All theories are only theories, for no one knows for certain, the fullest Nature of Reality. The human mind needs the basis for a person's actions, and this Link summarises my thoughts for the day. Any comments would be gratefully received so that we can work out what we need to do individually and collectively. This has implications for how we deal with the threat of the Coronavirus pandemic and its emerging virus mutations that are coming up complicating our present strategies for protecting our lives, if living indeed is important. I personally do not believe in vaccinating myself against any micro-organisms just as I do not believe in taking medications of any kind for any so-called medical ailments that I may have (apparently) because I live on nonetheless. I am 64 years of age and declining in my physical abilities which impose restrictions on what I can do or cannot do in life. But the mind I feel is the most important consideration, not the body.
Who cares for the prowess as a great sportsman-, an artist-, a writer-, a singer-, a film-maker-,or a chef-extraordinaire, etc. Records are made to be broken as new generations stronger than oneself emerge who adapt to Nature better than previous generations if we consider living purely animalistically. On the other hand we have a mind to go with our body that needs to be peaceful enough to acquire understanding of the mechanisms that are needed for the person's survival in Nature and for that we need to be able to understand the nature of our personal limitations as genetically-endowed, bearing in mind the scientifically-proven knowledge that nearly all medications upon the body have negative side-effects as foreign particles to cause allergic-anaphylactic reactions or if not, physiological and biochemical negative side-effects which could lead to anxieties while they extend our lives into old age to lead to even more meaningless lives without a purpose or ability to reduce the stresses upon our minds. The human body was not supposed to live up to the ages that medical science enables artificial extension to so the mind has no solutions to the disorders that arise from such extensions of life. My study of Pharmacology at University and real experience in life at a personal level is indicative of this on the basis of which I can say that I am wary that if you go and see a doctor, and you could end up from the frying pan into the fire of ill-health that would reduce the ability to move about in Nature with your liberty still in-tact. So I say, so long as you are able to live naturally, go with that flow that Nature has endowed you with.
The body only needs food, water and oxygen to survive, but we are taught by top predators in the human form that we must also have the desire to acquire ever-increasing quality of the houses that we live in to increase our comfort under this shelter and for which we need to go for employment to earn more money to satisfy this desire as well as all other desires than the basic needs of maintaining our body, like having a car, and other material possessions for which we dig up the Earth to find hidden so called happiness-providing materials such as gold, ruby and, diamonds to process these artfully into necklaces, earrings and finger rings to decorate ourselves with to show off our wealth to others and appear more pleasing to look at; develop cosmetics to paint our faces with as if natural beauty was not good-enough that are advertised as it were by our top-predator suppliers brainwashing the population into wanting such materials for which more and more incomes need to be earned in the State-constructed economy to be able to afford them in its government of the people: the State's top predators want this demand from the population so as to use it as an excuse to go buccaneering around the world with military backup of their State's weapons and trained-soldiers conscripted directly or indirectly through laws and strategies of domineering-impoverishment of the State's economic-laggards or by incarceration of those who dissent because they cannot cope with unnatural lives of living just on bread and water, side-lining them in mental institutions and prisons if they disobey the State's need for a stream-lined cohesive population to further its economic growth targets; in acquiescence and complicity to consume what the State wants and arranges for the people like encouraging them to spend their additional money on going on holidaying-travels to seaside resorts created and to foreign destinations, in a so-called hospitality and leisure industry pretending to the public that it would be good for their mental health to further gratifyingly awakening their senses to take advantage of this whipped-up supply-side progress for improved quality of life encouraged to think that these momentary senses of euphoria and happiness that some seemingly-derive reduces the stresses upon the mind. This leads to people having to change their biologically-endowed strengths and functions as male and female members of the species into more diverse sexual and other activities in patriotically functioning as part of the unit of the State in their adoption of unnatural habits, as for example through the encouragement of feminism and homosexuality to the extent that the State provides State medical services to change people's sex as a further expansion of the economy in so called freedom and equality; instilling in them that they should all play football, cricket, boxing, cycling, swimming, and athletics all professionally by training their physical bodies so that they can make a spectacle of themselves as entertainers for the top-predator of the State to capitalise on their 'labour' so-provided by exporting these visual products, through television and internet media to the different countries of the world which the State also works hard simultaneously through advertising and politically homogenising the cultures of the world societies as one single market place of goods and services with the same human values for the continuous expansion of the world as an economy. Simultaneously, fuelled by the engendering of these brainwashed sentiment that these citizens of the State are doing so to leave their legacies as individual sportsman to excel in the supply of such goods and services the expansion of which is reinforced through recognising the talents of this population as having served the national development as patriotic State-slaves by being given Knighthoods, Dames, MBE and honours in academia like Professorships regular and Emeritus and public recognition such as the Sports Personality of the Year award by the United Kingdom State's publicity organ media the British Broadcasting Corporation, when in fact these are part of a coordinated-strategy for yet another diversification of the predatory expansion of the economy encouraged and coerced by the Police State that starts with from the early years in which parents are told that their children need State-enforced and industry-oriented education, amateur sports, performing arts, so they have to work harder and pay their taxes and National Insurance to be permanently tied to the apron strings of the Satan-evil State as the latest generation of slaves brought up through the top-predators of the State through the brainwashing of minds in education process.
The reality is that the more you do actively the quicker you suffer ill-health and the longer your mind suffers stresses to find ways of continuing your way of life which can only be done with increasing the finite natural resources in the Environment. So we impose stresses to the environment which in turn, being what it is through the Gaia-phenomenon, adapts to these impositions and finds a way of clamping down on human desires and render people to poverty again. For you cannot buck the market, the market of Nature. It is a self-contained Entity and has no avenues from outside the Planet to regenerate new resources for living beings. The more you desire, the more you will run out of natural resources and change from a vegetarian life that we were supposed to have had the genetic capacity to thrive on into meat-eating and fish-eating non-vegetarians, and when these will run out as they inevitably will the way we are going, we will have to eat insects, and ultimately become cannibals before we all perish as the dinosaurs did 65 million years ago. So it is a spiral of human activity leading to the impending doom for mankind if it desires to keep going down that path, now by investing trillions of dollars world-wide into Health Services as a sledge-hammer to crack the coronavirus-nut as the new economy to find jobs for people to be able to feed themselves and their families to increase further the world human population towards the 10 billion mark by extending pointless human lives into old age; when not only human life will cease to exist there will be no other mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, ants, bees plants and trees on Earth, only room for viruses and bacteria to restart evolution following this mass extinction-phase in the history of the Earth.
The occupations thus organised by the State leaves one with no free time to conduct studies of the wonders of the universe except by those individuals appointed by the State in government, University and business institutions as Scientists specialised in their own particular employment careers. These specialists never get the chance to diversify outside their specialisms, so that they are unable to blend their knowledge into a 'wholistic' study of Nature which comes from studying religion and philosophy as additional tools of research-enhancing experimental basis of knowledge acquisition. The net result is they are all ‘single-speech Hamiltons’ whose utterances in the Media never satisfies the public and the population also thereby flap about in ignorance as they see their political leaders who say that they base their executive actions on the basis of pronouncements of such State appointed scientists run about in society like blue arse flies in their attempt to remain in power as top-predators of the State.
So I have said, do not be a moron in a nation of morons in your countries by succumbing to its Policing to restrict your ability to think how to save your lives through saving the mind from such afflictions of manipulated work for the State: fight for your liberty to be free from slavery perpetuated in human history by Satan-evil top predator-States, as now of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and China, the tripartite Axes of evil that dominates the world today to gobble up the lion-share of the remaining natural resources of the Earth
Shantanu's Humanology ~ Live first: survive first, and make progress next in exploration of Reality