New Year Message from SE Region
Paul Farthing
17:34 (27 minutes ago) 6 January 2021
shanpanigrahi3000 <>
17:49 (12 minutes ago)
to me
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-------- Original message --------
From: Paul Farthing <>
Date: 06/01/2021 17:34 (GMT+00:00)
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Subject: New Year Message from SE Region
South East Liberal Democrats
Dear Shantanu
I have taken over as the new Regional Chair for the South East at a challenging time for everyone, but I believe that we have to look ahead to the opportunities we have as a political party to bring about the change we so much desire - tackling climate change, more support for vulnerable people and social justice.
Challenges and opportunities in 2021
I understand that we have started 2021 as we left 2020, if not in an even more difficult situation for many, with schools closing and the country ordered to stay at home. Yet it is still possible to be inspired the acts of those around us, such as those working on the frontline in hospitals and care homes; people delivering essential services such as food stores and deliveries and charities engaged in supporting vulnerable people.
Our lives have been changed in so many ways. We continue to embrace the challenges of lockdown, adapting to restrictions and finding new ways to work, exercise and socialise. We have transformed our approach to using technology, with zoom and teams becoming part of nearly everyone's life. We have also seen communities come together to help each other out in extraordinary ways, proving how important it is that we work together to bring about change and improve the lives of us, our families and our community.
Winning in May
Given the mess the Conservative Government has made of managing this pandemic, this May sees a huge opportunity for a Liberal Democrat breakthrough, with elections for county and district councils and the Police and Crime Commissioners. We can increase the strength of our voice in councils across the South East. But to do this, and despite the restrictions, we are going to have to campaign hard over the next five months.
Working with ALDC and the Federal Party we have arranged a special #GetOutAndWin session tomorrow night, Thursday 7 January at 6.30 until 8pm. Please join us.
Subject: #GetOutAndWin
When: 07 January 2021 18:30-20:00 (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.
This will update you on how you can campaign for the elections ahead. Of course, it’s very much an individual decision as to whether to take part in campaigning or not and if it’s not right for you we respect that. There are many ways that people can help and the session will outline what we can do, such as:
1. Make sure that you, your family and friends, have your postal vote organised if you need one. Please don't miss the opportunity to vote for change across the South East
2.If you use any social media platforms, you can help us share our campaign messaging
3.Many local parties are running telephone campaigns that you can join in and you'll hear more about the national day of action on phoning that will be happening on the 16th Jan
We need to get our campaigning underway now, for we know that where we work, we win. Please join us on January 7th to find out how you can help.
Join the Regional team
The Conference last November confirmed a strong regional team for 2021, but there is still an opportunity for you to get involved.
The Regional Executive is looking to fill six vacancies and to appoint up to six more people on the Local Parties Committee. There are also seven spaces on the English Council, which meets twice a year, and is a good way to find out more about what is happening across the Party, as it brings together representatives from each region.
If you would like to join the team for this crucial election year, it is easy to put yourself forward for consideration. Just send a short outline of your relevant experience (100 words max), inside or outside the Party on campaigning, training, media work, governance or other relevant topic, with your name and local party to by 14th January. Whether you are a new member or long-standing, been active or not before, we look forward to hearing from you.
Lots of training available
We all know it can be a bit daunting to try something for the first time, and that we can all benefit from brushing up our skills from time to time. The Federal Party and the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors (ALDC) are still a range of excellent training courses that you can access online. Please do check them out on one of the links below. They are all FREE.
Federal Party campaigns team:
It is particularly worth checking out the ALDC Motivate Day on the 16th January, which you can sign up for here - This will be a great round summary of how to get local campaigning going. There are also lots of our campaign materials available. You can access them and
Thank you
I would like to thank each of you for everything you are doing to bring about the change we all want to see. Across the region we have hundreds of councillors working hard in local councils, and thousands of activists, members and supporters supporting our campaigns. We appreciate and thank you for all of the time and commitment you are making to the Party's vision for a fairer society.
I will be writing to you each month to update on what is happening across the region. If there are things you would like to hear more about please do let me know.
Despite the current situation, may I conclude by wishing you, your family and friends, a Happy New Year and let's hope that 2021 becomes brighter over the months ahead.
Yours Sincerely,
Paul Farthing
Regional Chair
South East England
South East Liberal Democrats · United Kingdom
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Reply message through Zoom
From Me to Everyone: 05:56 PM
Hello everyone, is there anyone available to chat with me?
I am having very disconcerting emails being sent to me with confusing content, that I need help from the Party on. If anyone should read this please contact me as soon as possible. This is an emergency, on a health issue as follows:
Appointment Text 10.02 am 5 Jan 2021 at Parkwood Health Centre
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Wed, 6 Jan at 06:15
Shah Surgery
Long Catlis Road
Kent ME8 0SL
Dear Dr Shah
With reference to the text I received yesterday morning to see Mrs Bhumi Bhalani that I did not understand the background to, so I cancelled it by text at 10.57 am I now note from the Proforma given to me by your receptionist at 1.00 pm on 4 January 2020 (as attached: 2021-01-06(DrBhatMedMaritimeHospital).pdf) that this might be related to the pains and other symptoms of the anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications (which have been changed variously as risperidone, olanzapine, laustral, sertraline, aripripazole, lurasidone, quetiapine) that I have been taking over the past 20 years as prescribed by the changing Consultant Psychiatrists (currently housed in Britton House, Gillingham, Kent); namely the urological/urination problems, e
From Me to Everyone: 05:57 PM
, erectile dysfunction, hyperprolactinaemia, high levels of prostate specific antigen, high cholesterol, breast enlargement, pre-diabetes, tremors and shakes, fluctuating blood pressures, dryness and stickiness in the mouth, cracks on both my feet from dryness of the skin and swellings that hinder my ability to walk steadily and quickly. So I am preparing to come to the Surgery at the appointed time, but do not know from yesterday's Prime Minister's announcement of the Lockdown in place now whether this appointment qualifies as essential medical service-related visit that I am now allowed to leave the house for.
I feel quite sick and unpleasant in my taste so would ideally like to discontinue taking the present recommendation of Quetiapine medication (50 mg daily) and sertraline (150 mg daily) for this reason but of course cannot do so until I have received clear instructions from Mrs Jodie Whitehead of Shah Surgery - I am not sure how to balance my mental and physical health and need urgent counselling.
From Me to Everyone: 06:00 PM
Please advise me as soon as possible by email or telephone call.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619