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Freedom of Information Request at the National Archives Submitted

Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000


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Make a Freedom of Information enquiry

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Summary of your enquiry

Title: Dr

First name: Shantanu Panigrahi

Last name: Panigrahi


Enquiry: As the General Secretary and current Leader of the The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom, I am looking in the internet for a Registration Form to completion of this application as a matter of urgency as I wish to organise the Party for the next local or Council Elections. In this regard, I have not received an acknowledgment of the following query to the Electoral Commission, which I wish you to investigate and provide me with the necessary information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


The Electoral Commission

United Kingdom

Contact Point Message Submitted


I am currently a solitary figure as a Founder member of The Conservative Libertarian Society with its political offshoot, The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom.

I wish to know if there is a procedure that I need to follow to obtain accreditation of the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom to enable and facilitate it to engage in campaigning for membership of the Party and simultaneously registering it with the Electoral Commission and any other State institutional structures before I can take part in standing councillors and officials such as Members of Parliament for elections for Mayor of Cities, The Police and Crime Commissioner, as a Member of Parliament in Westminster, and for making representations of Private Members Bill directly to the Speaker of the House of Commons given that I do not have a local Councillor or National Member of Parliament to channel my political movement.

You can read more about the ethos of the Conservative Libertarian Party in the website, which explains that we are monarchists and aim for one-party system of government in the United Kingdom answerable only to Her Majesty the Queen as our Head of State who should be elected by the electorate every 10 years. Within this ethos, Parliamentary decisions on enactment of laws are to be subjected to Monarchial-scrutiny guided by the knowledge and expertise of the Conservative Libertarian Party and not simply rubberstamped under the current system of the Queen's Assent to Bills by way of the Executive as the Prime Minister implementing the policies of the Party that he or she represents. We therefore believe in the reform of the House of Commons and the House of Lords as elected advisory bodies to Buckingham Palace, with the Commons taking the directives of the Monarchy so long as Her Majesty the Queen currently and the Royal Household agree to the Amendment being proposed to the Unwritten Constitution of the United Kingdom under its Manifesto.

Further we believe in total devolution of administration to local Councils and do not engage in political-rancour between the three main political parties of the State, as The Conservative and Unionist Party, The Labour Party and the Liberal Democrat Party in Westminster as we consider it to be dysfunctional and non-cohesive chaotic State in the conception of nationalism.

Accordingly, The House of Commons and the House of Lords who would be elected every 10 years rather than the present 5 in Fixed Term Parliaments would act as an Advisory Chambers to the elected monarchial President operating from Buckingham Palace and its Regional Palaces in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and Overseas Dependencies and Territories such as the Falkland Islands.

I should be grateful if you would let me know the procedure to follow for the Amendment of the Constitution of the United Kingdom as laid out above: if I need to contact Buckingham Palace directly to register this petition to the Privy Council of the Supreme Court, I would like to do so this evening.

Please excuse me for my indulgence in writing to you at this point in the history of the United Kingdom.


Your message has been sent. 19.51 hours (UK-Time) 1 December 2020

Document Updated: 6.01 am hours (UK-Time) 2 December 2020

Freedom of Information Application Registered at 6.18 am (UK-Time) 2 December 2020


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