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Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000


Samaritans Emotional support5

Shantanu Panigrahi <>,

Sun, 7 Nov at 11:04

Dear Jo

I am waiting for my hospital appointment but have received information that it will not be before 19 November 2021. This is fine by me, but I am no longer confused about anything. I have resolved all my issues of mental health and set myself a new direction for the rest of my life, as follows:

'The rise in global temperatures since 1850 shows that the Industrial Age has now developed to a state that Nature is crying for help, and Nature includes people as well as the other biodiversity on the planet. The other biodiversity suffered a level of mass extinction from human activities unparalleled in the history of mankind so that we are the destroyers and not by some natural calamity that for example resulted from an asteroid strike to Earth 65 million years ago which wiped out the dinosaurs for new life to begin again. We cannot live without other forms of biodiversity for the simple reason that we need plant and animal products as food to exist, so with soil erosion-associated soil degradation to add to the decimation of biodiversity we are on a trajectory to utter devastation.

The reason I am here is to put my knowledge from research to practical application and not as part of any religious conviction like sanatan dharma but for sheer common sense in that we must care for our surroundings now and into the future for us to retain the basic lifestyle that is necessary for survival. And survive we must for there is no one in terms of a Higher Power who will actively warn us of the danger, only I know what is true and what is false for I had a mission from God implicitly to move on from noddy mundane things to having an objective to develop first pristine Knowledge for World Conservation and then to put that knowledge (since I have survived past that date) to practical application. I intend to return to my conscious self now taking care of my body and conscious decision-making to guide humanity towards the goal of the World Serving Nature and not the other way round.'

I am looking for approval from the Supreme Court, as a permission of the Court to conduct myself in this manner, for Victims of Panigrahi Association have also shown an interest in this matter as you will note from the attached emails that I have received overnight: FrSamaritans(CAE)7Nov2021.doc; FrShanpanigrahi(CAE)Leslie Smith-MyProposal7Nov2021.

I know there is the provision of an out-of-hours Duty Justice in the Supreme Court and due to the global interest in this issue, I am copying this email to the Justices for a speedy acknowledgement that these proceedings are under way and that Alok Sharma will have to comment on this submission of mine on behalf of the Prime Minister Mr Boris Johnson now that the COP26 Summit is over, and we have seen mass protests in the streets from our younger generation in the United Kingdom, with placards displaying more 'Blah, Blah, Blah'.


On Sunday, 7 November 2021, 09:50:51 GMT, <> wrote:

Dear Shantanu

Thank you for confiding in Samaritans and telling us a little more about how you are feeling,

Reading back through the emails you've been sharing with us we can see you've been through a lot. Have you got any support around, family or a friend you can turn to?

How do you feel after contacting the Hospital?

We do hope you continue to share your thoughts and feelings with us while you struggle to cope on your own.

Although we can not change the way things are for you, we're here to listen.



Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

Our mailbox is read every day by trained volunteers, all using the name 'Jo'. Messages are read and we aim to reply within 24 hours.

Samaritans is a registered charity, number 219432. It is the co-ordinating body for the 201 branches in the UK and Republic of Ireland. A trained Samaritan volunteer from one of these 201 branches has written this email.

You can contact Samaritans by telephone by calling 116123 from the UK or Republic of Ireland; calls from landlines or mobile phones in the UK and Republic of Ireland are free of charge and the call will not be itemised on your phone bill.

Should you prefer to write a letter, our address is Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS.

For more information about Samaritans visit: Our privacy statement can be found here:


Download all attachments as a zip file



FrShanpanigrahi(CAE)Leslie Smith-My Proposal7Nov2021.docx


__________________________________________________________________________________ 11.15 am (UK-Time) 7 November 2021

On Facebook:

Shantanu Panigrahi shared a memory.

8214ucah7314onmhsre4d · Shared with Public


The Grand Old Duke of York, he had ten thousand men, he marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again

Ho when they were up they were up, when they were down they were down, when they were only half way up they were neither up nor down.

1 Year Ago

See your memories

Shantanu Panigrahi

7t 149NoS2ve4limbfer o280m20 · Shared with Public


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; And all of the king's horses and all of the king's men, could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


Last Updated: 11.48 am (UK-Time) 7 November 2021


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Yahoo/Inbox <>

Mon, 8 Nov at 11:16

Dear Shantanu

Thank you for coming back and sharing that you now have a hospital appointment hopefully before the 19th November. I hope this appointment will help you.

I am pleased you feel your mental health is much better.



Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

Our mailbox is read every day by trained volunteers, all using the name 'Jo'. Messages are read and we aim to reply within 24 hours.

Samaritans is a registered charity, number 219432. It is the co-ordinating body for the 201 branches in the UK and Republic of Ireland. A trained Samaritan volunteer from one of these 201 branches has written this email.

You can contact Samaritans by telephone by calling 116123 from the UK or Republic of Ireland; calls from landlines or mobile phones in the UK and Republic of Ireland are free of charge and the call will not be itemised on your phone bill.

Should you prefer to write a letter, our address is Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS.

For more information about Samaritans visit: Our privacy statement can be found here:

__________________________________________________________________________________ An exclusive holiday coupon just for you, Shantanu


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date: 8 Nov 2021, 11:46

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Last Updated: 11.49 am (UK-Time) 8 November 2021

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