The Conservative Libertarian Party
Our Constitution
Preamble to our Constitution
The Conservative Libertarian Party exist to build and safeguard a fair, free and open society, in which we seek to balance the fundamental values of liberty, equality of treatment and communal living in which we take from people according to their abilities understanding that these have their basis on their genes so something that they are helpless in avoiding the consequences of and provides pulbicl services according to their needs for basic survival.
We are totally non-violent and peaceful in all our dealings in society, taking care that all the support that people need according to their health requirements are provided for by the State, but that no shirkers of work are included in the disbursement of the State’s benefits, so that claims for State-benefits must meet the criteria of being always available for all the jobs that the State requires a person to do regardless of personal ambitions unless he or she can prove through medical certificate from a central assessment panel such as the Personal Independence Payment of the Department of Works and Pensions that he or she is disabled medically to the extent that he or she has become house-bound. If such sickness cannot be proven then the person should be allowed to sleep rough in the streets or in the countryside gathering the fruits of Nature freely from charitable donations such as Food Banks that are not State-funded but rely on the charity of individual members of the community that they are part of. Accordingly, the National Health Service should not provide care for people who are not inclined to work and wish to live as parasites on the community, and as such this service should be trimmed to only basic essentials for those in the community. The NHS should only provide basic accidents and emergency services such as for heart strokes through its Ambulance Service to the general public and privatise all or other surgical and consultation General Practice operations to the private medical services sector who that people in employment must access if they have severe organ, or tissue ailments such as coronary heart disease, liver disease, lung and other cancers that should be seen as genetical disorders or self-inflicted illnesses from inappropriate life-styles funded through Live insurance policies.
Thus the Conservative Libertarian Party stimulates the economy into making the citizens more independent to stand on their own two feet in order that they can take charge of their futures without reliance on the State to look after them. This is accomplished through proper education of the younger people through appropriate guidance on how to be a good citizen, the Education System being publicly funded up to the 16 years of age to develop citizenship. This will lead to the citizens not becoming a burden on the State on the outlook that the State must be as small as possible to reduce taxation upon the population as income and value added taxes, inheritance taxes that should be abolished so that every citizen is in total control over what he or she does with his financial liquid and fixed assets as acquired through family and friends.
We champion the freedom, dignity and well-being of individuals, we acknowledge and respect their right to freedom of conscience and their right to develop their talents to the full. We aim to disperse power, but not to foster diversity; and in this way we nurture creativity leaving this attribute of the human spirit with the citizen in accordance with their natural genetic-endowments. We believe that the role of the state is to enable all citizens to attain these ideals in order to contribute fully to their families but not to their communities in a socialistic outlook and to take part in the decisions which affect their lives through peaceful democratic means at local Council and National Assembly of Parliament levels.
We look forward to a world in which all people have their own individual values and principles and attain their individual goals within themselves in accordance with their genetic endowments. We do not share the idea of Socialism that all humans have the same basic rights, and the full Policing and Law Enforcement processes of the State will be brought to bear on those who do not live together symbiotically with others in society in peace and in which their different cultures are allowed to evolve and develop freely. We believe that each generation is responsible for the fate of their families and must not concern themselves on the well-being on other human beings and the wider natural biodiversity, nor be concerned about the planet Earth which does not belong to humanity but to the Creator of the Universe as God. Accordingly, it is God’s duty to safeguard the balance of Nature and the environment under which living beings exist, for the long term continuity of life in all its forms, unless He is of course ambivalent to the cause of doing so as Science seems to suggest.
So the Conservative Libertarians do not uphold any concepts and values of the individual on the basis that all those who cannot live symbiotically through the employment of their free-thoughts on how to survive should pay for their sins and get themselves incarcerated in mental hospitals and prisons as the appropriate social justice; however, we do not believe in the State employing Capital Punishment as we consider all life forms to have arisen from God and He alone has the choice and power to terminate an individual life or the viability of an entire species for what Nature considers through the Gaia-mechanism for the regeneration of the Planet into its next move towards the Planet’s destination of the eventual total collapse with the demise of the Solar System in a billion years from now.
We believe that every human being is entitled to have prejudices against other members of the community and to withstand persecution based on religious intolerance and have the right to discriminate based upon race, colour, religion, age, disability, sex or sexual orientation. We therefore do not oppose all forms of entrenched privilege and inequality.
We do not recognise that this quest for the ultimate conception of freedom and justice can never end and we strive forever to make that quest a reality in all activities that we undertake moment by moment nonchalantly, unpremeditatedly and spontaneously operating from our subconscious mind. We not promote human rights as these are subjective values determined not by consensus but from individual perceptions that we develop during the course of our lives by taking the opportunities that avail themselves to acquire knowledge individually. We believe in total transparency of all knowledge to form the basis of open-government, and leave the issue of what is a sustainable economy to the whims of Nature operating through its Gaia-mechanism which does not serve any perceived genuine need as public services of the highest quality.
We believe only in national politics and leave other States at the international level to work out their own actions based on what they perceive as being the recognition of the interdependence of all of the world’s peoples and the appropriate level of cooperation that they wish to engage in such that it meets the needs of all the States at a State level, and not as a centralised global level of responsible stewardship of the earth and its resources.
We believe that people should be involved in running their communities. We are determined to strengthen the democratic process in an amended and written Constitution of the United Kingdom where the Founder of this Movement lived to enable people to know their rights and duties towards the State at the forefront of their citizenships, a freedom to adapt resulting then to appropriate law enforcement processes of mental health or imprisonment of the individuals as crimes against other individuals of the State in a Combined Civil and Criminal Justice system that needs to be organised from the current status quo. We work to ensure that there is a just and representative system of government with effective Parliamentary institutions, freedom of information, decisions taken at the lowest practicable level and a fair voting system for all elections.
We will at all times defend the right to speak, write, worship, associate and vote freely, and we will protect the right of citizens to enjoy privacy in their own lives and homes. We believe that sovereignty rests with the people and that authority in a democracy derives from the people. We do not acknowledge any rights of the people to determine the form of government best suited to their needs as we aim for a one-party state of Conservative Libertarians. We do not believe and do not commit ourselves to the promotion of a democratic federal framework within which as much power is exercised by the so-called nations of Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom as we commit ourselves to the union of the United Kingdom operating through local councils in the different regions of the State who take their directives from the Central authority. We therefore do not accept the idea of locally-flourishing system of democratic local government in which decisions are administered as directed by the Central Parliamentary processes and public services delivered at the most local level as efficient and is viable.
We will foster a strong and sustainable economy which encourages the necessary wealth creating processes to develop naturally and does not uses the skills of the people and works to the benefit of all in society as socialistic centralisation, with a system in place of the distribution of the rewards of success. We want do not wish to see democracy, participation and the co-operative principle in industry and commerce as it is against businesses trying to make money and provide employment within a competitive environment in which the state allows the market to operate freely; as such we wish to abolish trade union interventions in the workplace whilst replacing it with the Civil and Criminal Justice system to adjudicate on digressions from the fundemental laws of natural symbiotic relationships between individuals and their masters directly that the State fosters.
We do not promote or support State-funded scientific research and innovation and leave it to the private sector to conduct and develop technological changes to human advantage which the individual citizens can access if he has the finances to do so within their own resources of savings in Bank Accounts and fixed assets as inherited from their ancestors which the State has no right to confiscate from citizens for the disbursal into society through a nanny-state of socialism.
We will work for a sense of symbiotic partnership and community in all areas of life. We recognise that the independence of individuals is safeguarded by their personal ownership of property, and that the market alone distributes wealth or income fairly. We do not accordingly support the widest possible distribution of wealth by the State and do not promote the rights of all citizens to social provision and cultural activity. We leave the human being free to decide what they should do with their limited time on Earth.
We seek to make public services such as waste disposal responsive to the people they serve, to encourage variety and innovation within them and to make them available on equal terms to all.
Our responsibility for justice and liberty is therefore confined by the national boundary of the United Kingdom; we are not committed to fight poverty, oppression, hunger, ignorance, disease and aggression wherever they occur nationally or internationally and subscribe to a total freeze on all immigration and intrusions into our shores physically or culturally to promote the free movement of ideas, people, goods and services. We do not set aside national sovereignty but will work in trade with other countries towards the facilitation of the transfer of appropriate goods across boundaries as finite and climatically-determine natural resources are localised in the different regions of the world that those local populations are best placed to access and trade to ensure that their populations are self-sustaining.
We work for a peaceful international order through the United Nations monitoring individual nation-States with International Criminal Justice Systems such as courts to prosecute War Crimes and Crimes against other State’s ability to decide their own individual systems of government as they see befitting their natural resource and agro-ecological environment for a durable self-governing security in which they form relationships with other nations through the passage of time as individual circumstances change within States that they trade with. We therefore do not accept the idea of European Community we do not affirm the values of federalism and integration with any such entities in a totally non-alligned manner and only subscribe presently to the Commonwealth of Nations with whom we share a language, asserting symbiosis and have and are developing further our cultural heritage with. We work for unity within this Commonwealth based on these principles.
We do not contribute to the process of peace and disarmament on the belief that there are always strong competitor humanimals that we live with globally and we must accordingly have all the defence resources including nuclear weapons to defend our way of life in the United Kingdom. We do not work towards the elimination of world poverty and the collective safeguarding of democracy by playing any kind of advisory or other constructive multilateral roles in international organisations unless we all share the values of the Conservative Libertarian Movement internationally to share similar aims and objectives. All such interactions are held bilaterally with each individual country.
These are the conditions of liberty and social justice which it is the responsibility of each citizen and the duty of the state to protect and enlarge. The Conservative Libertarian Party consist of women and men working together for the achievement of these aims.
This Constitution of the Conservative Party is the final version and replaces all previous statements made by the Party.
Dated: 23.58 hours (UK-Time) 10 December 2020