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The Effective State Monitoring of its Democracy

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Shantanu Panigrahi

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Conservative Libertarianism is totally non-violent, even to the point that protests in the streets, let alone in and around the sacred institutions of a State that uphold Democracy, like Capitol Hill in the United States of America or Buckingham Palace and Westminster/Downing Street in the United Kingdom or Rashtrapati Bhavan in India is not permitted by the ethos of this Society. This determination of the principle of Law and Order is based on the need for truth-accommodation by all members of the population. Law Enforcement authorities are to be seen as the guardians of Democracy and so must always be nurtured, obeyed, supported and cared for in the very difficult and arduous work that they do to protect the public and safeguard the institutions of State’s Democracy from the forces that threaten to disrupt the ability of the people to use these institutional facilities to voice their opinions peacefully in seeking their truth-based justice within which to conduct their activities as regulated by the State. However, free speech and freedom of expression has no boundaries in Nature and is fundamental to progress of a civilised Society in enabling all the citizens to pursue their individual convictions into actions that then enables the charting collectively the future of a nation, so should not be condemned as having for example in President Trump's case in the decision of the Congress to indict to impeach him in its judgement that he incited insurrection against the United States of America with his public announcements which supposedly led to mob violence by his supporters and other groups coalesced through unknown methods of conspiracy to disrupt the State’s democratic institutions, as it is a highly subjective judgment depending on the values of the other individuals of the State in the population and political circles in that one man’s meat is another man’s poison, but for which there was not enough evidence on how the march and subsequent riot was organised in reality to base a decision to indict and the self-interest of the Congressmen having different value-interpretations of what constitutes sedition, treason, traitor-hood, insurrection, to the State, such that only actions can be prosecuted not the words uttered in public by any individual in whatever capacity he or she lives in society. Fundamentally therefore, unless the sanctity of free speech is protected Constitutionally, human nature being what it is, undesirable predatory forces of anti-Conservatism and Democracy will always exploit the differences in opinions that exist in society with is varying levels of education of the population to destroy the process of truth and justice by suppressing free-speech from freethought to silence those with superior knowledge and understanding of Nature.

Secondly, party politics requires individual representatives of a Party in the governmental institutions to tow the party line In any democracy for the full term of an administration. The party line for all the Republicans in Congress accordingly was their responsibility to support the President until the democratic game-play of present-politics had toppled this administration, so that the ten Republicans in Congress who made the Resolution bipartisan by their dissension from the Party’s interpretation of law and order as judged by the present effective Leader of the Party (Donald Trump as Commander in Chief President) committed a gross act of self-gratifying disruption to the status quo of the State, so that we the Society of Conservative Libertarians do not see that these ten Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump last night, had been patriotic in their duties to the State; according to this principle there should have been a process of 'Whipping' all those ten Republicans into supporting the Party to vote against the Resolution to indict until the regime of President Trump led Administration came to a natural end as determined by the State-Constitution’s judgement of what kind of Democracy was lawful in the United States of America. This principle will apply to the ensuing proceedings in the Senate to come where some of its dissenting Republican Senators may also be inclined to convict President Trump in the impeachment trial that may take place in the course of time.

As things stand all Republicans until 20 January 2021 completion of the transition of Administration in the United States of America must be disciplined by the Party’s internal process initiated by the Leader now accompanied by an immediate Appeal against the Resolution in Congress on these grounds from President Trump pending the throwing out from the Party the ten Republican Congressmen for a new Vote on the Resolution with the ten dissenting Republicans listed as independent Congressmen, and likewise Republican Senators must voice their voting-intentions in any forthcoming trial of the President now so that the appropriate steps can be taken to organise the Republican Party similarly before such a trial; this is essential in order to protect Democracy in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, the parallel principle having a precedence from the manner in which Conservative Party Members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom were thrown out of the Conservative and Unionist Party of the State during last year’s Brexit-related votes in Parliament and forced to become independent Members of Parliament or join other Parties immediately as they were asked by their Leader to reconsider their positions in the Party as they were inclined to do depending on their personal convictions on what values they personally upheld. Such procedural provisions must be laid out in the Constitution on how Democracy within a State is organised so as to form the basis of legal judgments in the Courts by any subsequent aggrieved Party or individual.

This being the natural course for the evolution of the Democracy within a State means that the Third Party can and should be formed immediately to challenge the decision of Congress in the Supreme Court as part of the Appeal in order to establish the legality of the Resolution passed last night, and until that judgement is passed, President Trump should continue as President of the United States of America until 20 January 2021 at least, and if there are delays in the Supreme Court judgment on the Constitutionality of the first Resolution passed and that may be passed on a second Resolution voted upon under associated-directions issued by the Supreme Court in its reform of the Democratic processes of the State, the current President should continue indefinitely before any transition to the new government Administration of Joe Biden/Kamala Harris is allowed to be made effective in law.

The Supreme Court must therefore be convened at this moment in an Emergency Session under a declaration of a State of Emergency for the nation, in the interests for peace in the nation to prevail without which there will be turmoil in the United States of America for weeks ahead if not months ahead, as power-hungry politicians exert anti-democratic measures through the leaders of the present two Parties in Congress and Senate (such as Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer) currently waiting in the wings following the initial Resolution to further their own personal political-agendas in a bid to establish their own personal legacies to impose their personal values upon the society of the United States of America for the population to live by for another four years.

Thus, democracy should be made as incorruptible as possible through Constitutional-reform perennially by the decisions of the Supreme Court operating in continuous Session 24/7 of the monitoring the State and decisions issued in a timely fashion on how it is being made to be so for the organisation of the detailed functioning of a State.

If his is not done before 20 January 2021, it would be proof to the world that in the United States of America, economic interests determine the state and extent of Democracy to be implemented in its own backyard, and not the other way round, thereby showing to the world that the United States of America, like it's Mother-Nation the United Kingdom, secretively through their hidden-from-public State Establishments override the principles of Democratic accountability in serving their interests of their brands of Nationality and the need for that National Security thereby paying scant regard to the human rights or desires of their own populations and so neither is in any position in terms of holding the moral high ground to the rest of the world to dictate or recommend any kind of democratic reforms to any of the countries of the world, for example Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya that they have tried to during the recent-past; and even in comparison with the case of China on its human rights record, any such impositions is like the pot calling the kettle black.

The Conservative Libertarian Society believes that no one should have a private life of secrets because in society people at large need to know the full details of all members of the rest of the population, not just the State using it's surveillance facility and powers over the population which it uses to regulate the functionality of the nation so that it is coherent: the people need to know so as to be able to develop symbiotic relationships with each other so that the race of humanity within a State evolves gradually in peace and harmony with the general availability of knowledge and the transparency of all the actions of the State undertaken and performed by its individual members in freedom of choice not as slaves to the State.

My advice therefore is that we must conserve Democracy through the appropriate peaceful changes to continuously assess how it is working within a State, taking immediate remedial steps for the cohesive-functioning of the State accordingly by the oversight Orders of the prevailing Supreme Court of the day in its implementation of changes to Democracy when the State has evidently become dysfunctional and requires new corrective-regulations that enable the processes of the natural establishment of law and order in the State as continuously-assuaging the feelings of grievances felt by the different sections of electorate that justice has been compromised by the existing Democracy.

Breaking Witch Hunt: Democrats get ten Republicans to Impeach President Trump

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