Shan. This is from the genuine, real Cherie
Anonymous Remailer (austria)
17:58 (37 minutes ago) 5 November 2021
to shantanupanigrahi, me, mulhouse, E.M.Millar, raycokerconsulting
Dear Shan,
The recent email you published as if from me, is not not not written by or sent by me to you! You are not the only victim of forgery, it seems. :(
For one thing, I am nor "John", nor do I correspond with any That email address is real because I sent it a test email and it was delivered. Do you know of anyone with that name, especially with some casus belli against you? Please as a matter of urgency check your records, in case this was a slipup by their department, and not a trap.
I wish you had not stood up Ed at the appointment at the railway station. His tech-help is exactly what you need right now. I know you apologised for it, so, Ed, how about it? Will you assist
in solving this conundrum, unravelling this maize and rice?
If you have any remaining sense of your own best interests, don't publish this email. And don't provoke the Supreme Court Registrar, are you crazy?! Or the Home Secretary.
~~~Cherie, friend of Marshall-Rice
Copied to Raymond Coker Consulting Limited ---- please, redirect if or as needed. Mr Coker needs to be aware because of what is placed at may prompt him
being wrongly arrested by the police on charges relating to proliferation of mycotoxins.
suing present and past prime-ministers ect?
Fritz Wuehler via
17:52 (45 minutes ago) 5 November 2021
to me (Phone, but not in Desktop)
suing present and past prime ministers, abusing and threatening judges, what do you expect, after the adjustments you’ll be peeing out of your nose. you were given one final chance to wind your
neck in and go offline but you continued and now there’s no going back. when you decided to go after young female victims was it a chance so many of them are muslims ? Now bro you are reported to the brotherhood. So many callouts to number 3 over the years how many real victims were deprived support because of you wasting our time with your shit. now 999 calls to that address
are given same attention as 101 so let the brothers deal with you.
why are you even here? take your Islamophobic bs and shove it up your arse
I saved them here only and deleted all the emails from the Gmail account in the Inbox, Sent and Bn folders. There is no one left to take any complaints to, so will not even publish these or it will set in motion proceedings that I am free of.