Fwd: Bar-code for 73587
Helpdesk Staff
Attachments10:41 (1 hour ago)
Hi Here is your bar code attached. Please check it very carefully for errors as we can't be held responsible for any errors once the book goes to print. Kind Re
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Helpdesk Staff <customer_support@inkylittlefingers.co.uk>
date: 12 Aug 2021, 11:33
subject: Re: Bar-code for 73587
mailed-by: gmail.com
Dear Mark
The ISBN Code is correctly reproduced in the Bar Code that you have sent me; however, I would not be ready to submit to you the final manuscript of this Book until after 8 September 2021 because it needs to be discussed with my Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr Odesanya at Britton House, Gillingham Kent at our appointment at 12.15 pm that day (see attached correspondence (FrBrittonHouse(AppointmentforMedicationReview26July2021.docx) as I remain on the Community Mental Health Team's 'Active Review Process', and following that, the Court of Central London supervising my Claim E35YM660 under the 23 June/15July Application Notices of Appeal or on some other proceedings such as the Full Written Reasons that I have requested on the disposal of this Claim as things stand now; might have something to say to influence the outcome of those deliberations.
So do not send me any material for the proofing stage of this final book until I tell you otherwise. Further, while the number of pages is currently notified as 61, it could easily run into over a 100 pages by that date. I will keep you informed.
I am sorry to mess you about but the legal side of things have to be very carefully checked by me as I proceed with the work of the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited, and The Conservative Libertarian Society: https://theconservativelibertariansociety.com.
I am copying this email to Kent and Medway Partnership Trust and the Central London County Court to keep them informed and in case they have anything to convey to me in the meantime.
Yours sincerely
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Thu, 12 Aug 2021 at 10:41, Helpdesk Staff <customer_support@inkylittlefingers.co.uk> wrote:
Here is your bar code attached.
Please check it very carefully for errors as we can't be held responsible for any errors once the book goes to print.
Kind Regards
On Thu, 12 Aug 2021 at 09:49, Helpdesk Staff <customer_support@inkylittlefingers.co.uk> wrote:
Shantanu Panigrahi 73587
ISBN Number: 978-1-914288-31-9
Inky Helpdesk
www.InkyLittleFingers.co.uk, Tel: 01452 751900
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Inky Helpdesk
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to: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 12 Aug 2021, 11:33
subject: RE: Bar-code for 73587
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