Re: Non-relevant material sent to North & Central Kent Magistrates Court
16:04 (58 minutes ago)
to northkent, me,
Dear Kerry,
We refer to the email you wrote to Dr Shantanu Panigraphi which you have forwarded a copy to us. Please be advised that we are not Dr Panigraphi's lawyer and we are not acting for him at all.
Robert Leung
Wai Leung Solicitors
Wai Leung Solicitors, the Old Library, St Faiths Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1LH
Tel: 01622807884 Fax: 01622678630
This e-mail (and any attachment(s)) is private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Wai Leung Solicitors. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail.
On Dec 9 2021, at 3:34 pm, northkent <> wrote:
Good afternoon Mr Panigrahi,
Kindly can you advise why, after in spite of our warning to you of December 6, this material has been sent to the Magistrates Court? It seemingly relates to matters unrelated to us.
If this continues, we will have to request an electronic block on email communications from you, and a telephone block. You will then be able to communicate with us only by post or, by exception, in person.
I copied this to your lawyers, Messrs Wai Leung & Co. Solicitors, and to the other email address used by you to send us the threats we felt necessary to report to the police.
Kerry Vant
Administration Officer and Tribunal Clerk
North & Central Kent Magistrates Court | HMCTS | The Court House| Chatham|
Phone: 01634 830232
For CVP enquiries please contact
HM Courts & Tribunals Service
Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparation
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: 9 December 2021
Subject: Re: HM Passport Office Enquiry SJM
Dear S J Morris
Thank you for your email (as below).
I am sorry but there was an error in my passport application which could invalidate any passport issued with those details.
My correct date of birth in accordance with my birth certificates is not the one shown in the previous United Kingdom passport. As part of the state conspiracy of 24 years against me, the date of August 8 1957 instead of January 15 1957 is often used so as to bastardise my status as a loyal subject of Her Majesty the Queen and defeat my claims for asylum to France, India and ten other countries. They disguised this as an innocent error but of course I recognised it as part of the plot against me.
Secondly, I transferred my residence for postal purposes to The Shilling, Halfpenny Lane, Poundland, Guildford, Surrey GU4 8P2, where my future partner dwells. She is facing charges of harassment and participation in a covert stalking operation at so you should ensure you do not get into her "bad book". This is the address that should be used for sending me the amended passport. Is that understood clearly enough?
Because all this trouble has arisen because of state persecution or incompetence, I do not expect the already exorbitant fee I have paid to be increased. If there must be an increase, it should be deducted from the £ 100 owed to me by the British Authorities and Kubla Khan in respect of the Court Fee I paid for my N244 application concerning my case E35YM660 against Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, Theresa May and approximately six hundred other
identified defendants, and innumerable unidentified ones,.
I wonder also if HM Passport Office could red-flag the travel documentation of Mr Paul Nichols, an unregistered sex-offender, child molester and thief resident in North Kent who stole my old mobile phone, desktop pc and a UBS stick. If you have his postal address to hand, I would be obliged and even pay a reward for this information.
Those who want to defy or challenge me are reminded to consult 'Alternaria toxins', by Dr Shantanu Panigrahi (Chapter 22. Handbook of Plant and Fungal Growths). I know how to deploy alternaria metabolites without pangolins -
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619, or c/o Miss Katrina Sale
______ Quoted message ____
From: HM Passport Office <>
Date: December 8 2021, 17:46:15 +0000
Subject: HM Passport Office Enquiry SJM
Dear Shantanu,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I can confirm that your passport was approved on the 08/12/2021 and should be with you shortly.
Please allow up to 5 working days for delivery. Any supporting documents will be returned separately, therefore, please allow additional time for them to arrive.
You can track your passport here:
Your application number (minus any spaces and PEX) is your "PAN number" and you will need to provide your postcode. It will only show on the system from midnight after it has been printed and collected.
If you require any further information, please contact us via e-mail: or call us on +44 (0)300 222 0000, Text Relay Prefix 18001
Please ensure the application reference number is included in any email correspondences sent to us.
Kind Regards,
S Morris
Customer Service Management Team
HM Passport Office Operations
Her Majesty's Passport Office
----- Original message -----
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: Saturday, 27 November 2021 23:05
To: Public Enquiries (CD) <>
Cc: R.K. Duggal <>, Katrina Sale <>
Subject: Fwd: Automatic reply: 6 months Visa to India
Dear Sir
I am in urgent need of the return of my Passport that I sent to HMPassport Office as attached FrHMPassportOffice23November 2021, as I need to obtain my Visa to Indian for 6 months stay or longer depending on Covid-19 Omiron spread across then world. The visit is planned for December 2021 so I need to act get away from the United Kingdom. If for any reason my passport will never be returned to me, I will request the Indian Government for asylum again the consideration of which has been on-going 20 years. The reason is the persecution that I continue to suffer at the hands of the jaanbhosadiwale suars of Kent Police which took away by desktop computer, my mobile phone and my USB Memory Stick as punishment for speaking the truth.
I have been duly advised by the Administrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice that the Court does not have jurisdiction to Order the Home Office to prioritise my application for the Renewal of my United Kingdom Passport for another 10 years as the old passport expired in 2024, and I need to have an extended period of stay in India for various leisure and educational
purposes. The Prime Minister of India is fully aware of this request for a 6 month Visa initially. I had written to you at Public Enquires a week ago and have not had any feedback from you and this morning on checking the HM Office tracking system there is no information on the progress of the consideration of the application to re-establish my United Kingdom Nationality and Citizenship.
Since according to the Administrative Court the Home Office itself is a Court beyond the jurisdiction of the Law enforcement authorities and only therefore subject to Parliamentary Scrutiny through the processes of the House of Commons, I am writing to my Member of Parliament to ensure that the due process of the House is instituted immediately to ensure that I do not become Stateless despite my conscientious objections to certain elements of the Constitution of the United Kingdom which has led me to political activism through the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619