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Repeal of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Writer's picture: shanpanigrahi3000shanpanigrahi3000


Liberal Democrats Spring Conference: 19th to 21st March 2021

Motion Drafting Deadlines:

Drafting Advice for motions: 17th December 2020

Motions Deadline: 6th January 2021


The Police State of the United Kingdom is very selective in its charitable actions towards its citizens by way of the provision of information that should really be so-freely accessible to the citizens that not doing so should be made a State-crime towards its citizens born of dictatorial enslavement of the citizens to live in servitude to the Monarch. The basis of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 is to protect the provision of information by keeping it on a need to know basis, and the State decides what this information should be through the laws it enacts governing the right to privacy of the individual citizens of society. Such privacy is anti-Nature and the withholding of information from the general public that frustrates the people from having the necessary tools as the means for symbiotic association between themselves (rather than as citizens to the State) to enable them to live in camaraderie towards a commonality of purpose and communality of association within the society of the State free of State-organised persecution of the people.

In a Liberal Democracy, government and all dealings between members of society should be fully transparent, and not left to the dictations of vested interest groups who control the State and which then employs voices as State-spokespersons which is disseminated to the people through the Media in the print sector, on television or in on-line facilities.

Liberalism relies on the facilitation of such freedom of information to be made freely available to all citizens who have a need to access whatever information they need to broaden their individual scope for diversifying their daily activities in the quest for survival in Nature at a personal level from personal investigations that they do not have to spend their resources to pay for the State’s legal representatives in the form of lawyers pretending to be serving the people but doing so under approval of the State for the advice that they give and so not independently receiving the information they need and want to know.

At present, the State therefore improperly regulates by privatising the commerce of the accessing of information and treating information itself as being private and confidential, thereby providing citizens with only the information that the State deems as being necessary for the citizens to function to the requirements of the State. The State determines what the citizen ‘needs’ to know and not the other way round.

The Freedom of Information right of the citizen to know what is happening in such Police-State society operated by the secretive State-Establishment using extensive State-surveillance tools and agencies across the board to perpetuate the regulation of the information enforced through its value-laden perspective to being furnished into society thwarts the citizen’s desire to know what the purpose of such restrictions on the sharing of information is so as to gain power that the real information that they need to give them free-reign to be able to make their individual survival-oriented decisions; with the implicit State's threat to its population that Court's use the associated laws will be used to clamp-down on these desperately-needed desires of the public as being undesirable human attributes because the State does not trust the citizen being a dysfunctional State, and expects full trust-back from the citizen to the government to be always assuming to be doing the right and righteous things on behalf of all the citizens of the State under the religious-pretext of supposedly having a divine right of Kings and Queens as Rulers over the people.

The Conservative Libertarian Society wing of the Liberal Democrats Party campaigns for that fundamental right of every citizen in a Reformed State through evolutionary rather than revolutionary methods of peaceful protest to know what is being done to him or her and by whom from the removal of the privacy component of the right to know and thereby to promote clear and transparent government of the people, by the people and for the people in the truest expression of the fundamentals of democracy.

Motion for Spring 2021 Conference of the Liberal Democrats

This Motion therefore and accordingly submits for consideration the following change enacted through a total change in the philosophy of the provision of information.

‘’Conference calls on Liberal Democrats in Parliament to work for a review of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to make it possible for all who need and desire information to not have to go through regulatory processes of the Act and get information on demand‘’

Proposer of the Motion:

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Membership Number: 8763623

Representational Interest:

The Conservative Libertarian Society Sub-Group

The Liberal Democratic Party


Preliminary Consultations for the Motion:

Fwd: Typeform: New response for Motions Advice

Geoffrey Payne <>

28 Nov 2020, 11:54

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