Twenty-five years ago, when I was developing my research and developmental projects in Animal Nutrition for resource-poor farmers in developing countries and specifically in the area of Poultry Science and Agricultural Development, and studied Livestock Development within the context of Environmental Science encompassing Agricultural Economics for Development, I realised that the more resource-poor a person or his immediate family and the wider family structure in large family units is the greater the need for a risk-averse strategy to protect what the farmer already has to make progress in the uncertainties that lie ahead for the small community. So I developed the concept of integrated mixed farming systems, for example the system of COSEP (cultivation of oilseeds, small-scale oil-expelling and poulty production) that I promoted taking a holistic view of of the famer in his circumstances to contend with the objective to battle to survive and prosper.
Today, having experienced life in perhaps the most highly-developed nation of the world in the United Kingdom I know that this strategy of Optionisation and Optimisation that I advocated for the resource-poor farmer applies to everyone in humanity. One needs to be versatile and diversify one's interests completely in the uncertainties that one faces as far as humanly possible within the circumstances that one faces in life and without attachments to anyone of the interests that one has at any given moment in time. It means having to accumulate slowly and steadily resources to lift oneself from impoverishment that would save oneself on a ‘rainy day’ of misfortunes by give one the scope to change one’s directions depending on which way the wind blow daily in Nature.
One who goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing, and investments based on taking credit brings one into the future of the unknown and greater uncertainty, and that is what causes mental anxieties and depression that could be severe as one could jump from the frying pan into the fire with unwise decisions on where and how to invest one's human endowments and fixed-financial and loose assets at any given moment in time. One must be ultra-careful in one's progress and always be satisfied with one's circumstances and earnings of income and physical efforts to carve the way forwards towards a future of greater prosperity and physical and mental welfare.
For such possibilities one must not depend on anyone else for they cannot be relied upon as they have their own priorities, so that one must develop one’s own knowledge of Nature to broaden the scope of one’s activities prioritising one’s interests in terms of ones strengths and weakness to enable the quest for survival and prosperity. Conserve what one has before looking for greener pastures, and do so independently and freely based on free-thoughts of what is important to the person at any given moment in time. This is the basis of Conservative Libertarianism. It is not 'green' as the respect of having the objective to protect the Environment so is not a religious recommendation. Saving anyone else, let alone biodiversity and the planet is a self-gratifying and egotistical outlook that is none of one's concerns, especially if one believes in a Creator God whose alone the true duty it truly is to take steps to preserve Earth and its inhabitants and which is supposed to have generated the history of the planet as that God has seen it as being necessary through the process of the evolution of the Earth and its life-forms. We should accordingly have no concerns about Climate Change resulting from man-made over-indulgences in our individual life as we go on minding our own business for present considerations only. Survival of the human species is not an objective that we as humanity should concern ourselves with, for such an objective runs against Gaia-Nature and which adjusts itself to what is happening on the planet and the solar system with the rest of the wider universe. We are animals with wants and desires to fulfil as is our natural-instincts to do. Nothing should be done by the State to frustrate those ambitions of individuals for that imposition is the very definition of inhumanity. Any such Stately-missions would be classed in reality as a totally delusional attitude that is self-serving by the governing powers if the State as not taking account the global and historical perspective of the natural evolution of the species in the Paleontological Tree of life, the reality of which is that there have been major mass extinctions periodically when the dominant species in Nature could not adapt to their environment collectively, so that we should expect the same to happen over and over again on the clear evidence that God as Creator has never had any fondness nor desire to stop evolution as if His mission to create the most superior life form had been accomplished in the coming of the Homo sapiens sapiens. We should accordingly regard God as being ambivalent to the prospects of survival of any species of life currently in existence and take a leaf out of this book of knowledge in the pursuit of our on interests individually and collectively in symbiosis with other human beings and the wider Nature for a comprehensive holistic approach to living.
For a risk-averse strategy, if a person wishes to make investments into prospecting for further gold, he or she should only use his savings, leaving enough to live on if the investments fail to prosper Borrowing for future generations to pay for one’s prospecting in risky-ventures should not be allowed by the government of the day, which itself should only borrow money for investments if it has those savings in the nation’s Treasury and not assess the sustainability of credit as a function of gross national product as if such economic development will continue to take place into the long and distant future without impedence and impunity to our sin that expects future generations to meet the bill of our current consumption patterns at personal or State-level that reflect the desire for growth as a target of economic development through risky-investments which are unable to withstand natural and man-made recessions and depressions that bring about unexpected shocks to the economy such as banking collapse and physical health-deteriorating pandemics. The individual and the State must make sure that it can finance the interest payments on credit from one’s savings and the real earnings from new investments. Otherwise the principle upon which the idea of borrowing for investment is wrong for they are not only costly in interest payments if one loses the risky venture, one can then lose the roof over one's head and the State’s House of Cards’ would topple over to become an failed State. One who goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing is an old motto. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Credit is not a resource; it is an attempt to steal money money from present and future generations in order to gratify ones present indulgences.
In the Conservative Libertarian concept, human collectivity is based on the collection of the individualities in society who must be allowed to freely take shape their futures from within their own resources without coercive measures to frustrate the demands of the individual by the State. When all individuals practice such an idea of the basics of survival, we all survive collectively in a community of society and of nationhood.
That is the Reform agenda that I am proposing for discussion in this website.
Thank you for reading. Let us talk, nor verbally but in our written expressions for the writing of thoughts into words distils the contents of our mind into reality for consideration by the wider humanity.
Posted at 6.05 am hours (UK-time), 28 November 2020