Restoration of my Indian Passport
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: "R.K. Duggal" <>
date: 4 Dec 2021, 18:28
subject: Restoration of my Indian Passport
Dear Mr Duggal
With reference to our recent correspondence concerning the issue of a 6 month Visa on my passport of the United Kingdom, all negotiations with the State authorities have not resulted in the re-establishment of my Nationality and Citizenship of the United Kingdom; see ToPublicEnquiriesHomeOfficeccRKDuggalHCI27Nov2021; ToHomeOfficepublicenquiriesccRehmanChishtiMP4Dec2021.
I am therefore in dire need for the restoration of my birth nationality and as such would be grateful if give me the go ahead to complete the necessary formalities online and pay the required fee for the Issue of an Indian Passport a and a Person of Indian Origin Card simultaneously. I would then be a Non-Resident Indian still living in the United Kingdom with permanent residence at our current home of 3 Hoath Lane, Wigmore, Gillingham, Kent, United Kingdom but visiting India as we have done over the years that we as a family have settled here.
If for any reason the Indian Passport will not be issued to me along these lines, please let me know without delay so that I am not Stateless.
Our family is still planning to travel to India in January-February 2022 to visit our relatives in Odisha as my mother-in-law being 80 is not very well in health terms.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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