Re: [filtered] Re: Home Visits to Senior Officer Criminals2
Mon, 15 Nov at 13:51
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Mon, 15 Nov at 21:26
Hello Jo
I am sorry, I was just keeping you informed so that you know the background in the fullest detail possible. I have no lawyers, no advisors and no mental health support from even the GP Surgery, I have twice in the past couple of months been 'discharged' whatever that means from Care in the Community secondary care service with no one to talk to listen to my confused and delusional mind that persists when I get emails out of the blue, like this one: sorry I just have to let you know for I have to have proper emotional support:
Miss Lottie Hazell (your dutiful obligations)
Shantanu Panigrahi <>,,,,
Mon, 15 Nov at 17:42
Dear Lottie Hazell
As an afterthought to my recent email reply to you, are you available for sexual intercourse with me?
I have looked you up on the very accommodating British Library website and you meet my requirements for appearance and age.
I am very rich following the favourable decision by the Extra-Judicial Rendering Committee of the Evil Wicked Witch Green Queen's
Privy Council of the United Kingdom overruling the Court of Central London, the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, etcetra, and I pay handsomely in cash.
I outline the legitimacy of my allocation criteria and expectations as a kalki-avatar here
For a fuller explanation, consult my Britisher Library here
where I have allotted your free access per the Order from the East Kent Magistrates Court. You are mentioned in two of my recent books.
I used to regularly make my daughter, who is a little older than you, perform Siva pooja (worship) on my lingam in the shrine I constructed. I will explain what is needed for you.
I will send my driver, Gurpaul (Paul) Singh Tiwana, a doubtful Sikh of advanced age, to your home address in West London (Chelsea) to pick you up to bring you to my well-equipped basement oand drop you off. Any arrangement you make with him is up to you but any consummation must be after he has collected you from the Gillingham address. His address is 12 Nares Road Parkwood Rainham Kent ME8 9RF which he advertises in his email ("9RF") because he thinks postcode is emailcode.
You need have no concerns about your safety, there will be a judicially-approved Consent Agreement checked by my seeming lawyers, Capsticks. It will cover buccaneering areas like reasonable force, handcuffs and other restraints and so on. I have much familiarity with these ever since my incarceration in a Secure Unit fifteen years ago. I lawfully absconded from it.
Do not correspond with my former solicitors, Antony (not Anthony) Clapp, as I have discharged them pending my claim against them lodged on 5 November with the Solicitors Regulation Authority with consultation and guidance from the Supreme Court Registrar.
I look forward to having you, Lottie. Do not involve the police whose lackadaisical ways are the subject of a judicial review process.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Mon, 15 Nov 2021 at 13:03, Hazell, Lottie <> wrote:
My name is Lottie Hazell and I am emailing you on behalf of the British Library as you are a registered user of our Publisher Submission Portal.
We are reviewing the usage of the Publisher Submission Portal and would appreciate your feedback by filling out an anonymous five-minute survey.
Click here to fill out the survey.
If you have any further questions or feedback regarding what could
improve your experience of the Publisher Submission Portal, you are
welcome to reply to this email with your comments.
Yours sincerely,
Lottie Hazell
I am cooked up in the house with my risperidone, sertraline and depakote with no changes to the medication since we last communicated and now with no job prospects because Sainsburys have still not removed me from its 'not-for-rehire' category and a new job with Tesco at Aylesford that I applied for a few days ago got short shrift even though I passed the on-line questionnaire. I thought if I write some books of my Searching for Mental Health Services in the United Kingdom, it will give me a source of income and keep my mind occupied in mindfulness therapy but the books that I wrote are not selling. Perhaps the whole world knows what a lunatic deranged individual is living here in the United Kingdom so are scared to read let alone digest those writings.
To add to the smoking of cigarettes I am right now drinking alcohol to calm my nerves down, for I am so confused about what is going on, what with the COP26 Summit and global warming also bothering me because I just do not know if it is a problem to be worried about. Part of me thinks, if the world gets too hot, we will not have very cold winters in the United Kingdom so will save on heating costs, and then if there is more heat and more water in the atmosphere with more carbon dioxide, should not that lead to increased crop production? I am not a specialist in Agriculture but do think that low lying areas will get flooded by rising sea levels, unless tectonic plates shift to raise more land elsewhere for future generations, etc Oh it is all so confusing Jo.
Please help me understand
On Monday, 15 November 2021, 13:51:06 GMT, <> wrote:
Hello Shantanu
The e mail which you have sent to us concerns legal issues which I am afraid we, at Samaritans, cannot be involved in, or help you with.
However, as we have explained before, we are here to offer emotional support. We appreciate that the difficulties you have had, and continue to have, with your mental health cause you distress. We will be here for you whenever you want to talk about how you are feeling.
Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
Our mailbox is read every day by trained volunteers, all using the name 'Jo'. Messages are read and we aim to reply within 24 hours.
Samaritans is a registered charity, number 219432. It is the co-ordinating body for the 201 branches in the UK and Republic of Ireland. A trained Samaritan volunteer from one of these 201 branches has written this email.
You can contact Samaritans by telephone by calling 116123 from the UK or Republic of Ireland; calls from landlines or mobile phones in the UK and Republic of Ireland are free of charge and the call will not be itemised on your phone bill.
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