Muslims and Demi Parkhill-Fleming 46061602 (FCR Admin)
Shantanu Panigrahi
03:32 (9 hours ago)
Dear Paul Do I understand from your intemperate email that you wish to resign, without adequate or indeed any notice, from your post as my driver? If so, you mu
05:18 (7 hours ago)
You are insane and need to be locked up until you are no longer able to live, I have no contact with you and I am not your driver, whatever that means, If you c
Shantanu Panigrahi
10:43 (1 hour ago)
Dear Sir What evidence do you have that I have insinuated that you are my driver, whatever that means, for the implication might be that a driver inserts his pe
11:53 (44 minutes ago)
to me,
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
As we have stated clearly in our previous emails, we are not your solicitors and we are not acting for you at all. Please do not send / forward any further email to us.
Wai Leung Solicitors
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On Nov 3 2021, at 3:32 am, Shantanu Panigrahi <> wrote:
Dear Paul
Do I understand from your intemperate email that you wish to
resign, without adequate or indeed any notice, from your post as
my driver? If so, you must pay me compensation for the
convenience, to be worked out by my lawyers, Wai Leung Solicitors,
who are copied in on this communication.
I am visiting my urologist to tidy up my loose ends but once that
is accomplished I will direct my attention to all the evil deeds
you have done to me over the years and will be seeking a just and
equitable payment from you in respect of them. Is that understood?
Until you improve your behaviour and reach a satisfactory
standard, all my posts, blogs, tweets, facebooks, instagrams and
public libraries will contain your full name (Gurpal a.k.a. Paul),
address of 12 Nares Road, Rainham, Kent ME8 9RF and phone number
07720 094986 seemingly as a co-signatory per the implied power of
attorney you granted me by implication.
My public library, also available in print at selected bookstores
and for free rumination at the British Library and online here at where if you use Search
in the pdfs your name occurs 131 times, your home address 29
times, your bt email address 97 times and your phone number about
40 times. Is that acceptable?
While you await my decision and determination on your contract, I
put this material up for you
On the same blog I have given directions for COP26.
Most vital is
which calls for compulsory marking and re-educating of Muslims in
the United Kingdom, and the total banning of the Quran and their
backward practices. The Chinese government were right to herd
Muslims in institutions for re-education, for they are ingrained
from an early childhood into the murderous dictats of their evil
book in madrassas. Until this is accomplished, all Muslim
solicitors and barristers must have their authorisations to
practice put on the ice. Do you agree with me?
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
From: G TIWANA <>
Date: 2 Nov 2021, 05:08:13 GMT
Subject: Re:Demi Parkhill-Fleming 46061602 (FCR Admin)
What is this crap you have sent me and why are you using my name
and address in your emails to people, are you really wanting the
weight of my wrath on your head or have you a real wish to be
reported to the police ?
I warn you now stop using my name and address in your letters and
e mails or you will be really be in bad trouble!
Your humble and devoted servant