as I have survived in the dignity of liberty in making all my views known to the world finally in concise form as my ife experience combined factual data enabled me to assess. This is therefore presented to the world as my version of the Ultimate Reality.
Finally, we have come to the crux of the matter: 38 Degrees sent me an email this morning that I interpreted as an attempt to activate legal proceedings, which I could not risk as I had provided the Court of Central London with the clarification on the n244 forms submitted as they related to to His Hounour Judge Parfitts’ Order or Judgement and District Judge Lightman's subsequent Order of 21 June 2021 in which I was required to pay the Defendant’s costs of £4170. The appeal decision should be taken by the Court on whether the Claim should be restored and Order negated without any further evidence being submitted by either party so that we can receive back the money that we have paid and also by Order have the University of Greenwich pay me my £55,000 severance payment from 1998. As things stand no communication has been received back from the Court at 14.44 hours on this Friday. By 17.00 hours today I will be able to deduce from this that the Judgement has gone against me, the Claim having been officially struck out; that no money will be forthcoming from the Defendants, and in the absence of an Order against the National Health Service for misdiagnoses and false-incarcerations in mental hospitals and on its Care in the Community semi-detention since 2008, that I am regarded as a mentally deranged person requiring anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and mood-stabilising medications to be allowed to live in the seclusion of my home. Accordingly, I have said to my wife that Appealing against the Court’s judgement and Order will only lead to us losing the roof over our heads, so she should refrain from any such actions after 5.00 pm today.
As for myself I am a mentally-deranged person in that anyone seeking to perform sanatan dharma would be, but I am not a mentally ill person; the disorder having been sparked into me by His Majesty our Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. This experience also finally endorses the saying of Rudyard Kipling that East is East and West is West and never the Twain shall meet. Spirituality leads to sanatan dharma, materialism leads to materialisitic-humanimal lifestyles centering on consumerism. So be it.