Employment Dispute at Challengetrg Group
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Chris Stone
Enquiries Kent
Thu, 2 Dec at 11:30
Request Acas arbitration
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Email: arbitration@acas.org.uk
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50 Victoria Street
I started a job for Challengetrg Group on Wednesday, 24 Novewmber 2021, but it got interrupted and I was asked to leave the premises without completing my Induction that was in progress. Kent Police are aware of this as I was asked to assist the police with their enquries before resuming my work for the company. The Police having interrogatged me in North Kent Police Station told me to go back to my job the next morning. I sent the Company an email to let me know when I some come in next to complete my Induction if this was still necessary as I needed my 4 days of work shift patterns to be formalised.
I received a telephone call and spoke to them about what had happened and phoned them back to see when I could come into work next.
The Company has not returned the call, so this morning I left the attached contact point message on their website: ToChallengetrggroup(ContactPoint)2Dec2021.
I also then telephoned various numbers at the company (02089711900; 07738711820; 07500279340 and not being able to speak to anyone who knew about my grievance left a message on Tesco Distribution Centre, Snodland, Hays Road, Kent, ME6 5TR; on the telephone number 07741767103, as follows:
'My name is Shantanu Panigrahi, I have been corresponding with Chris Stone last week and unfortunately my Induction was interrupted, so I need to know my next shifts and if I can do my Induction next week. Could someone telephone me back on 07967789619. I have been to the Challengetrg website and left a message on their contact point. They asked me to visit the site and have the matter sorted out'
No one has telephoned me back so I decided to contact ACAS to see if you are able to resolve this dispute as I badly need a job and this is the only one I have secured in the past few months.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619