IOPC Reference: 2019/117327
!enquiries <>
'Shantanu Panigrahi'
Tue, 14 Dec at 20:34
Dear Dr. Panigrahi,
Thank you for contacting the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). We acknowledge receipt of your 3 emails dated 08, 09 and 13 December 2021, the contents of which have been noted.
It may be helpful if I briefly explain the IOPC’s role and how it is involved in complaints against the police. The IOPC oversees the police complaints system and sets the standards by which the police should handle complaints. You can make a complaint if you have been the victim of behaviour you felt was inappropriate by a police officer.
Having considered your correspondence, it appears that you are trying to get a crime dealt with, rather than making a complaint against police misconduct. The IOPC does not have any control over the police handling of a criminal matter; we cannot instruct the police to investigate a criminal allegation nor can we review the results of the same. If you believe that a police force is failing to act on a crime you have reported, and you have already tried to escalate the issue by ringing 101 and asking to speak to a Duty Inspector, you should raise your concerns directly with the Chief Constable of the police force concerned or the corresponding Police and Crime Commissioner..
If, however, you would like to make a complaint about the conduct of the officer(s) you dealt with, please complete and submit an online complaint form at the following link:
Yours sincerely,
Naomi Slater
Customer Contact Advisor
Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
PO Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel: 0300 020 0096
Twitter: @policeconduct
Find out how we handle your personal data.
Statutory Guidance on the handling of police complaints
How satisfied were you with your experience with the IOPC’s Customer Contact Centre? Let us know by taking this short survey.
All information will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Os bydd arnoch angen yr arolwg hwn yn Gymraeg, cysylltwch â ni ar os gwelwch yn dda.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh. If you contact us in Welsh, we will respond in Welsh and this will not delay our reply.
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Os cysylltwch â ni yn Gymraeg, fe gewch ymateb yn Gymraeg, heb arwain at oedi.
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IOPC Complaints - Submission Confirmation
Tue, 14 Dec at 21:57
Dear Shantanu Panigrahi ,
Thank you for making a submission via the Independent Office for Police Conduct Secure Form.
A copy of your form is attached to this email. Your complaint has been submitted to the police force and you should be contacted by them as soon as possible. We do not have any involvement at this stage and are not able to provide updates. If you have not heard from the police force in a timely manner, we would advise you to contact them by calling 101 or emailing them directly.
The complaint system confirmation code is 802199. Please note, this code is generated by this webform and is simply to confirm your complaint was submitted successfully. It is not the case reference, which will be assigned by the police force, IOPC or other organisation dealing with your complaint.
Kind Regards,
Independent Office for Police Conduct
submission-802199-215654 14-12-2021
IOPC Online Complaint Form
Are you the complainant or are you making the
complaint for someone else?
I am the complainant
Title Dr
Other title details (if applicable)
First names Shantanu
Surname Panigrahi
Date of birth 08/08/1957
Preferred method of contact Email
Address line 1 3 Hoath Lane
Address line 2 Wigmore
Postcode ME8 0SL
Email address
Contact number 07967789619
AGENT DETAILS (if applicable)
What is your relationship to the person making
the complaint?
Other relationship details (if applicable)
Other title details (if applicable)
First names
Preferred method of contact
Address line 1
Address line 2
Email address
Contact number
Disclaimer accepted?
Which police force or organisation are you
complaining about?
Kent Police
Force area of PCC?
When did it happen? 24/11/2021
TIME TO 18:30
Where did the incident take place?
Incident reference number (if you have one)
What is your complaint about? I am complaining about gross misconduct by PC Nichols in the manner with which he terrorised me and my family from early September 2021 to 14 December 2021 21.50 hours, as evident from lack of information on when we will receive back our desktop computer, my USB Memory Stick and my Mobile Phone that he seized without search or arrest warrants when no charges against me have been made of having been responsible for harassment first, and stalking now of Katrina Sale of the Conservative Party.
Is your complaint related to the COVID-19
No, my complaint is not related to COVID-19
What would you like to happen as a result of
your complaint?
Individuals or other organisations involved to be
criminally prosecuted
Additional details (if applicable)
Were there any witnesses? Yes
Do you know the contact/identification details of
any witnesses?
Rank Number First names Last name(s)
WITNESS DETAILS (if applicable)
Witness Title Last name(s) First names Address Email Contact number
Would you like to give us any other information?
If you require any adjustments to support you to
make your complaint, please tell us.
Gender Male
Other (if applicable)
Is your sex different to the sex you were
assigned at birth?
If yes, please state the sex you were assigned
at birth
Sexual orientation Heterosexual/ straight
Other sexual orientation details (if applicable)
Do you have a physical or mental impairment
that has a substantially adverse and long-term
effect on your ability to carry out normal day-today activities?
Which options describe your disability? (if
Other disability details (if applicable)
Ethnicity Asian: Indian
Other ethnicity details (if applicable)
Religious belief/faith Hindu
Other religion details (if applicable)
We are constantly striving to improve our
service. Please tell us if you have any feedback
on using this online form
Would you be happy to be contacted about your
experience of the police complaints system?
I would be happy to be contacted about my
experience of the police complaints system.
Please accept that the information provided in
this form will be used by public bodies involved
in the police complaints system, including the
police and IOPC.
The information provided in this form will be
used by public bodies involved in the police
complaints system, including the police and
Date/Time of submission Tuesday, December 14, 2021 9:56 PM