FW Flame Troll Shantanu Panigrahi (shanpanigrahi3000)4
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Tue, 17 Aug at 08:42
You refused to believe that the Security Services under the guise of Victims of Panigrahi Association constructed to harass, intimidate and bully me to frame a charge of criminal actions or forensic actions by me harnessed the multiple institutions and organisations of the State of the United Kingdom, including our local Member of Parliament Mr Rehman Chishti to prevent Parliament knowing about the 23 years of State-organised persecution on me. You sent me to Kent Police, that was harassment for I had told you that Kent Police who I took to both the civil and criminal courts of the United Kingdom (HQ17X01773) and at East Magistrates Court/Medway County Court where Malcolm Dodds was dealing with the matter as Clerk to the Justices. Proof will come in the course of time. The counter prosecution against Kent Police continues. I will never give up. The Security Services have to be tamed into their barracks.
On Tuesday, 17 August 2021, 08:18:35 BST, G TIWANA <tiwana9rf@btinternet.com> wrote:
Or are you just brain dead and suffering from delusions in your cancerous pea brain head?!
Sent via BT Email App
From: Shantanu Panigrahi
Sent: Aug 17, 2021 at 7:55 AM
To: raycokerconsulting@gmail.com, raycokerconsulting@gmail.comrashmipanigrahi2000
Cc:Enquiries Central London County,enquiries.centrallondon.county@justice.gov.uk,Enquiries Kent,resourcingteam@tesco.com,Sivaji Panesar, Nitin Bhardwaj,ravi.patel@governmentlegal.gov.uk,bobby.mahay@kent.pnn.police.uk,tiwana9rf@btinternet.com,kmpt.legal.services@nhs.net,Sheffield Road,VOPA,5998 AYLESFORD CFC,Human Resources (Sainsburys),monneka.tahir@whiteroseblackmans.co.uk
Subject: Re: FW Flame Troll Shantanu Panigrahi (shanpanigrahi3000)
Professor Ray Coker
Dear Ray
Thank you for letting me know that your lawyers and the Police are taking your complaint seriously. The local Kent Police has assigned Crime Incident Number of 08-0408 that was recorded by Jordan to investigate the 1500 criminal anonymous emails over the past several years from Nitin Bhardwaj and his associates calling themselves Victims of Panigrahi Association. In this regard I have still not receive my £55,00 severance payment from the University of Greenwich from 1998, so I am sure that Jordan will ensure full cooperation with your lawyers and your local police to ascertain where Dr Sivaji Panesar, Marty Caine, Fritz Wuehler, Cherie, Ed Mulhouse, Egregious_G are, not to mention Mr Gurpal Singh Tiwana. Tesco and Sainsburys are also engaged in this persecution on me.
The issues surrounding the Blog https://shantanup.wordpress.com and https://towardsknowledgeforworldconservation.com and their contents are to be taken into account in arriving at the smooth resolution of this.
My demand for damages and compensation is unlimited, although I have specified that £1 million is a starting point for negotiations. My Bank Account into which these sums must be deposited are: Bank Sort Code 60-17-44; Account Number 20235976.
I look forward to your replies as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Monday, 16 August 2021, 16:07:03 BST, Ray Coker <raycokerconsulting@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Shan,
You give me no alternative but to put this in the hands of my lawyers and the police.
----- Quoted message -----
From: Nitin Bhardwaj <raycokerconsulting@gmail.com>
To: help@wordpress.com, domains-help@wordpress.com, compliance-
cases@icann.org, team@emails.wix.com, support@anchorfm.zendesk.com
Date: 16 August 2020 15:11
Subject: Flame Troll Shantanu Panigrahi (shanpanigrahi3000)
Re registration ID: shanpanigrahi3000
Anchor, Wix, Wordpress references: see emails below
Registrant: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi or Prof Ray Coker
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 7967789619
[[ my address deleted ]]
This selfstyled Doctor Shantanu Panigrahi is a Flame Troll wasting your shareholders' money with his thousand-and-one
flavours of lies and nonsense.
Here is a partial list of the 1,750 people and organisations, including yours, he has threatened up to June 2021 ----
Block all his email addresses above, and prevent any of them from registering accounts with you. Else he will go on troubling you
as below and file inmeritorious lawsuits claiming legal aid.
We had to set up an Association for his thousands of victims, most in UK but also in other countries including USA and India.
When caught, he loudly screams "harassment" and "rascism" (sic) so the Mental Health Authorities and Police Force instead ignores
him instead of doing their duty and getting him locked up forever, as individual officers and one doctor speaking privately
declared to VOPA. One even wondered if his internal plumbing could be rerouted so he _______ out of his nose. We got his
archive.org access removed and are working on a full shutdown so your cooperation (Wix, Wordpress, Anchor) would be helpful.
Whether he is ultimately locked up for life, key thrown away, in a madhouse in a straitjacket or a jailhouse we at VOPA don't give
a hoot provided there's no internet access for him ever again.
His wife, a government employee, is an accomplice and finds it amusing he rapes chickens and destroys happiness of others. In
India we have a word for him, and it is chutiya, but it is inadequate. He picks on random victims like Queen Elizabeth II,
who he writes he wants to depose, prosecute and even behead!
Good luck.
Nitin, from VOPA (Victims of Panigrahi Association)
Panigrahi's own prideful boasts
HQ17X01773 / E35YM660:
MY DECLARATION OF BIOWARFARE: http://alturl.com/k2b3e (removed by
PSYCHIATRIC PROOF I AM 100% SANE: http://alturl.com/i3zcu
BENEFITS OF CLOCK CHECKING: http://alturl.com/z4r2o
MY MAIN BLOG: https://www.theconservativelibertariansociety.com
MY SAFETY NET: https://www.knowledgeforworldconservation.com/forum
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
To: "WordPress.com" <help@wordpress.com>,
"WordPress.com" <domains-help@wordpress.com>,
ICANN Contractual Compliance <compliance-cases@icann.org>
Cc: "Wix.com" <team@emails.wix.com>
Date: 15 Aug 2021, 11:41
Subject: Fwd: We've replied to your request - The episode is not
picking up Wordpress Blog
Dear Sirs
I am now convinced that this is a concerted attempt by Wordpress to defame and denigrate me by not allowing my posts to be
podcasted, in the same way that my https://shantanup.wordpress.com and https://towardsknowledgeforworldconservation.com Blogs were suspended and archived by Wordpress and I was not even allowed to transfer my domain name to Wix.com under false pretences by Wordpress.
This systematic persecution from Worpress is intolerable and Kent Police are doing nothing about these criminals. Please consider
terminating your association with Wordpress for this Hate Crime and systematic discrimination against me.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kiana (Anchor Support) <support@anchorfm.zendesk.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2021 at 08:58
Subject: We've replied to your request - The episode is not
picking up Wordpress Blog
To: Shanpanigrahi3000 <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Hi! Good news - your request with Anchor support - 474252 - has
been replied to. Please reply to this email to continue the
Kiana (Anchor)
Aug 15, 2021, 3:58 EDT
Hello there,
Kiana with Anchor Support here.
While we'd love to help, this is something that we'll be unable to assist you since the issue is happening on your WordPress
blog. From here, kindly respond to the email that Bob of WordPress asked along with the requested information. That way,
they'll be able to help you further.
In the meantime, let us know once there's an update or if there's anything else we can help you with.
All the best,
Aug 14, 2021, 11:06 EDT
When I podcast the material from my Wordpress site, the message on the episode comes up as Error finding Wordpress: please try
again. I retries lead to the same problem.
from: WordPress.com Support <help@wordpress.com>
date: 15 Aug 2021, 11:41
subject: Thank you for contacting the WordPress.com support team!
Hi there,
Your support request has been submitted to our team of Happiness Engineers. Rest assured that your email arrived safely and our
support team will be in touch as soon as we can.
from: ICANN-No Reply <no-reply@icann.org>
date: 15 Aug 2021, 11:42
subject: Your email has been received - Case 01063481
Dear Shantanu Panigrahi,
Thank you for contacting ICANN Contractual Compliance. The information you provided in your email is below. A member of the
ICANN Contractual Compliance team will review it and contact you with any clarification or information needed, where applicable.
If your intention is to submit a formal complaint to ICANN Contractual Compliance, please do so through the forms available
For questions about a closed compliance case, you may email compliance@icann.org with your questions and the original case
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kiana (Anchor Support) <support@anchorfm.zendesk.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2021 at 08:58
Subject: We've replied to your request - The episode is not
picking up
Hello there,
Kiana with Anchor Support here.
While we'd love to help, this is something that we'll be unable to assist you since the issue is happening on your WordPress
blog. From here, kindly respond to the email that Bob of WordPress asked along with the requested information. That way,
they'll be able to help you further. In the meantime, let us know once there's an update or if there's anything else we can help
you with.
All the best,
Aug 14, 2021, 11:06 EDT
When I podcast the material from my Wordpress site, the message
on the
episode comes up as Error finding Wordpress: please try again. I
lead to the same problem.
ICANN Contractual Compliance
From: WordPress.com Support <help@wordpress.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug at 11:38
Subject: Forwarded: Thank you for contacting the WordPress.com
support team! (#4221508)
Hi there,
Your support request has been submitted to our team of Happiness Engineers. Rest assured that your email arrived safely and our
support team will be in touch as soon as we can.
- The WordPress.com Support Team
Help: Error in podcasting Blog posts4
WordPress.com Support
Andrea (Automattic) Aug 6, 2021, 7:20 UTC Hi there, I have tried again to podcast my Blogpost The roadmap to Freedom for humanity
in the United Kingdom but when I get to Anchor Episodes, the message comes up as follows 'Error connecting to WordPress - Try
Again' I try again and nothing happens the same message comes up.
That is the problem. Thank you
Fri, 6 Aug at 08:20
Shantanu Panigrahi
Dear Wordpress Please find above the screenshot of the message that keeps coming up when I post the Blogpost into Anchor. There
is a fault with Wordpress or Anchor or both. I will write another Blog post and see what happens to that. Thank you for your kind
attention. Kindly also examine the attachment to this email [irrelevant Court email deleted by VOPA]
Sun, 8 Aug at 09:01
WordPress.com Support
Max Philip (Automattic) Aug 8, 2021, 9:52 UTC Hi there, Please go
away and stop hassling us.
Sun, 8 Aug at 10:52
I was just keeping you informed that there have been issues that left me with realising the legal limitations within which a
Blogger can operate. I needed to explore that through the legal avenues open to a citizen for one cannot read a text book or
consult a lawyer to find that if one is short of money especially. Judges decide, and all I have done is to request the Full Written Reasons for the Judgement as matters stand right now in the status quo of my 24 year old dispute with countless personnel and institutions within the United Kingdom and abroad. If the Full Written Reasons are not provided to me directly via the legal method employed in the Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court then that would be another step in the right direction in understanding the Constitution of the UK
On Sunday, 8 August 2021, 10:52:55 BST, WordPress.com Support <help@wordpress.com> wrote:
I am not sure how we can help with this. Are there any issues with a domain you own? I see a cancelled domain transfer for
newsandviewsfromalibertariandemocrat.com. Do you need help with that? Max WordPress.com Support Agent
Subject: [-] WordPress.com Help: Podcasting with Anchor still not
From: WordPress.com Support <help@wordpress.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Aug at 17:04
Hi there,
I had successfully podcasted a significant number of my Blog posts but recently I reported to you that the podcasting facility is not working any longer. You
acknowledged that you know about the problem. It is still not working I'm checking to see what has been done in regards to the
anchor.fm integration issue you're reporting. I can't promise a reply right away.
For completeness, as this is a different ticket, can you please let us know what error messages you receive, if any? And what
happens when you attempt to publish the podcast with anchor.fm .
Regards, James C Happiness Engineer