Check your answers: about your health
Condition or disability:
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Approximate start date: about 22 years ago
About this condition or disability, medications being taken:
74 mg Lurasidone daily
150mg Sertraline daily
20 mg Atrovastatin daily
5 mg Finasteride daily
400 mg Tamsulosin daily
Do you have any other medical conditions:
Urological Problems preventing flowing urination due to enlarge Prostate
Condition or disability
Urological Problems preventing flowing urination due to enlarge Prostate
Approximate start date: about 4 months ago
About this condition or disability: medications
400 mg Tamsulosin daily
5 mg Finasteride daily
Do you have any other medical conditions:
Condition or disability:
Persistent Delusional Disorder
Approximate start date: about 22 years ago
About this condition or disability, any medications?
None, the 74 mg lurasidone and 150 mg sertraline prescribed to me by Dr Odesanya for paranoid schizophrenia is supposed to be the anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication that will cure this mental disability, but it has yet to be proven.
What are the side-effect of the medications:
Extensive symptoms of Hyperprolactinaemia characterised by complete erectile dysfunction, tremors and shakes, breast enlargement, high cholesterol for which Atrovastatin 20 mg daily is prescribed for the past year and a half, high prostate specific antigen, said to be a side-effect of the anti-psychotic medication that was prescribed from 1998 to 2020 (Spring Time).
Do you have any other medical conditions?
Condition or disability
Autism characterised by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Approximate start date:
about 22 years ago
About this condition or disability any medications?
No medication has yet been prescribed to me by Maudsley Hospital, London to whom this referral was made by my General Practitioner in February 2020, and for which Out of Area Special funding was approved by the Medway Clinical Commissioning Group to proceed with.
Who is your Health Centre treating you?
Dr a Shah - Parkwood Health Centre, Gillingham
Name: Dr a Shah - Parkwood Health Centre
Address: Long Catlis Road, Parkwood, Gillingham
Postcode/City: ME8 9PR
County: Kent, England
Phone: 01634 233491; Mobile: 07877 766025
Check your answers: about your health professionals
Are there any health professionals that you would like to tell us about?
Change check-your-answers:about-your-health-professionals.ids.id1
(a) Dr Mawanche
Dr Mawanche, General Practitioner (01634 233491); Dr a Shah - Parkwood Health Centre
Long Catlis Road, Parwood, Gillingham, ME8 0SL
Last seen: 11 2020
(b) Dr Femi Odesanya
Dr Femi Odesanya, Consultant Psychiatrist (01634 583000), Britton House
8 Skinner Street, Gillingham, ME7 1HD
Last seen: 11 2020
(c) Chris White
Chris White, Men in Sheds Manager (01634 283847), Sunlight Centre Surgery
105 Richmond Road, Gillingham, ME7 1LX
Last seen: 11 2020
Check your answers: preparing food
Does your condition affect you preparing food, or ever prevent you from doing so?
Change preparing Food
Difficulties you have with preparing food and how you manage them
I am unable to cook anymore whatsoever now as I kept burning the eggs that I was boiling so that these exploded and created a mess that my Carer Mrs Rashmi Panigrahi who is appointed as Carer for me by Dr Odesanya, the Consultant Psychiatrist) has instructed me to stay out of the kitchen except to make coffee that I can. I cannot even make tea using tea-bags.
This is a daily problem so my Carer does all the cooking in the house and I just help her carrying the bags when she is grocery shopping.
I need constant supervision because I cannot go to work because my urological urination problem has become so severe recently that I could not attend my Royal Mail Christmas Casual job this year being constantly bed-ridden and watching television or doing computing is all my time, in total isolation in home.
Check your answers: eating and drinking
Does your condition affect you eating and drinking?
Change eating and Drinking
Do you use a feeding tube or similar device to eat or drink?
Change feedingTube
Difficulties you have with eating and drinking and how you manage them
I cannot taste food, and gulp it down as fast as I can and thereby have swallowing problems that lead to mess in the mouth area and do not drink water for the same reason unless my wife lays down glasses of water to sip
Check your answers: managing treatments
Does your condition affect you managing your treatments?
Change managing Treatments
Difficulties you have with monitoring changes in your health condition or disability and taking medication, and how you manage them
I frequently forget to take my morning medications because I get confused in my mind as to whether I should take which medication in the morning and which one at night. My Carer constantly has to tell me to take these on time and has therefore placed the package of medications on the dining table. If she does not remind me I do not take the medications, as I am sleeping all the time. Consequently, my urological condition gets worse and worse.
The doctors tried risperidone, aripripazole as replacement medications because the Consultant Psychiatrist judged that my anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications were not working to control and restrict my mental demonic pscychoses. I was told that Dr Odesanya was considering clozapine in January 2020, but it was never tried because it was felt that I would then become terminally ill with only 6 months to live. Last Friday Dr Odesanya told my wife that he is in the process of sending me a letter of appointment to get our approval to change the medications yet again. But both my Carer and I feel that risperidone is the correct medication for me because I took it from 1998 to 2018 and did full time jobs at Shell UK and Sherlodge Garage for 6 years without any problems, earning a decent living. As soon as this medication was changed to aripripazole and then lurasidone, my psyhoses has got so much worse that I could not pass my probation at Sainsburys Trading Assistant appointment from 15 March 2020 to 17 June 2020, so the appointment was terminated by the Company, and while I have attended another appointment this morning at Sainsburys' Tonbridge for a different role of Service Assistant that would only require me to work on the Till, and not on the shop floor with my Urological problems and problems of concentration to increase my Case Rate on stock replensihment on shelves, I was so disorientated in my psychotic that I could not do this work properly. I am paranoid to the point that I keep thinking that the 600 criminal anonymous emails that I have received since September 2017, starting with the one by Dr Shivaji Panesar of the High Commisision of India is part of an international conspiracy against me to deprive me of my British Nationality and British Citizenship as State-organised persecution on me for taking the criminals of the University to Court for Defaming me with the charge of gross misconduct towards my colleagues and senior management. My Carer has had to continually counsel me in therapy to get me to believe that it was not part of the United Kingdom's MI5/MI6/GCHQ/US-Pentagon surveillance operation on me for the seditious activities that I am supposed to have undertaken since applying for the Queen to be dethroned and impeached by the North Kent Magistrate Court where I issued this summons that is pending consideration of the Magistrate today. My wife assured me just now that these persuctory emails that I have received are from Trolling by the general public who have read my websites, including,, If I do get the Sainsburys job that is pending consideration, only then will I believe that my Carer is right and I am mentally ill with the symptoms reported here to the Department of Works and Pension to restore my Disability Living Allowance that the State has deprived me of since February 2016.
Change managing: TreatmentsDetails
Therapies you take at home that need the help of another person
My wife gives me lots of counseling day and night. I trust her with my welfare because she has looked after all my needs by getting herself a decent job in the Civil Service, doing all the cooking and cleaning in the house since I became totally lethargic a decade ago and could no longer do gardening so she has hired gardeners, and I lost my mind from being able to do do-it-yourself tasks within the house to repair cupboards, put up shelves, sorting out blocked drains, and clearing the front yard of leaves during the autumn. She encourages me to go back to work and give myself some purpose and meaning to my life. Without her Caring support I know I would have died by now, as smoking cigarettes that I resumed since September 2019 to try and reduce the stress level of my mind does not work any more, and she refuses to let me drink alcohol except when we go out to dinners.
Check your answers: washing and bathing
Does your condition affect you washing and bathing?
Change washingAndBathing
Difficulties you have with washing and bathing and how you manage them
If it was left to me I would never bathe, brush my teeth, shave, and wear fresh clothes. My wife organises and persuades me to do these things and caringly arranges them for me for all daily needs as she judges fit, and when I need to go out of the house for an appointment.
Check your answers: using the toilet and managing incontinence
Does your condition affect you using the toilet or managing incontinence?
Change toiletNeeds
Difficulties you have with going to the toilet and managing incontinence
I always have difficulty in excreting both in stool and urination. Sometimes I do not go for a full day to the toilet unless I am bursting. I do not take care of my urination and excretion needs, having no concern for my body. I do not even wish to survive any more. My underpants are always soiled with excreta that my wife has to clean up afterwards because I do not use as much toilet paper as I need to after excreting to wipe my anal area. I used to use water to clean myself and that was stopped by my Carer because she thought it was unhygienic and created a lot of mess in the toilet. I do not care for such concerns.
Check your answers: dressing and undressing
Does your condition affect you dressing or undressing?
Change dressingAndUndressing
Difficulties you have with dressing and undressing and how you manage them
I dress up as quickly as I can to cover myself but do not care for what I wear, how clean those clothes are, whether they are iron-pressed for smartness: all that is organised and done for me by my wife who short of getting me to put on the clothes monitors how I do it.
Check your answers: talking, listening and understanding
Does your condition affect you talking, listening and understanding?
Change talkingAndListening
Difficulties you have with talking, listening and understanding and how you manage them
Does your condition affect you talking, listening and understanding?
Change talking and listening
Difficulties you have with talking, listening and understanding and how you manage them
I do not like to talk to anyone. I was diagnosed in Littlebrook Hospital that I have Elective Mutism, they said. If I am desperately forced into conversations. I engage with the people who wish to talk to me. I live in total isolation and seclusion. That is why over the past 22 years I never attended a Disciplinary Hearing or a Court Hearing. I think 'Talk is Cheap'. I only engage in written and email conversations that is verbally and in words that are written if I am forced to do so to defend myself against my persecutors. That is why I am filling in this form in writing back to you after you failed to send me the form instantly after sending me text on Friday 27 November 2027 that caused me so much anxiety that I reported it to Julie Palmer at Kent and Medway Partnership Trust as the Patient Advisory Liaison Service Complaints Manager to register your lackadaisical response.
Check your answers: reading
Does your condition affect your ability to read?
Change reading
Difficulties you have with reading words or symbols and how you manage them
I never read now, I do not even read what I have just written or ever written in the past. I do not read fiction either for I have no emotional needs. I am a heartless stone.
Check your answers: mixing with other people
Does your condition affect you mixing with other people?
Change mixingWithOtherPeople
Difficulties you have with mixing with other people and how you manage them
I never mix with anyone. I have never had a friend in the past 22 years, after the first 40 years of socialising with all and sundry no matter where they came from into my life, partying with them to enjoy comaradeship, playing team sports like cricket, football and badminton in which mixed doubles was my speciality. I can find none to socialise with now and I shun publicity.
Check your answers: managing money
Does your condition affect you managing your money?
Change managingMoney
Difficulties you have with managing your money and how you manage them
I do not count any change that I receive when I hand a Money note to a shopkeeper. I never check my Bank Statements, I never take credit anymore after having organised my and my family's life in risky ventures to buy three houses upgrading ourselves since my bedsitter days prior to 1980. I have said to my wife that she can have my £1000 per month Teachers Pension for our daughter's needs and gave her all the £30,000 lumpsum payment from the Pension to do as she pleases. I have given all my rights to our current home having failed to get her to agree changing its name from Irwin Lodge to Shanti Niwas, as I await my Rochester Wisdom Hospice entry on account of my present Terminal Illness that has arrived at. Then I will be in Mahasamadhi.
Check your answers: planning and following a journey
Does your condition affect you planning and following journeys?
Change planningJourney
Difficulties you have with planning and following journeys and how you manage them
I always use a satnav to drive to different places and scold my wife if she turns it off. I listen to the voice in the satnav guiding me as the driver when the next turning or roundabout comes up.
Check your answers: moving around
Does your condition affect you moving around?
Change movingAround
How well can you stand and how far can you walk using any aids or appliances you need?
It varies:
I cannot stand straight, and always feel I need to lie down. Even when I am sitting my legs give me a lot of shakes and I want to go and lie down. I hate going for walks but accompany my wife as I listen to her every instructions and she says to me going for walks is very good for health. I frequently leave her behind during our walks together and come home to lie down.
Change movingAroundDistance
Difficulties you have with moving around and how you manage them
I just do not have the motivation to walk. I do not have a brain to work our when I need to go out. I await instructions and restrictions as imposed upon me by my Carer, my wife. I will do anything my daughter asks me to do as well, because I have lost my emotions, but not my love for these two as the only important people in my life that I wish to associate with.
Check your answers: additional information
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about?
Do you wish to upload any files?
Your uploaded files
Files added
File 1
CLAIMANT'S SUBMISSION27November2020.docx, 20kB
File 2
CurriculumVitaeShortDrSPanigrahiDecember2020.docx, 18kB
The information I have given on this form is correct and complete.
I have provided the best information available to me at this time to support my claim.
I will tell the Department for Work and Pensions straightaway, by phone or in writing, of any changes that may affect my claim.
If my ability to carry out day-to-day activities or get around improves or gets worse, the amount of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) I get might change.
If the information I give you is wrong or incomplete, or I do not report changes straightaway
my PIP payments might stop or reduce
I might be paid too much PIP and have to pay this back
I might have to pay a financial penalty
I might be prosecuted
Do you wish to send your form now?
Yes Send My Form.
Information sent
We have sent a confirmation email to
What happens next
We will keep you up to date about your PIP claim by text message if you have agreed for us to do this.
You might be contacted to arrange an assessment with a health professional if more information is needed.
You may not need a consultation if you have provided enough information for us to make a decision.
If you need to upload more supporting evidence
Sign in if you need to upload any more evidence that might support your application.
You might find it useful to bookmark the sign in page in your internet browser.
You will need your email address, mobile phone and password to sign in.
You will not need to answer the questions about your daily living activities or mobility again.
Give feedback
What did you think of this service? (takes 30 seconds)?
Overall, how do you feel about the service you used today?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
How can we improve this service?
That remains to be seen based on your decision on what PIP I am entitled to as a lump sum and monthly payments with Christmas Bonuses.
Your feedback has been submitted
You can now close this page
14.22 hours 30 November 2020
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Site Administrator <> Mon, 30 Nov, 14:25 (17 hours ago)
Thank you for providing your contact details for research purposes. Participation is voluntary and will not affect any benefits or tax credits you are claiming, now or in the future. We will contact you when research opportunities become available and the researcher will explain in more detail what is involved. The researcher will explain what will happen when they contact you. If you change your mind when the researcher contacts you, you can withdraw from the research. You can also remove your contact details at any time by emailing: This email address is not used for any other purposes. Please do not send any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance or credit card numbers, to this email address. Your response ID is ANON-X4SG-SYZG-K. Please have this ID available if you need to contact us about your response. If you would like to download a PDF copy of your responses, please click the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address bar. This link is unique to you. Please save this email and do not forward it on to anyone else, as it provides access to view all the answers you have submitted.
Time of completion
14.25 hours (UK-Time), 30 November 2020
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