Publisher Submission Portal Feedback Survey
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: "Hazell, Lottie" <>
date: 15 Nov 2021, 14:13
subject: Re: Publisher Submission Portal Feedback Survey
Dear Lottie Hazell
At the present time I am unable to complete this survey for two reasons:
(a) it is not clear to me whether my books detailed here have received approval from the Lord President of the Privy Council of the United Kingdom in respect of the attached judicial proceedings that passed through the Court of Central London, the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. I will then know if the Imprint under which I have so far published the books at Lulu Publishing have been legally vetted.
(b) Please set out to me in an email what action the British Library took in regards to each of the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited's Publisher Submission Digital Portal as to which of the ebooks are now available for the ordinary citizen of the United Kingdom and oversees to access, and what the procedure is for anyone interested in any one of the books to follow to read what I have written in the 21 Titles under the theme 'The Allurement of Reality'.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Mon, 15 Nov 2021 at 13:03, Hazell, Lottie <> wrote:
My name is Lottie Hazell and I am emailing you on behalf of the British Library as you are a registered user of our Publisher Submission Portal.
We are reviewing the usage of the Publisher Submission Portal and would appreciate your feedback by filling out an anonymous five-minute survey.
Click here to fill out the survey.
If you have any further questions or feedback regarding what could improve your experience of the Publisher Submission Portal, you are welcome to reply to this email with your comments.
Yours sincerely,
Lottie Hazell
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Think before you print
Attachments area:
Home Visits to Senior Officer Criminals3
Shantanu Panigrahi <>,,,,Sheffield Road,,Paul Nichols PC 46015002,Nitin Bhardwaj
Sun, 14 Nov at 11:19
For the attention of Right Honourable Jacob Rees Mogg, President of the Privy Council
Dear President
Would you please clarify the situation concerning the 'Reassembling of the Jigsaw of the Constitution- deck chairs on the Titanic' of the United Kingdom in letting me know your advice to Her Majesty the Queen on whether I am entitled to my £55,000 severance payment from the University of Greenwich and the refund of the £4170 pound from the Cabinet Office that District Judge Lightman of the Central London County Court awarded to the Defendant, the Prime Minister Right Honorable Boris Johnson, in light of the lack of clear guidance on whether this matter should be resolved in the private prosecution of the Chief Constable of Kent Police at East Kent Magistrates Court. This will enable me to pay the required fees to my lawyers AntonyClappSolicitors who are copied into this email for the criminal as well as civil proceedings at Medway County Court against the Chief Constable, the fall guy.
My previous communication is attached: To38DegreesccCenLonCtyCrt(Judiciary)CourtofAppealSupremeCourtPrivyCouncil11Nov2021.docx
Thank you for your decision, the sooner the better and more appropriately this matter can be disposed off.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Sunday, 14 November 2021, 07:20:31 GMT, Shantanu Panigrahi <> wrote:
To All it may Concern
When I was a ten-twelve year old student at the prestigious St Joseph's School in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, my English teacher
used to single me out to tell me to anticipate future needs and actions, and obtain and store information accordingly.
To this very same end, for some years I worked part-time in a humble capacity in the Electoral Services section of Medway Council in Kent
But over my brief stays mainly involved with Counts, I made friends and giving many reasons managed to obtain onto a U.B.S. stick the
unexpurgated, meaning un-redacted or complete, Electoral Roll for the whole of the County of Kent for 2017, listing the private home
addresses of all the people who persecuted me and conspired to terrorise me in the name of the pigshit British land of morons in a
Police State.
Now it falls to me to decide how to make best use of this. Should I publish for the whole world the home addresses of criminals like
Senior Police Officers Lee Neiles, Michael Matson, John Molloy, High Pughsley (Alan), Sui-Ling Chan, Helen Smithers and many junior
officers and PCs, CPS staff like Max Hill, Court staff like Michelle O'Brien and Suzanne Gadd, University staff from Chatham Maritime and
so many others including bad solicitors?
Or should I arrange for personal home visits to confront them and, depending on their offers to compensate, consider taking them into
In the light of suggestions from my lawyer in India, Smt. Shruti Desai, your guidance could be appreciated, as the force controllers
and others as my solicitors or personal advisers.
Thank you.
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619