Return to India
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Fri, 19 Nov at 18:39
Honourable Prime Minister of the Republic of India
Please accept my deepest respects as Pranams
I am a family man who came to the United Kingdom with my parents, with my father being on deputation for the Government of India seemingly on diplomatic status as Indian Liaison Officer.
I stayed behind in the United Kingdom but went to marry a girl in Odisha State and we have a daughter born in the United Kingdom so having a British passport. My wife works for the Civil Service in the Government of the United Kingdom.
I will be 65 years of age on 15 January 2022 although my birthdate in the passport is written as being on 8 August 1957 due to some mistake administratively when I was issued with an Indian Passport in 1972 to come to the United Kingdom. I obtained a United Kingdom passport in 1984 through the naturalisation process to develop my scientific career in the United Kingdom.
My curriculum Vitae/Biodata is attached: CurriculumVitaeFullDrSPanigrahi2021.pdf.
The reason for writing to you is that I would in my retirement I would like to have a Visiting Lectureship at any of the Universities of the Republic of India. There are currently no restrictions on me to travel abroad on a United Kingdom Passport but my 6 monthly Visa application to the High Commission of India London for 2022 is still being considered. If I could get a visiting lectureship, I could apply for a 2 year stay in India for such a posting.
We have property in Kolkata (Flat at A13/3 Kalindi Housing Estate, Kolkata 89, and have village properties in near Bhadrakh in Odisha State. My parents are deceased but I have two sisters who are settled in Bhubaneswar.
I have been referred to write to you by my aquaintance in India Mr ShitikanthSingh A on see Correspondence on Facebook with Shitikanth Singh A 18 Nov2021 on India Visa Applicaiton.docx.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 44 (0) 7967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
Correspondence on Facebook with Shitikanth Singh A18Nov2021on India Visa Application.docx