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Re: Re: Re: [filtered] Discharge from Secondary Care back to primary Care GP

Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

Re: Re: Re: [filtered] Discharge from Secondary Care back to primary Care GP


06:49 (1 hour ago)

Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi I am pleased that my reply assisted you in clarifying some points which you had raised, and hope that your queries about retirement a

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


date: 21 Oct 2021, 08:34

subject: Re: Re: Re: [filtered] Discharge from Secondary Care back to primary Care GP


Dear Jo

Many thanks for your email. Yes I do need emotional support as while some of the points were clarified over night, the problem that I face has not gone away with the wind: I drafted my remaining concerns as follows:


When one meditates constantly on one's moment by moment thoughts, do we try to go into stillness permanently, and if so, how do we get to know what our dharma (duties and responsibilities) are as we go along forwards with our life every moment that we are alive? Or is dharma not important and relevant to a spiritual life, so that only truth dictates the karma that we perform?

The point is if truth dictates one's karma then one is obliged to truth-accommodate so one mixes with bad people and associates oneself with their criminal activities rather than conserving truth on the basis that truth is sacrosanct. For not everyone knows the truth, and one needs to be certain that one does know the truth. Then alone one can conserve truth through one's actions positively which then alone constitutes ‘the dharma’. And since truth is God and God is truth for a Vishista-advaita Vedantist the resulting actions (karma) performed as dharma becomes sanatan dharma that has been consciously enacted.

So what then is the ultimate truth. Truth is the Reality of Existence. How does one know that one's Reality as perceived is the ultimate truth. One knows that if one's truth has survived all attempts to denigrate it by lesser mortals. This is because the dharma so performed by the truthful, that is on the basis of that truth alone, rakshati rakshita (If one protects/preserves dharma dharma protects/preserves you). This is to say that because one's actions (karma) as dharma is based on this the ultimate level of truth-consciousness it is conserved as the eternal law of the universe.


Who is going to arrange my medical retirement from the University of Greenwich from 20 October 1998 if the Court of Central London is not going to act on my Appeal as attached: AppellantsNoticeCourtofAppeal5October2021.docx on Claim E35YM660.

I also need clearance from the Court to take up paid employment without my right to British Citizenship being questioned by employers again.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 at 06:49, <> wrote:

Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

I am pleased that my reply assisted you in clarifying some points which you had raised, and hope that your queries about retirement and your future can be satisfactorily resolved.

It sounds of importance that you recognise that your family needs you right now. I'm also glad that you were able to obtain enjoyment from seeing a film with your wife and able to help your daughter practically.

We are here if you need further emotional support in the future.



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from: Central London DJSKEL <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 21 Oct 2021, 08:34

subject: RE: Re: Re: [filtered] Discharge from Secondary Care back to primary Care GP


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