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FW: Your e-Visa is waiting2

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FW: Your e-Visa is waiting2



Shantanu Panigrahi <>



Wed, 15 Dec at 16:41

Dear Ms Macklin

I am very confused about what bail means because the document that I was handed by North Kent Police Station after I was held in Custody for 5 hours says I an being released without bail: see NorthKentPolicereleasewithoutbail.pdf. I have not had to pay any money as bail money that I understand bail to be (pardon me I am a layman when it comes to legal matters and jargon). I have initiated an enquiry prompted by encoragement by the Independent Office for Police Conduct to see what Kent Police will do now, whether it will change the terms of my release to bail being imposed and if so how much I would need to pay for my liberty: see IOPC_ComplaintFormSubmission.pdf.

I have brought this matter to the attention of Medway County Court to determine whether my private prosecution of the Chief Constable of Kent Police should take place before the civil proceedings for £5 million in damages and compensation or should the civil case should take precedence: see To&FrMedwayCountyCourt(HQ17X01773).docx.

Please therefore fix me an appointment at Medway Magistrates Court during the coming week 20-24 December 2021 to discuss these issues with a Magistrate to confirm my requirements.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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On Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 14:16:10 GMT, northkent <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Dr Panigrahi

Could you please confirm what time of appointment you are requesting at the Magistrates’ Court?

I note from the email trail below that you are currently on police bail. You will need to contact the police to establish whether they intend you charge you. However, if you are currently on bail with conditions attached that you wish to have changed, then in the first instance you will need to contact the officer in the case to see if they are willing to amend any conditions. The Magistrates’ Court would only get involved at this stage (prior to charge) if the police are not willing to change any condition attached to bail. This is when an application can be made at the Magistrates’ Court for the court to consider changing a condition.

I hope that assists with your enquiry?

Kind Regards

Dawn Macklin

Admin Assistant and Virtual Court Administrator

North & Central Kent Magistrates | HMCTS | Medway Magistrates Court | The Brook, Chatham | ME4 4JZ

Phone: 01634 830232 Internal: 81491292

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 06 December 2021 14:36

To: northkent <>

Subject: Re: Your e-Visa is waiting

Dear Mr Vant

Thank you for your email in which you indicate that I am on police bail. I had been corresponding over the weekend with the Adminstrative Court of the Royal Courts of Justice, as attached ToAdministrativeCourtOffice(OFFICIAL)JudicialReview6Dec2021. Unfortunately no one seems to know what is going on whether I will be eventually charged with Stalking Harassment or other crimes by Kent Police. I had my first Police Station interview with PC Nichols two months ago in Purser Way Medway Police Station in the presence of Hyda the Duty Solicitor appointed for me but she was not available to attend the second interview at North Kent Police Station on the 24 November 2021. This was unfortunate but perhaps you can contact her for me now and let me know whether I will be charged with any crimes.

Would you kindly fix an appointment for me at Medway Magistrates Court which is near to where I live on account of my mental disorders of paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusions that my GP has provided the attached Medical Certificates for? - see MedCertDrMawanche29Nov2021.pdf; MedCertDrMawanche29Nov2021b).pdf.

Thank you for a reply this afternoon.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane





United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Monday, 6 December 2021, 12:25:03 GMT, northkent <> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Please can you advise why this has been sent to the Magistrates Court? It appears to relate to a visa application and you are on police bail. I can’t see any case listed under your name.


Kerry Vant

Administration Officer and Tribunal Clerk

North & Central Kent Magistrates Court | HMCTS | The Court House| Chatham| ME4 4JZ

Phone: 01634 830232

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From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sent: 29 November 2021 08:14


Cc: northkent <>

Subject: Re: Your e-Visa is waiting

Dear Sir

I am currently under Police investigation released from having been arrested without bail as the attached document handed to me last Wednesday at North Kent Police Station shows: NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutbail.pdf.

The Police will let me know in due course the outcome as it considers appropriate.

So I cannot leave the United Kingdom for the foreseeable future and until this matter is sorted out

I hope this answers your query.

Thank you, and I will keep you posted by following your advice for an eVisa permit as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

On Monday, 29 November 2021, 07:47:21 GMT, India Visa <> wrote:


India is waiting for you! Please, use the button below to complete your visa application and enjoy your holidays with no stress!

All foreigners coming to India are obliged to first apply for the tourist e-Visa before crossing the border. After completing the form, you will receive your official travel Visa within 1 - 7 days, depending on your visa choice.

Complete your application now, or let us know if you have any questions!

Get the India e-Visa

We wish you a great day and perfect holidays!

Kind regards,

Customer Service Dept.

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Download all attachments as a zip file

NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB

IOPC_ComplaintFormSubmission.pdf 85.6kB

To&FrMedwayCountyCourt(HQ17X01773 CLAIM TRANSFER)15Dec2021.docx 16.4kB

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