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For the attention of Matilda in Queens Bemch Judges Listing: HQ17X01773

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For the attention of Matilda in Queens Bemch Judges Listing: HQ17X01773




Shantanu Panigrahi <>




Wed, 22 Dec at 10:46

Dear Sirs

I am anxious for an update on this Claim: ToQueensBench(NewCaseNumber)22Dec2021.docx

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

ToQueensBench(NewCaseNumber)22Dec2021.docx 16.8kB


Thank you for emailing the Queen's Bench Division Masters' Listing team




QBMastersListing <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Wed, 22 Dec at 10:47

Thank you for your email.

Holiday opening hours

Friday 24th December


Monday 27th December


Tuesday 28th December


Wednesday 29th December


Thursday 30th December


Friday 31st December


Monday 3rd January


Please read the following and any relevant links below, if your email is answered by the information or one of the relevant links below, you will not receive a further response.

Bundles for hearings

Bundles, skeleton arguments, cost budgets, draft orders and any other documents for a hearing before a Master should NOT be emailed to this address or CE-Filed as per the Masters’ remote directions (see template copy attached) included with your hearing notice.

CCMC/CMC Orders – hard-copy bundles

Our template orders over the last year have requested a hard-copy bundle, however, where the hearing is remote, only an electronic bundle is needed.


The Queen’s Bench Guide 2021 has been published and contains answers to our most common queries.

PRA Forms no-longer accepted

As of 19th July 2021, the PRA or Private Room Appointment form has been replaced by a Masters’ Appointment form and a copy is attached to this email.

Remote Hearings

All hearings remain remote and will be heard via MS Teams by default unless directed by a Master. All remote hearing notices will include remote hearing directions and parties should check our Daily Cause List for confirmation of their hearings which is published daily by 4.30pm.

Remote hearing directions are sent to organising parties no less than seven days before the hearing date. If hearings are to recommence in person as standard, a notice will be posted on our daily cause list page with as much notice as possible. Telephone hearings should be organised through either LegalConnect or Kidatu as HMCTS approved providers. If the Master is contacted directly by a party and not an approved provider, they will end the call as this is not monitored.

Filing of Documents/Visiting the Royal Courts of Justice

If you cannot file a document via the preferred methods of CE-File or email, you can post the documents to our department or leave them in the Queen’s Bench Division drop box found inside the main entrance of the Royal Courts of Justice (RCJ). If you do visit the RCJ, you will not be able to speak with any staff other than security.

Legal Representatives Only

Pursuant Practice Direction 51O of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR), all documents must be filed via CE-File. Any documents received via post or email will not be acknowledge and will be destroyed via confidential waste, only documents with accompanied by cheques will be returned.

Exceptions to the above apply where the court requests alternative filing, advice by Counsel for an approval hearing or stated in another Practice Direction or Part of the CPR. If an order states filing by email, please attach a copy of the order and state the paragraph with this direction to assist staff.

Enforcement hearings before Masters

Correspondence for Enforcement hearings before a Master should be sent to the Enforcement team and not Masters Listing as we do not have access to their case files. Only bundles for hearings or email addresses for hearings should be sent to our team where the is less than 48 hours before the hearing, the Enforcement Team should be copied to these emails.

Any Party

In accordance with Practice Direction 5B of the CPR – all emails to the court should include the following, failure to do so will result in the court not actioning or acknowledging your email.

Subject Header – Case number, parties’ names and any dates relating to an up-coming hearing

Provide a clear description of the contents in the body of the e-mail message. Please refrain from messages such as “Please see attached”.

Please copy your message to the relevant parties where applicable.

Any document that carries a fee and does not state, include proof of payment or fee remission will not be actioned.

If you're unable to comply with these points or any other part of Practice Direction 5B of the CPR, your message will not be actioned.

Team Contacts & Query Types

QB Masters Listing – Applications/Hearings before a Master

QB Asbestos – Asbestos Claims Only

QB Judges Listing Office – Applications/Hearings before a Judge

QB Enforcement Section – Stay of Executions, Writ, Charging Orders, Deed Polls

QB Issue & Enquiries – General Queries, New Claims, Copy Documents

QB Childrens Funds – All Claims started in the High Court where money has been paid into a Court Fund.

Fees Office - Help with fees applications

Foreign Process – Registration of Foreign Judgements

You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions at the Courts & Tribunals Finder.

Other useful links & Plain Text versions of those stated above

Queen’s Bench Guide 2021 –

Queen’s Bench Division updates -

Daily Cause List


CE-File Information & Support

Courts & Tribunals Finder

This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. Monitoring / blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.

Download all attachments as a zip file

Masters Appointment Form.docx 41.6kB

Masters Hearing Directions template copy.docx 35.3kB

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