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The Question of Slavery: The Church of England

Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

This is central to the Philosophy of Conservative Libertarianism. Is there ever been such a thing as slavery or is it a figment of our imagination. Man has evolved to generate prosperity for himself by using animals in taming them from the wild, such as horses to ride over terrain that his feet would not enable him to tread, bullocks and oxen to pull carts for transport and plough the fields, elephants to take him into the forest to gather in the fruits of the forest and wood for timber, camels to ride over the deserts where he was unable to walk over, wolves in the eskimo-land, so these animals were all slaves of man. Without such aided and symbiotic associations with animals man could not proliferate as a species to conquer the environment of the different agro-ecological regions of the world. The animals were therefore vital for the survival and prosperity. Cattle provided ox for ploughing the land with and milk and meat for eating to thrive on. They had to be kept alive by man so that the symbiotic association between man and animal endured. Man had a more highly evolved brain with intelligence to be able to control the animals by hook or by crook. This was not enough, for animals of the wild were of limited use because they did not have hands and a brain to understand the needs of man. So man started living in groups as communities where he would use these humanimals in a efficient manner to continue to harness the goods and services of Nature. He soon realised that man himself was genetically different from one another, in having different talents and creativity. No two brains are alike. So these humanimals had to be used in accordance with from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs. This was the basis for efficiency in the community in a division of labour to be able to survive as a community for no man can do it all by himself. He created the idea of taming himself to live in a family structure with a man and a woman to assist each other for mutual survival in symbiosis. He saw that men were good at somethings like physical work being the physically stronger sex while the woman was efficient the running of the household in raising children from birth and doing the household chores as the man went out hunting and gathering. They developed their expertise accordingly and the family led to generations of offspring.

This was not enough as there were vast resources to be tapped from Nature and the communities became larger and larger so that societies formed naturally in accordance with the natural resource endowments of a given geographical area. These societies further saw that no two men or no two women were had the same abilities physically and intelligence-wise so that their brains were different. They had to be used by society according to their intelligence prowess and physical fitness to do different tasks for the community in a division of labour, if the community was to be efficiently run. Some people were better carpenters and stonemasons to build houses, while others were better talented and more creative in painting, music, acting for dramas, singing and writing fiction to read all of which man needed for mental happiness in his time of leisure. Those with better talents to particular roles had to be deployed and their creative talents used to fulfil a particular role in society. The most intelligent genetically were the entrepreneurs designing technology to better harness the goods and services of Nature whilst those less intelligent had to be used in physical labour to do what they could do best. It was only when Karl Marx and Lenin introduced the idea of Socialism to be imposed rather than a socialism that evolves to natural attributes that are genetically based that modern life entered an era of utter dysfunctional societies starting from Eastern Europe to and spreading across the world politically. They treated all men as equal and all women as equal to each other and these values were used to create the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, from which it spread to Cuba and Communist China in the creation of the People’s Republic of China. It was at odds with the Wild-Wild West of freedom loving Americans, the result of which was the Cold War following the Socialist workers regime of the Nazis in Germany during the First and Second World Wars. The freedom to think and organizes society to the natural endowments of the individual was found to be superior in concept to the Socialistic ideas but the World did not understand the reason for why this was biologically. The continued with experimenting Socialism with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and condemned Slavery not understanding that there has never been an individual who was not a slave as such to another. That this is of necessity as part of the evolution of humanity as Homo sapiens to perfect the idea of symbiosis to live in harmony with Nature. Socialism under any of its manifestation is a dead idea that leads to the destruction of Nature in keeping alive those who are genetically not endowed to adapt to the natural environment. They are kept alive through medical science to live up to 100 years of totally unproductive activities as a burden on the community instead of being allowed to die out naturally as befits their genetic endowments. This led to the idea that the National Health Service of the United Kingdom emulated across the world had to be of paramount concern and vast amounts of financial and human resources have been channeled towards it for example in ‘dealing with’ to control the coronavirus pandemic to save lives, as a human value of Socialism and Conservatism. This is rejected by the Conservative Libertarian Society, which values the individuality of human beings to get on with their lives and not consider the concept of slavery to spend money and resources of democracy to correct into Socialism again.

Man has not learnt the lessons of history in the collapse of the USSR during the Cold War and in recent decades has adopted Socialism on a global scale through its globalisation phenomena to educate the rest of the world to now in vogue western idea of not just the equality of the sexes In its enactment of same-sex marriage, but to treat racial and divergent religious groups who are not in harmonical association with others as having the same rights as everyone else, no matter how destructive some of these racial an religious separatist groups are to society within a particular State and by extension globally. Vast resources are spent to cater to their needs like air travel from across the world to Mecca for the Haj rites of Muslims, rather than treating Muslims as inferior genetically not to have understood that they do not have the intelligence to create wealth from scientific and technological prowess, so belong to the dustbin of humanity, if the survival of Homo sapiens as a species is considered by humanity as being an important consideration.

The basic laws of economics is to lie sustainably within one’s resources and not attempt at growth of the economy to generate the cash needed to keep the population at high levels, whether or not there is any employment prospects for them with the technological developments of humanity. We now need less people that we ever did in the past yet global population keeps on rising towards the 10 billion mark as if these are earning the governments some kind of pious points or demonstration of which State is superior in the employment of Science to generate a higher Gross Domestic Product.

Democracy is to blame for the present mess of Socialism that the world that the world is obsessed with rather than any idea that human greed for wealth and power is at the root of the evil that has brought the planet to point of impending doom. For career politicians have to cater to their voters expressions of their desire for equal treatment with everyone else in the provision of goods and services like health and social care. If the governing Party does not do so, the leader of the Party and its members in Parliament will be thrown into the scrap heap at the next elections. This is the root cause of corruption to the natural order of life on the United Kingdom and its democratic global allies in the western world and in places like India where vast sums of money is spent in implementing democracies within the Federal States and the National Assembly every 5 years for nothing but a game of who is going to be superior in getting the admiration of the moronic populations serving their religious aims.

The outcome of this assessment is that Slavery Is not to be condemned. It is based on the fullest comprehension of the evolution of the species in the survival of the fittest as lords and ladies of the jungle of Nature. Apartheid is not wrong, because to be intelligent one should have the brain cell capacity for intelligence to survive. Those who do not have to survive in more mundane jobs and be satisfied with that. Everyone does not have the same genetically endowed capacity of the brain to hold and digest information as knowledge to enable them to become lord of the jungle. Such humanimals like tamed-wild animals that humans have used since the beginning of civilization are only fit enough biologically to be doing the more mundane and menial activities in Nature. The apartheid concept is based in the development of communities who maintain the quest of the species to be able to survive. Genes change over time and unpredictably. Today the person or community who is on the seat as king and lord of the jungle, unless he marries to a spouse who is equally if not more intelligent will generate off-springs who do not strong-enough to meet the challenges that the environment poses on them that they have to try and surmount to the best of their genetic abilities. Intelligence does not come from the mind as if the mind is a spiritual entity. The mind is a part of the body and is only able to digest knowledge if the brain has the capacity to direct the mind to assimilate the information held in its memory cells. Such ability of the individual to build up the knowledge base of Nature for the person to be then able to improve ones prospects for survival with dignity that material prosperity brings is genetically determined.

The prescription of the Conservative Libertarians is to continually take steps to improve one’s family line of genetic strengths that makes us more entreprenerual and creative in the work that is needed to survive on the Planet. This is done by communal development of the race of the community in the agro-climatic and agro-ecological geographical surroundings that one finds oneself living in.

So I do not condemn past generations of British and Americans who enslaved Africans transported from that continent into the United States of America and wider during the 17th and 18th Century to develop the Community of the United States. The Masters of the human race had the intelligence to do what they saw fit to enable them to colonise a new piece of the wildnerness of the Continent of America. The same applies to the White colonisers of Africa and most notably South Africa, who masterminded the development of the regions with incredible human capacity. They knew that they had to maintain their racial purity of intelligence-based cultures as Afrikaaners and created the Afrikaner apartheid system of government of South Africa. It is when so-called well meaning Christian missionaries intruded into those societies that they stirred up the idea that Slavery was wrong and that a so-called God condemned it as Jesus Christ wanting there to be His kingdom on Earth that all humans should subscribe to. So the Protestant religions began to develop this counter-evolutionary threat to their respective populations in their home countries of Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom. The British were amongst the first to recognise this need and broke away from the Catholic Church to establish the State religion of the Church of England as the Anglican Protestant Church to reflect the fact that the Creator God and Roman Catholicism had been at odds with Creation as Science proved that Earth was not created in 7 days and that it is not a flat piece of land and water but a sphere within a Solar System of preservation, instead created by God, the Almighty indeed. That religion of Catholicism had to be consigned into the dustbin of history, but no one had the guts to throw the Bible and write a new Holy Bible to reflect the newly-discovered realities of Nature, so societies became dysfunctional and new religions of Islam emerged to reflect that. The Anglican Protestant Church of England welcomed these immigrants being intelligent enough to realize that these also sub-intelligential humaninmals could fulfil an important role in the economic development of the State as slaves effectively, but no efforts were expended in converting them to the religion of the Church of England due to pressures from the Bible-holding Socialists in the community. This is the major error, and started the decline of the British Empire and the British race of very intelligent people into national decline when the population was diluted by sub-intelligent humanimals from around the world not selected for immigration on the basis of their personal intelligence to be able to contribute to the economy.

The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom states that this process has not served the nation well and must be reversed or at least stopped to prevent further stagnation of the British culture.

So as a fully naturalized British Citizen and subscribing to Her Majesty the Queen as the Head of the Church of England in its Anglican Protestant Christianity denomination I have taken steps to convert to the Anglican Protestant Religion as shows below, having personally converted to this religion in all but official christening ceremonies to register it with the State:

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Lambeth Palace <>

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Dear Shantanu Panigrahi,

Thank you for your recent email. Much as he would like to, the Archbishop is unable to respond personally and in detail to all the hundreds of emails and letters that he receives, and so I have been asked to reply to you on his behalf.

Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to reach out to the Archbishop. I am afraid that the Archbishop is so overwhelmed with requests for individual meetings. As he would be unable to satisfy the demand, not least in the busy run-up to the Lambeth Conference in 2022, he has decided that with sincere regret and apologies that he must decline all such requests. He is very sorry about this, but the pressures on his diary sadly do not allow him the time he would like to meet so many people.

I am sorry to bring a disappointing response but thank you again for taking the time to write and please be assured of our prayers and good wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Dominic Goodall

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: crestDominic Goodall | Correspondence Manager to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Lambeth Palace, London SE1 7JU |

| Switchboard: 020 7898 1200 |

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Reverend Archbishop Welby

I have been in contact with the Maidstone Branch of the Anglican Protestant Christianity Church of England requesting an audience with the Archbiship preferably before the Revenerend goes on his proposed sabattical for renewal of spiritual values that I admire in his leadership of the Church. The following correspondence refers:

FW: Re: Conversion to Anglican Protestant Christianity (Supreme Court Judgment)


shanpanigrahi3000 <>

Mon, 23 Nov at 16:03

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Date: 23/11/2020 14:54 (GMT+00:00)


Subject: Re: Conversion to Anglican Protestant Christianity (Supreme Court Judgment)

Hello Shantanu,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately we can't help with your enquiry - we are a Register Office that deals with civil ceremonies.

Kind regards

Katie Watkins - Ceremonies Team - The Archbishops Palace - Maidstone ME15 6YE - 03000 414004

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 22 November 2020 06:26

To: Ceremonies Mid - GT <>

Subject: Conversion to Anglican Protestant Christianity (Supreme Court Judgment)


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Dear Padre/Father

I have now heard from the official agent of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom indeed of Ireland (see attached Frindeed(SupremeCourtagent)22Nov2020.docx as Her Majesty's the President of the Anglican Church of the United Kingdom its further directions to the Appeal dated 5 September 2020 attached ToSupremeCourt5Sep2020.docx as attached ToJobsLift(SupremeCourtofUK)21Nov2020.docx; that my submission to the principle that 'No one is safe until all are safe' as Archbishop reiterated last week on Television, that in order to move towards this principle of 'United We Stand and Divided We Fall' I must make an application to the Church to book appointments for me as follows:

(a) Selection of a Christian Name for me in accordance with the Hebrew Chaldean Numerology where my Shantanu Panigrahi still attains the Number 3 significance that forms the basis of the the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost' trimurti of Christianity to replace my present Hindu Trimurti Triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva': I have no idea how long this selection will take if we are to follow the Essenic theology outlined by Linda Goodman Star Signs, on the basis of which Jesus Christ attained the numerological significance of '9' that is conducive to living in the United Kingdom instead of '3', and the avataric principle of '3' and '7' add up to the One and only Almighty.

(b) Baptism for me simultaneously as soon as Archbishop Welby's Diary permits for I would like his personal blessings as I chart my new life that Jesus Christ saves our souls, rather than my Hindu beliefs hitherto that 'Jesus Christ saves arse-(h)oles, as I had earlier submitted to Her Honour Judge Backhous, the Circuit Judge in Central London County Court in the still-adjourned Claim of mine E35YM660, under which I am seeking the restoration of my Blog to continue with my Christian reformation as an Anglican Protestant Christian.

(c) Transition period: I had years ago communicated my paranoid shizophrenic status concerning my quest for a religion that is approrpriate to my life in the United Kingdom to the Church of England back in the year 2002-200w when I was seeking asylum under the Church's refuge, and had similarly written to the Vatican to see if Catholicism might provide me the same to no effect. So kindly bear this in mind and consult widely (may I suggest Padre/Farter Rowan Williams?) which would be more appropriate in a transition period to the eventual aim of rehabilitating in the society of the United Kingdom, perhaps I would have a softer landing if I chose Catholicism first, in which Case I would have to contact the Catholic Society of the United Kingdom depending on your assessment.

Your immediate reply would be helpful on the Sunday morning so that I can go to the appropriate church in my immediate locality and avoid further interactions with the Jehovah Witnesses who have visited me periodically over the past 22 years at my home inviting me for Services in their Kingdom Hall.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

, or

Shantanu Panigrahi

+44 7967 789619

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I should be most grateful if you would make His Most Reverend Archbishop Welby aware of this request or there is a possibility that I might be charged with Contempt of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in not complying with these Directions as an Order of Her Majesty's Court and Tribunal Service (HMCTS)

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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Thank you for your response.

Thank you for your reply.

Thank you for letting me know.

To be Edited: so please be patient.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Founder Member of The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United KIngdom

Last Edited: 6.23 am (UK-time) 3 December 2020

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