Meeting at Kent Police at 10.00 am: Harassment
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
To:Paul Nichols PC 46015002
Thu, 16 Sept at 09:10
Dear Mr Nichols
1. I am taking my Diary Files from 1 May 2021 that contain all the correspondence over the past 4 months of emails and letters posted by me (including detailed notes on the actions that I have taken over this period) to the Appointment at Kent Police this morning at 10.00 am given that Maudsley Hospital and GP Surgery have not replied to my email and nor have the Police or the Duty Solicitor or Wai Leung Solicitors. I intend to submit a further 25 or so correspondence files to Kent Police during this appointment for the police to come to our house and collect these for their continuing deliberations.
2. Please let me know if these materials are not required.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Notice to a person whose interview has been audio and/or visually recorded.
Use of discs
. One of the discs will be sealed in your presence and will be kept secure. This is referred to as the ‘master copy’.
. The other disc, referred to as the ‘working copy’ can be used by the police to prepare transcripts of the interview. Copies of this disc can also be passed to the Crown Prosecution Service and a Court.
Legal Entitlement to a copy of the interview disc.
. Paragraph 4.19 of Code F of the Codes of Practice of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 states:-
. ‘’The suspect shall be handed a notice [this notice] which explains the use which will be made of the recording and the arrangemens for access to it. The notice will also advise the suspect that a copy of the tape shall be supplied as soon as practicable if the person is charged or informed that they will be prosecuted’’.
. You are therefore entitled to a copy of the interview if you are charged or informed you will be prosecuted.
. The obligation on the police is to provide this copy to you as soon as practicable.
Process of requesting a copy of the interview
There are a number of options open to you.
. You can make your request in person to the interviewing officer before your release.
. You can e-mail or write to the interviewing officer after your release.
. You can ask your solicitor/legal representative to make the request on your behalf.
If you initially choose not to have a copy of the disc, you or your solicitor/legal representative can make the request at a later date.
Any request for a second or subsequent copy may be subject to a financial charge.
The reference number you should quote in any request is 46/754 492/21
(custody number)