Police Harassment leading up to False Arrest and seizure of computer devices
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Fri, 10 Dec at 21:34
Type:Recognised body law practice
SRA ID:613721SRA Regulated
Specialist Civil Liberties and Human Rights Firm
Head officeAddress:10 Tyssen Street,
E8 2FE,
Dear Sirs,
In 2015, I lodged a civil litigation at the Queens Bench Division of the High Court (Claim HQ14X01773) against Kent Police on a dozen counts of perverting the course of justice, obstructing justice and perpetrating a hate crime against me. The Claim was struck out by Master Eastman without a Defence being submitted to me or to the court as far as I know.
Then the vendetta intensified as under the guise of a fictitious organisation calling itself Victims of Panigrahi Association, I, my wife, and other acquaintances including doctors and employers were terrorised with up to 1500 criminal anonymous emails that were in turn reported to the Police.
I felt that the government through its Home Office had not regulated the Police adequately so initiated a Civil Case against the Prime Minister in the County Court of Central London in the winter of 2017 (Claim E35YM660) and subsequently took out a private prosecution of the Chief Constable of Kent Police in East Kent Magistrates Court.
The events of 24 November 2021 are given in the attached document: Events of 24 November 2021.docs when I was subjected to the indignity of a false arrest for which no explanation has since been tendered despite repeated complaints.
To add insult to injury this morning I received the attached email from the Court of Appeal FrCourtofAppeal(Master)10Dec2021 on proceedings under its Reference No: 2018/PI/11721.
For this kind of concerted State-sponsored terrorism that has blighted my adult life in the United Kingdom I demanded £5 million in damages and compensation because the State were hiding under the false pretences that I have been mentally ill since 1999 for which I was incarcerated in mental hospitals on two occasions and subsequently kept under Care in the Community with enforced medications as attached: MedCert(DrMawanche)29Nov 2021.pdf. The truth is that I have no mental abnormalities and consider myself the sanest person on Earth.
The terrorism that was perpetrated was either to have me imprisoned on framed charges arising from set-up criminal anonymous emails from State hijackers of my email accounts to then send emails of distasteful nature to various people as if I had personally sent those emails from my account. Alternatively, the State tried to have me incarcerated for a third time in a mental hospital as unfit to live in the Community; and finally it tried to have me booted out of the United Kingdom by making me Stateless which I tested out by asking the HM Passport Office to renew my Nationality by the issue of a fresh new passport which is due for arrival on 13 December 2021, according to TNT, unless something happens to stall this again.
In view of your specialism on Civil Liberties and Human Rights, I am this evening contacting you to see if there is any recourse to the law left for me to avail justice after these long 24 years of terror-perpetrated suffering in the United Kingdom.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
FrCourtofAppeal(Master)10Dec2021.docx 17kB
Events of 24 November 2021.docx 16kB
MedCertDrMawanche29Nov2021b.pdf 1.4MB