Proceedings are at a standstill: Judicial Review of Case with Claim Number E35YM660
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: "Administrative Court Office, General Office" <>
Civil Appeals - Registry <>,,,
Adele Miller <>,
The Action Fraud Team <>,
date: 18 Dec 2021, 11:24
subject: Proceedings are at a standstill: Judicial Review of Case with Claim Number E35YM660
The Administrative Court
High Court
Royal Courts of Justice
Dear Sir/Madam
In accordance with your earlier directions concerning an appropriate governing body that should release a final response by way of a decision or Order, I have been rigorously going through communications with various State authorities to try and obtain suich a document as I am very displeased with the status quo, especially since North Kent Magistrates Court has not clarified its opinion on the attached submission of mine: ToNorthKentMagistratesCourt(ForOliver)17Dec2021.docx
I am copying this email to the Central London County Court, the court of Appeal the Supreme Court i\and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as well as the Speaker of the House of Commons n view of the decision of Master at the Court of Appeal that this Court has no jurisdiction to assess the travesty of justice that I feel I have been a victim of for this surely must be determined through the provisions of the Human Rights Act.
I have lost count of the number of Law Firms that I have approached to assist ,me with advice on the Constitution of where I can secure recompense for what I have been through over the past 24 years of my adult life in the United Kingdom, the only option being subjecting the 21 June 2021 Order of District Judge Lightman for such a Judicial Review on the grounds that Appeal; procedures have been exhausted without further clarification of this attached: CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21June 2021(DistrictJudgeLightman).pdf.
In this regard the association between the authorities of the United Kingdom and the United States of America warrants particular assessment as attached: To&FrAmazon([PrimeVideoEmployment)18Dec2021.docx
I retain hope that the Constitution of the United Kingdom is perfect in that some solution can be found to restore the enormous faith that I have had in the British System of Justice and fair play and will continue with my quest to receive back my severance pay of £55,000 from the University of Greenwich that has been withheld from me since 1998.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
3 Attachments
CentralLondonCountyCourtOrder 21June 2021(DistrictJudgeLightman).pdf.