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Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

It is said that charity begins at home but does not end there. Cynics say that charity covereth a multitude of sins. Whatever may be the truth charity is a virtuous in-deed and cleanses the mind. It should not be engaged in to collect 'pious' points to pave a way to becoming a philanthropist to leave behind such a legacy of a great human being in the service of the needy like a Mother Theresa. The cause that one donates to must be just and totally humanitarian in outlook so that it soothes one’s own mind that one has done the best one can within the limitations of one’s resources having a clear conscience.

The State has no money except what it ‘steals’ from it’s people who attempt in their natural state of being to use their ingenuity to harness the goods and services of the environment and which the State then takes from them in the form of taxations of various descriptions like income tax, value-added tax, inheritance tax, capital-gains tax, etc., that the State is neither entitled to because it does not have the moral authority to assume the resources of the land over which it is spread and is bounded by artificially and nor does the State own its people who do not need an overpowering State so they do not need to belong to any such State thriving as they are apt to do in the freely-available entity of Nature created for all life forms to live in by God. The State is therefore only a geographical area of land that a community of inhabitants occupy. It does not require a government. Accordingly, the State-government artificially created and imposed by powerful band of thugs has no authority over anyone to look after the needs of selected or all of the members of society living freely and not as a community and not in accordance with the government’s values of what constitutes a State that has assumed control and power over the society of people thereby creating a ‘Nanny State’ which gradually turns into a Big Brother dictatorial State through corrective education of the people and requiring the financially-costly surveillance of all its ‘citizens’ to see what they are up to daily and identify so-called subversives who wish independence and liberty who are then punished for their isolationism for not agreeing to accede to the requirements of the State in its objective of using citizens as slaves to thuggish-masters who decide what are the human-rights of different citizens of the community to shape them into the required citizenship and thereby frustrating their natural calibres and mental persuasions for freethought and actions according to their genetics rather than to the State-imposed value of Equality of all human beings and so to be apportioned and provided the wealth of the State as the State deems necessary. In democracies, the government of the State comprises of politicians of different Parties with objectives and values that cater for workers or the owners of businesses that wish to impose these values to different sections of the population and who necessarily fight amongst themselves to determine who attains supremacy as the master-government of differently-conceived human rights for the citizens of the State as upper classes, middle classes, or working classes. Such authorities cannot possibly know what individuals really need or deserve and how they are suffering mentally from the thwarting and frustrating of their needs and desires because as groups within the State they are conditioned and brainwashed into the views and ethos of their respective political parties. The members are therefore coerced into relying upon the State one way or the other to tell them what they individually deserve and should be allocated as work or benefits according the public finances of the Treasury with taxation policies of the ruling party that then cater for their own followers in Parliament; usually over 4-5 year electoral periods, after which the façade of democracy is enacted again to see if there has been a change in the public mood since the previous elections as to which Party of particular political persuasion should rule again. This makes for a dysfunctional society within the Parliamentary-term and subsequently, where the citizens one party or the other are at odds mentally with the hierarchy.

The Police State is therefore very selective in its charitable actions towards its citizens. Even the provision of information is on a need to know basis, and the State provides only the information that it deems as being necessary for the citizens to function to the requirements of the State. The Freedom of Information right of the citizen to know what is being furnished and for what purpose is clamped down on as undesirable because the State does not trust the citizen, but expects full trust back in the government to do the right thing on behalf of all the citizens of the State. The Conservative Libertarian Society campaigns for that fundamental right of every citizen to know what is being done by whom by removal of the privacy component of the right to know and promoting clear and transparent government of the people, by the people and for the people in the truest expression of the fundamentals of democracy.

When such realities are expressed the State describes it as promoting anarchy being perpetrated by anarchists, so these individuals are controlled by incarcerations in mental hospitals or State penitentiaries, or killed off as capital punishment under the pretext that they are treasonous views that threaten the stability and security of the State as a nation under the man-made Constitution, written or unwritten. The result is there is never any spirit in the population to the concept of the camaraderie of Nationality, and those wishing to live according to such a common and cohesive conception of nationalism are marginalised out of society which demands patriotism towards the State of a ‘warts and all’ society as the overriding Constitution that everyone must subscribe to. The government uses its education processes if citizens, the Courts and the wider policing and law enforcement agencies and institutions, as well as the State-‘controlled’ media in dictatorial monarchical States or the party-political media in democracies served explicitly or implicitly with the employment of spokespersons as journalists operating in the print media, television and social media to manipulate and brainwash the population of the State-ethos and in the process to enslave the population under a façade of democracy playing to the tunes of the State-authorities to give the population a false sense of security that their concerns are and will be addressed by the State if they are in a majority in the population holding their views.

Thus, the only form of nationalistic-government that is appropriate in a society is a one-party State of Conservative-Libertarians who tread exactly the middle ground of conservation and mould the citizens in this ethos through education from an very early age of life.

If this assessment is seditios, namely the ‘conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch’ let us have it placed on record through appropriate legal endorsement so that the world can read as the Constitution of the State that one lives under.

In a Conservative-Libertarian society charity must be left to individual choices of the citizens who would judge for themselves individually which activities in terms of charitable deeds are important to their individual hearts. Otherwise one ends up with a high taxation Nation that curtails free-spirited entrepreneurship and the resulting malaise of Socialism under different complexions depending on which political party is in power as the pied-piper calling the tune and deciding on civil liberties and the basic needs of the people to health and social care in a Welfare Society.

Big government generates the excesses of a Police State that clamps down on the freedom and liberty of the population to decide for themselves in personal independence and self-sufficiency how they should live their lives. Such authoritarian imposition of all the activities of the population makes for a political system in operation where those genetically well-endowed to prospect the environment for natural resources and technological exploitation of those essentials to life are frustrated in not being able to engage their minds on creative ventures and are then inefficient in terms of their own abilities in the work they do for the State to generate wealth for themselves and so their employees and so that everyone can then be as charitable to their pet causes, concerns and interests as they can individually afford to pay for and spend their time in those social caring activities that are dear to them.

Updated: 29 November 2020; 5.57 am hours (UK-Time)

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