On this Saturday, the 9 of October 2021 at 10.48 am, the Founder of The Conservative Libertarian Society has had a re-think on Consitution of the Society and its future role in the development of mankind. This follows his assessment that it must be a secular Foundation for the Founder has seen no credible evidence that there is a Spiritual Power to which one might be tempted to conduct duties and responsibilites for the preservation, conservation and harmonising within Nature which remains at the centre of the ethos of the Society. I have therefore posted a disclaimer to this effect here: https://www.theallurementofrealityinreview.com/post/post-realisation-musings
So. the Society cannot get into spirituality at all and will abandon all posts in the Libertarian Democrat website for that relates to the libertarian spirit and spirituality is out of the question in the ground realities that we live in as human beings. What I do know however is that we must preserve Nature for the well being of the planet and its biodiversity that we enjoy and so the Society, the Conservative Libertarian Society holds promise as a Foundation for which the word Libertarian simply means independence and freedom to act within the framework of the Constitution of the State that one lives in. The Foundation is therefore disassociating itself from Vishista-advaita Vedanta that led to its formation under the understanding of the Founder that everything on Earth has a purpose and there is an eternal law for humanity to be working towards accommodating. The Society stands on its own two feet and interacts now with anyone who shares its ethos and principles in accordance with the above considerations.
There have been no takers currently as no one has come forth to engage with me from anywhere so pursuing this through the website is just whistling in the dark, unless I change the Constitution with greater realism in its from Vishista advaita Vedanta that I had said the Society was the political dimension of the Vedanta.
We hope that our ethos of libertarianism in this limited manner and its focus on conservation, preservervation and the strive to harmonise in Nature without the spiritual connortations such as the description of Nature being constituted as Brahma-Nature will be taken into account from this day forwards and I look forward to receiving contributions that would lead to the Climate Change crisis management that the Founder has expressed for over a decade in his publications and websites.
I will therefore engage with Liberal Democrat and Liberty to see if it will associate with the Society and look forward to the future in anticipation.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Founder, The Conservative Libertarian Society.