Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
info@rusemb.org.uk, ukrembassyuk@gmail.com
Tue, 21 Jun at 20:03
Right Honourable Boris Johnson
Dear Mr Johnson
We must care for the environment because God created the world for us to live in. We continue to destroy the word through wars based on religious or nationalistic/patriotic ground or on grounds that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a country is sacrosanct. This attitude is highly destructive for the world that we live in. I have over the past few days had confirmation that God exists and in His magnanimity given all living beings the free will to decide what they wish to do with their lives and politically as government of the nation that they are living in. Wars are something we can do something immediately about. There are other aspects of the global environment which will take more time, namely Climate Change. We need to build a world that is in peace not war continually in some part of the globe or the other.
Life is important, and also important is the infrastructure that is destroyed during wars. Russia has shown how it will react to perceived provocation from North Atlantic Treaty Alliance to reach its borders in Ukraine. It has already killed thousands of civilians and troops of the Ukranian armed forces which has mercenaries from Britain and other countries as the recent events of the captured soldiers from the UK and Morocco show. Humanitarian aid by well-intentioned charities is not the answer. This war has to come to an end, not made to last for years as both sides are getting entrenched in their positions.
You Prime Minister can do something about it: stop sending arms, armaments and missiles to Ukraine to reverse your policy of Churchillian support for the government of Ukraine. Stop the sanctions against Russia that is not only disastrous for the world economy and which will lead to food shortages across the globe and make peace with Russia. Let Ukraine be a neutral country, neither for nor against NATO, and similarly neither for nor against Russia. I will send this same message to Mr Vladimir Putin and Mr Zelensky. I am saying this to Mr Joe Biden as well. The country of Ukraine must rebuild itself for it is the breadbasket for millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Europe. Do not let the world fragment into individual nation states living in ignorance and hence poverty:

Inline image
I have founded the Conservative Libertarian Society that channels its efforts on conservation and preservation of the environment. I can help in bringing both sides together if it is needed. I will do my best. I do not play the blame game. Both sides are living in ignorance on what is religion and what is the stupidity of the idea of Motherland and nation states who cannot but interrelate for their basic necessities of life such as food, fuel, energy, metals, and technology.
There is nothing to be gained from continuing this war. One side has to offer the olive branch, and it has to be Ukraine for Russia is a dictatorial State and trying to regain its old Soviet empire in Europe. The war is between NATO and Russia with Ukraine being a pawn in the warfare.
You may disagree with me, but I thought it best if I make the Society's view clearly spelt out: we are against all wars as a pacifist organisation working to care for God's Creation wherever we see the need to do so.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Automatic reply: Fuelling the War in Ukraine: DEMAND FOR IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE
JOHNSON, Boris <boris.johnson.mp@parliament.uk>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Tue, 21 Jun at 20:03
Member of Parliament for Uxbridge and South Ruislip
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The Rt. Hon. Boris Johnson MP
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