BBC Complaints - Case number CAS-7024794-C1Z3F8
BBC Complaints <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sat, 4 Dec at 11:39
Thanks for contacting the BBC. This is to confirm we’ve received the attached complaint sent in this name. We’ve included the text of the complaint and a case reference for your records (see below).
Our normal aim is to reply at this stage within 10 working days (two weeks), but we hope you will understand that sometimes we are unable to respond by then. We will let you know beforehand if we think it may take us longer.
We’ll normally include your complaint in our overnight report to producers and management. This will circulate your and all complaints with other reaction we receive today (but with any personal details removed) so it will then be available for the right team to read tomorrow morning.
For full details of our complaints process please visit: Please don’t reply to this email because it’s an automated acknowledgement sent from an account which can’t receive replies. If you do need to get in touch, please use our webform instead at, quoting your reference number.
Here are the details of your complaint:
Non response to repeated need expressed for news
Dear BBC
Over the past several years I have gone from encountering institional racism and insitutional corruption in the Judicial and Law Enforcment processes of the United Kingdom to Constitutional racism and Constitutional corruption. It all started 24 years ago when I was dismssed from the service of the Natural Resources Insitute of the University of Greenwich which through a kangaroo court that I was not allowed to submit my evidence on my terms found me blameworthy of gross misconduct and summarily dismissed from service without any of my £55,000 severance payment.
Then the process of legal resolution of the dispute began with me over those years consulting over 55 lawyers to represent me at the Employment Tribunals and Courts (both civil and criminal) including a petition to Her Majesty the Queen that was repeated a couple of times.
The State took its vendetta on me for exposing the sham of Law Enforcement that led me to being detained in mental hospitals on two ocassions, placed on mental health medications on the grounds that the Psychiatrists said that I had always suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and persistent delusional disorders, while at the same time the Police arrested me for Stalking someone and harassing the person, but would not provide me with an update on the Police investigation, as follows:
Progress Report on your enquiries: Katrina Sale: Harassment and Stalking
Shantanu Panigrahi
Paul Nichols PC 46015002
Sat, 4 Dec at 10:54
PC Nichols
Dear PC Nichols
My life is in limbo since my arrest by yourself on the 24 of November....truncated.
I am surprised the the BBC has not followed the news of the story of my life in the United Kingdom, namely of State-organised persecution for truth-seeking and truth-exposure as a Social Media journalist.
I had on two occasions brought this matter to your attention but had got no replies as to why it is not newsworthy.
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Please note: this email is sent from an unmonitored address so please don’t reply. If necessary please contact us through our webform (please include your case reference number).