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8 September 2021 12.15 am Meeting with Consultant Psychiatrist and another lady at Britton House

Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000

8 September 2021 12.15 am Meeting with Consultant Psychiatrist and another lady at Britton House as per the scheduled appointment.

Since I had received no information from Legal Services at KMPT, I decided that the only way to find out what had been decided by Britton House was to go to this appointment, but without my wife and Carer who would only confuse issues. I arrived and checked with the Receptionist who confirmed that I did have an appointment. I sat waiting, but soon spotted Dr Odesanya emerging from a door and he waved at me as he was with others. He then hailed a lady and said to her that ‘Mr Panigrahi is here’.

We went into Dr Odensaya’s Consulting Room. A discussion took place as follows: Dr Odesanya said that you were not coming to this appointment. I replied that was before Legal Services of KMPT sent me a letter and I need to find out the details of what it involved. It said that an email had been received from me in which I had threatened to come to your house and take you away. And another email in which I am supposed to have written sexual material. I needed to find out about that. I never sent those emails. They were sent by the Security Services of the State. Dr Odesanya said, ‘do you want me to prosecute you?’ I said ‘Yes, it will make sure that all the details come out in a court of law, of how I have been persecuted by the State Security Services for 24 years because I took the University of Greenwich to the Courts for stealing my £55,000 severance payment. I received 1500 criminal anonymous emails. These were sent to my employers like Tesco and Sainsburys to destroy my employment prospects and to make me a destitute in this country. Dr Odesanya said, you had said to your GP that you should not have been discharged from secondary care of Britton House back to primary Care. I said there was a good reason for that, the Court had harassed me by writing to me that it was putting me through a Pre-Trial Hearing to judge my criminality and I had to resist that attempt. The Court then ordered me to pay £4170 to the Defendants for bringing them to Court. Dr Odesanya asked what is the Court saying now. I replied that I had appealed, my wife had also appealed against that decision but the Court is silent. Why is it silent since 23 June 2021, I asked Dr Odesanya. They should realise that I will never ever leave this country. Dr Odesanya asked why would the State Security Services send out such emails. I said to make trouble for me. My solicitor is looking into it. Dr Odesanya then gave me two emails: sent to him from Legal Services Kent and Medway Trust dated 25 August 2021, 0942 am (Dr Odesanya25Aug2021ab.pdf) with highlighted sections, and another email from Nomen Nescio dated 6 July 2021 0806 am (DrOdesanya6Jul2021B.pdf, which contained a email dated 28 November 2019, 12.58 am sent by me to Jo of the Samaritans.

I said that my biggest mistake was to seek justice; there is no justice in this country, adding that it is a Police State.

Dr Odesanya then asked how is your mental health now. I replied I am fine because I do not reply just ignore their emails. I have decided that I cannot go for a job as I have aches and pains all over my body now, but my mental state is pleasant, I am not paranoid schizophrenic, do not have delusions or paranoia. I am in full control of all my mental faculties, no mental conditions are apparent. Dr Odesanya asked why did your wife not come to the appointment. I replied that she is working from home and is busy but has said that if you need to speak to her you can telephone her.

Dr Odesanya then said that he was discharging me to primary Care now back to the GP. I replied that I need a Care Plan. He said there will be no Care Plan. I said this appointment is for a Medication Review, and pointed this out in the letter of appointment. He did not reply. I said I will take my medications if my wife tells me to take them, for she is the only person I trust with my welfare.

The Appointment ended inconclusively on that note.

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