In Vaishnavism, one does have ideals that one tries to pursue, but with the status quo being what it is one is truth-accommodating to the limitations of the progress that one can in the pursuit of one's dharma of rajasic guna attributes, so if one stumbles into a brick wall where one's truth-path is hindered, one does not moan and groan because in Monopoly-parlance one has in this instance picked up a CHANCE Card from the pack in the game-play of the ideals that one has tried to implement, that says 'Do not pass Go, do not collect £500'. That is what it is about. So a Vaishnavist lives with that as his or her circumstances being limited by Nature. So be philosophical in the knowledge that you tried your best and the ideas were seemingly way ahead of the times so they should be left in the public domain as food for the thoughts of future generations: take it or leave it as a conception of a deranged mind that is deserving of the State's imposition of anti-psychotic medications to throw them into the dustbin of history.
For me Vaishnavism is however utterly an true philosophy that one needs to struggle through satya-advaitic yoga to reach a point that one has attained the state of Peace of mind from a mind that has been relentlessly restless in the performance of Sanatan Dharma wherein one has seen proof that Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita.
In Vaishnavism, religion and philosophy are one and the same thing when one has perfected dharma into Sanatan Dharma, as the eternal law of the universe that is perfected and preserved by the one and only Creator God Sri Krishna, who is attainable through one's deeds alone as karma.
Correspondence with Ramakanta Mohapatra on Facebook on 29 November 2020
My religion is Vaishnavism: my philosophy is Conservative Libertarianism. Whether they will meet is up to me alone if I live long-enough.
My philosophy of dharma is subservient to my religion of Sanatan Dharma (Truth-accommodation) that I define as Vaishnavism.
Ramakanta Mohapatra
Regards ....
Shantanu Panigrahi
Ramakanta Mohapatra
Dear Ramakanta,
Vaishnavishism worships our dear Father in Heaven Vishnu (Bhishtu) Bhagaban. Whatever path He outlines and arranges for me in my life and no matter where it takes me, to riches or poverty or into a mental hospital, that is the path I follow, for my love, devotion and surrender to this Bhagaban is total and unshakeable. This bhakti alone guides me to my fate and destiny. He is my shepherd.