Here’s a Credit Builder offer for you! 🎅
10:06 (52 minutes ago)
100% money back if you see no increase in 12 months Unsure about trying Credit Builder? We’ve got you covered 🛡 Hi Shantanu, Credit Builder helps you get and b
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
"Administrative Court Office, General Office" <>,,,
date: 7 Dec 2021, 10:47
subject: Re: Here’s a Credit Builder offer for you! 🎅
Dear Tide
I have been going through some tough times since 23 November 2021 especially when I submitted my United Kingdom Passport ton HO Passport Agency for renewal as I needed a fresh 10 year passport to enable me to continue with my employment as Director of the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited, but on having corresponded with Kerry Vant of the North and Central Magistrates Court and with Lucia Meloni of the Administrative Court find that I am in a limbo uncertain on my employment prospects in the United Kingdom at Challengetrg, Manpower Group and bp Lenham (near Maidstone as well). Upon submission of my passport, Kent Police arrested me and interviewed me for a second time following allegations it had received from anonymous sources that I had Stalked and Harassed individuals of organisations through online emailing. The Police has not charged me with any kind of crimes since the 24 November arrest. But since Kent Police continue to hold on to the desktop computer that they took away from our home with my USB Memory Stick and old Mobile Phone, it can be safely assumed that it is preparing its Case for a magistrate in Medway Magistrates Court that I said to the authorities would be my preference to defend myself of any crimes whatsoever. I believe it is for this reason that the Home Office is not replying to my emails asking them to prioritise my application for the renewal of my United Kingdom passport. I am also awaiting the consideration of the Central London County Court to set aside the Order of District Judge Lightman on 21 June 2021 in respect of my Claim E35YM660 for which I require the refund of the £4170 that the Judge Ordered me to pay the Defendant, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Court Fee of £100 has been paid to Her Majesty's Court and Tribunal Service but I need to send an additional £54 according to Lucia Meloni of the Administrative Court for the Judicial Review that is under way.
For these reasons, you may recall that I had sent you an email last week with the preliminary details, I am unable to take advantage of your special offer this morning.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Tue, 7 Dec 2021 at 10:06, Tide <> wrote:
Unsure about trying Credit Builder? We’ve got you covered 🛡
Hi Shantanu,
Credit Builder helps you get and build your business’ credit score. Having a healthy credit score means lenders are more likely to give you access to loans and other credit products with lower interest rates.
Your credit score is available for anyone to view (including your customers and suppliers) so it can impact day-to-day business like negotiating contracts, tenders, or looking for insurance.
Activate Credit Builder now
How does Credit Builder work?
Make 12 monthly payments made up of principal and interest to us, which we will report to Experian as loan payments.
We collect the payments every month and lock the principal in a dedicated sub-account.
At the end of the 12 months, we will give you immediate access to the principal you paid.
Christmas money back offer 🎄
If you activate Credit Builder before December 31st, you will get back the interest you paid along with your principal if you don’t see your credit score increase during the 12-month period!*
Activate Credit Builder now
Team Tide
*The money-back guarantee offer only applies to the Tide account associated with and cannot be redeemed in combination with any other offer or promotion for Tide Credit Builder. You must activate your Credit Builder by 23:59 on 31/12/2021 to qualify. To honor the money-back guarantee, we’ll refund the entire amount to your primary Tide account by 31/12/2022. You must make all of the 12 monthly payments on time to qualify for the offer. Given external factors can decrease your credit score, you won’t be eligible for the offer if any of these apply to your company before or after starting to use Credit Builder:
If your company is dissolved or liquidated
If your company had a CCJ raised against you in the last 12 months
If your company is going through bankruptcy
If your company has any late debt or bill payments or exceeded overdraft limits
If your company has any overdue confirmation statements on Companies House
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Tide Platform Limited, 5th Floor, 1 Appold Street, London, England, EC2A 2UT. Registered in England. Company registration number: 9595646.
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from: Central London DJSKEL <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 7 Dec 2021, 10:47
subject: RE: Here’s a Credit Builder offer for you! 🎅
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date: 7 Dec 2021, 10:47
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from: Administrative Court Office, General Office <>
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date: 7 Dec 2021, 10:47
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