Jue Be positive, have faith in your ability and your convictions, and stand up and be counted. This is what the Conservative Libertarian Society recommends. Do not be idle, for life does not stand still. Stop oaning and droning on injustices and living on handouts, but put your energies into your work to stand , firm and solid to ensure your own independence and libertarian spirit that is the source of all creativity, the creativity that establishes your mark in history as someone who contributed rather than lived as a parasite on society.
Having faith in ones solidity of comprehension of Reality enables one to take this stance and lose all fears as to the repercussions of one's actions, for they are through yoga perfected into nonchalance, spontaneity and unpremeditateness of actions. It is needed to demonstrate that one has no ulterior motives but to do something that one has to do within the framework of doing something good for oneself and society.
Take all oppositions to your ideas with a pinch of salt for they are all in the game of life trying to establish their own identities and leaving behind their own legacies. The attitude that the legacy should be top-class forms the truth-based dependence on the source of all inspirations that takes one forwards in life in the spirit of live and let live, haromonising and preserving and conservational tendencies. Harm no body: leave everyone to be themselves. Act on your own. Be your own guru, for dependence confuses the mind and leads one astray from the narrowing of the truth path to liberty and prosperity in security.
Shantanu Panigrahi
29 June 2021, 8.30 am (UK-Time)