In the 1980's I was involved in the Movement for campaigning to abolish all nuclear weapons and marched to Greenham Common and Aldermaston with many well meaning protestors on the Streets of the United Kingdom. That was a learning process too because my Libertarian Conservatism now does not subscribing to protesting, only campaigning by persuasion of one's ideas for the welfare of one's nation and wider humanity.
No issue is central to the need to put a stop to the nuclear menace that involves the doomsday scenario for mankind with the single action of an atomic bomb on anywhere on this planet that takes Nature generations to recover from.
Within the United Kingdom we the Conservative Libertarians must work towards the abolition of nuclear weapons across the world through making humanity see the perils and dangers to ourselves by harbouring these weapons without any end in sight. If we wish to fight with our adversaries, we must avoid the sledgehammer approach of nuclear weapons at all costs to ourselves and others.
Accordingly, we should get rid of the Trident nuclear in the United Kingdom and other such weapon-systems worldwide because no one in his or her right mind should harbour the threatening nature that is evident in the right wing of the Conservative Party that only superfacically works to protect the interests of the few and the Labour Party protects the interests of the many but none protects the interests of all in a fully nationalised National Health Service that is free for all the people. Ruling nationally through threats in a polarised society is anathema to me, and separatism internationally through military power rather than the power of persuasion for a common humanity is what I wish to discuss in the submission of this motion. Most certainly the world cannot allow another Nagasaki and Hiroshima to take place as global population continues increasing and generates concomitant and disastrous competition for the limited natural resources of the planet that is dwindling due to its finite nature so that all resources should be now channelled to renewables in food, clothes, housing, and energy. That is what being a Conservative-Libertarian means to me now that I have discarded the philosophy of Green Socialism as a religious rather than secular belief system, so unsustainable.