Re: Re: [filtered] Re: Home Visits to Senior Officer Criminals2
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Tue, 16 Nov at 22:52
Dear Jo
I am very sad, to be quite honest to answer your question of my emotions and feelings. I do not like doing what Azeem Rafiq did to Yorkshire Cricket Club and going to the Press to hound the Club to take his allegation of racism seriously. As far as I know and in my 48 years of living in the United Kingdom since Enoch Powell left the scene there is no racism in the United Kingdom institutionally. I respect the authorities to take the right decisions in the interest of the entire population. This kind of self-centred attitude from the Muslims is giving all immigrants a bad name, they are spitting on the plate that feeds them forgetting that in other parts of the world people are starving. I get a £1000 per month pension, to live on and I am grateful to the United Kingdom authorities to have let me keep that despite all the delusional utterances in writing that I have done over the past 24 years. There was no racism in the University of Greenwich, I got what I deserved for I had other internal convictions to seek the truth of our existence on this planet. I was seeking to find if there was a God and if so what kind of conduct He/she would expect from one who surrenders to him in devotion. That is why I have repeatedly stated that I would rather go to a mental hospital than leave this country or go to the Press media to complain about institutional racism or institutional corruption. Life is very pleasant here in the United Kingdom for us. All my actions including calling for Her Majesty the Queen to be dethroned of summoned by the International Criminal Court were naive speculations in my search for the truth. I have already apologised for my swearing on trollers or criminals for trying to have me booted out of the United Kingdom by making me stateless. They were all part of my yoga. I am sad that it has not been seen that way and I am still having to go to court to clear my name. But clear I must, coming to your original point of what i hope to do with my life. I will look after my family (God willing) and abide by the decision of the Courts. But I will never ever do anything to damage the reputation of the United Kingdom. I will take all the blame upon myself for the past 24 years of what I had earlier described as civil victimisation and state-organised persecution for my religious beliefs. I have no religious beliefs. I just live from one moment to the next, whether God likes it or not. If He does or not there is no way of telling. I hate religion.
On the job hunt, I am waiting to see if our daughter will pass her superannuaarry imposed on her from a 6 months’ probation tomorrow when she has a Hearing for she has found the task of working in a Ward of a Mental Hospital as a Mental Health assistant very tough, and I sympathise with her, for it is very difficult for anyone to cope with mentally ill people especially those who have committed crimes and are violent. If she loses her job then we will go to India for 4 weeks in January-February 2021 to see my mother-in-law who is 80 years of age and not very well.
Please write back immediately to let me know if I am going about my life the proper manner.
On Tuesday, 16 November 2021, 20:27:06 GMT, <> wrote:
Hi Shantanu,
I'm sorry to hear you're really struggling to get help at the moment. It sounds tough that the GP surgery and care in the community aren't supporting you. What kind of help do you think you need to improve your mental health?
The job hunt doesn't sound easy either but we wish you well in your book writing. Are there any other jobs you are planning to apply to? What do you hope to do with your life?
We appreciate you trying to share some background information with us to support you but really we want to focus on your emotions and feelings, please don't feel the need to forward your other email exchanges.
Take care,
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